Hi Deb, Yep they have mentioned HCG to us too but i just dont know why they havent given us an ultrasound! how are they to know its not something like a tumour! how did your ultrasound go?
Hi WANBMUM, my oh had an ultrasound, i wasnt allowed in (god knows why- his poor little face when he found he had to go on his own

) anyways its was an ultrasound scan of testicles and the bit above the willy (what on earth is that called? lol) its to check for the grain of the testicled and size etc. i know that they do touch your willy a bit and move it around and out of the way. OH said he had to hold it up out of the way with a paper towel and he felt lik an idiot whilst this women 'played with his balls'.
I knew what was going to happen but have found it best not to tell him whats coming as if he knows someone is going to be messing he will just worry and talk himself out of going. our ultrasound came back ok, they also check all the tubes are there correctly!
so sorry alot fo you are going through a hardtime at the moment. we went through the same thing in fact at one of fertility appointments the doctor asked my OH if she could bring some nurses in whilst she examined his privates. and he was like 'i would rather you didnt, i have 6 different doctors examine me and its embarrassing and they all say the same thing'. now we see a male endocronologist doctor who he feelsw much more comfortable with and takes him into another room.
It sounds easy to say, we found out April '10 so its been like 13 months for us and 2.5 years of trying and it is getting easier, we are much more chilled out about things although sometimes a bit frustrated about the waiting lists but as a couple we are good. infact we joke now 'ah its not so bad right now look at all the time and money we have to ourselves' we make sure we enjoy the benefits of not having children so that it is not the be all and end all of our lives.
it is a grieving process and everyday it gets a little bit easier. My oh really felt like absolute shit and went through the whole leave me for a real man who can give you children. all you care about is having a child not who its with. etc etc. its a massive shock for them! i dont know how i would cope if it was me.
What i have learnt is they are men, they dont want to know all the facts and processes and to talk about it every night. they know they dont make any sperm belive me it will be all they think about. but oh has trust in me and my research that i know what i amtalking about when we see the doctors. it a scary time and they want to feel safe. and men hate talking about most things so something like this will be even worse for them. i know he is thinking about it, we cant make the doctors move any quicker so no point going over it. i wanted to talk about it at first because it was all i could think about but honestly it really does get easier. You get through the frist bit and your just so close for having gone through this massive thing together. and i think turn out to be much better parents in the long run we have waited so long for a baby, will have very loving parents when they get here.
you will both cry, say it isnt fair, get angry. but it will get easier to deal with. promise