Dealing with azoospermia?

Welcome sorry you have had to join the group hun there is some wonderful ladies here that have some great advice x
Thanks Silverbell - that is great to know - Im so happy to hear your parents are being so good, it gave me tears in my eyes them telling you to stay strong for him :) You are very lucky and for your mum to be so open to donor sperm. Wow. Question, did u cry while telling them? (what i worry about is starting to cry and not stopping lol)
I think I have made up my mind to speak to my mum but i will wait until that time just happens. I know she will be so supportive but I'm also apprehensive to tell her as i know she will be so upset for me as she knows how much Ive always wanted babies all my life.
Hopingtc2011, I havent been to ANY of my hubby's app/tests. mainly because my work are not the best to get time off and i dont want to explain to them but secondly my OH wants to do it all alone, he is always like this, likes to just get on with it. he did say if i wanted to go i could but he would prefer to do it by himself.
Waitingginger, I KNOW they really dont have a set process, it seems like whoever you see has their own way of doing things. Surely it should be ABC. I dont know :(
For those in UK/Ireland, there is a programme/documentary on Channel 4 tomorrow night to do with donor sperm. I think its a story following a girl conceived by donor sperm and her story to find her biological father.
I hope its a positive experience as sometimes these docu only show extreme bad cases.
Thanks Silverbell - that is great to know - Im so happy to hear your parents are being so good, it gave me tears in my eyes them telling you to stay strong for him :) You are very lucky and for your mum to be so open to donor sperm. Wow. Question, did u cry while telling them? (what i worry about is starting to cry and not stopping lol)
I think I have made up my mind to speak to my mum but i will wait until that time just happens. I know she will be so supportive but I'm also apprehensive to tell her as i know she will be so upset for me as she knows how much Ive always wanted babies all my life.

Thanks for the heads up about the donor sperm program :thumbup:

I did cry when I was telling my mom, but not full on bawling. My voice shook a lot and I had to take a few deep breaths, but I just asked her to hang on and said it was difficult and she said it was OK and waited. I would have much preferred telling her to her face, but unfortunately we live 140 miles away and not due to visit for a while yet.

She was very upset for the both of us, as was my Dad apparently when she told him, but they were very sweet with it too and were very concerned about how DH was feeling. Like I say, I felt like there was a massive weight lifted off me when I told her for some reason. Just having shared it and having them know what we're going through has helped me somehow.
As far as telling our families, I told my sister and my aunt the day we found out. They knew all the troubles we were having, and of course wanted to know the outcome of each appt. My aunt (2nd mother really) cried with me and even offered to pay for the DI when the time comes. My older sister, who also had trouble TTC, cried with me as well but never really said much about the DI situation, just thought my hubby should go to the urilogist (which he won't go)... Now my mother had the best tact of them all! She pretty much told me that we couldn't afford DI and that adoption or having an affair were my only options. Then she quickly turned the subject onto herself and proceeded to tell my how bad her hair looked. Me, in a fit of tears now, said "well go fix your damn hair" and hung up. You would just have to know my mother to know how she is! I found it funny later, but not at the time. Hubby doesn't have much family left. He has one sister that we are close to and that is it. I told her. She offered to have a child for us, but it's not the same. It's amazing how different each family is...
Just wanted to post an update...

I went with DH to his urology appt today. The dr seemed really nice and answered all of our questions - we didn't have many since it's so early on though!

Then he examined DH and did an ultrasound. He said everything looked good, whatever that means. Then DH had blood taken. Now we wait 4 weeks(!!!) while the lab runs all the blood work, including genetic testing. We should know more when we go back in a month. I hope this month goes quickly so we can find out what our options may be.
Just wanted to post an update...

I went with DH to his urology appt today. The dr seemed really nice and answered all of our questions - we didn't have many since it's so early on though!

Then he examined DH and did an ultrasound. He said everything looked good, whatever that means. Then DH had blood taken. Now we wait 4 weeks(!!!) while the lab runs all the blood work, including genetic testing. We should know more when we go back in a month. I hope this month goes quickly so we can find out what our options may be.

I hope it goes quickly for you too, hoping. I'm guessing that the doc meant that everything looked and felt normal from visual appearances ... whereas, for example, my DH had abnormal clinical findings on examination (small testes and 2 lumps in one sac, which we later found to be a cyst on ultrasound scan). Small testes are also a sign of testicular failure (not producing sperm). If everything looked good/normal then that has to be a good thing. Keeping everything crossed for you and I hope the scan and bloods shed some light on what's happening. :hugs:
Just wanted to post an update...

I went with DH to his urology appt today. The dr seemed really nice and answered all of our questions - we didn't have many since it's so early on though!

Then he examined DH and did an ultrasound. He said everything looked good, whatever that means. Then DH had blood taken. Now we wait 4 weeks(!!!) while the lab runs all the blood work, including genetic testing. We should know more when we go back in a month. I hope this month goes quickly so we can find out what our options may be.

Hi Hoping TC2011 - I know what you mean, the waiting is awful! This is the first time in my life that I've ever felt this urgency for something - even our wedding! When I get into bed I think thank god I got through another day, we're one closer - I really understand the "one day at a time" thing now!!

I've been thinking lots about the 'to tell or not to tell' question... I think it really depends on the couple and the person/people you're thinking of telling. I'm really close to my mum, I've never had a secret from her before... but her family and having children is everything for her and in the past she has pretty much made it clear that her greatest desire for her daughters (DS & I) is that we have children so that we can be truly happy.... that's a lot of pressure when you find that having children is not as easy as all that! So for the first time in my life I find that I'm unable to confide in my mother...

I have told my sister and in some ways I wish I hadn't. She had IVF (low SA results for them them) and up to the point were we got the news about 0sperm she was a great sounding board and really positive. But now she doesn't know how to handle it, she told me that after I told her she cried for me all night - that made me feel worse because it made me feel that it really is one of the worst things that could happen; she's a mother and she was crying that I might never have that... I really needed someone to help me through, not reflect my fears back at me.

I also told my BF via phone - she reacted more in the way I needed but she is very far away and again didn't know how to react and it was hard.....

Plus of course with DH not wanting to tell anyone at all I chose the 2 I did tell very carefully! I had to know that it would go no further! But to be absolutely honest I'm not sure that telling people helped.... and once it's out there you can't take it back.
Hi everybody,

I do not post often but I read the posts very regularly.
I would like to give hope for everybody dealing with male infertility caused by high prolactin.

We were struggling with TTC from 2005 till 2008. Infertility cause: male infertility.

We had twice ICSI treatments without success and bad hyperstims twice.

After these treatments, I decided to go with alternative treatment.
For me: acupunture
For him: multivitamines + minerals and Pycnogenol.
3 months later his SA became almost normal ( 55 Millions / ml) despite his high prolactin...
5 months later I got pregnant. Our baby is now 2 years old.

We are trying our luck again: I sent dh to an urologist. Bad news: his SA is again bad and his prolaction is high.
His prolactin is twice high as the maximal allowed value...

Signs: his libido was not very weak.
He gots from an endocronologist dostinex and takes one tablet once a week. The libido is coming back , yeh!
He is taking his multivitamins/minerals and pycnogenol again.

So ladies, just to told you: if you are concerned with male infertility, see if the prolactin is high and testosterone low.

There are many solutions: an anti-prolactin like cabergoline.
And Pycnogenol, Multivitamins, Minerals, etc...

It can solve your problems! Do not give up!
hi Bookworm. You hit the nail on the head, that is what i am so afraid of, once i tell someone ,I can never get that back, i can no longer hide from it and keep up the pretence that everything is rosey and I really dont want people asking me when we really have nothing to say or dont want to talk about it.
Thanks for your update Pazienza, it is so great to hear a success story and hopefully you will have success number 2 very soon. Question? as i have no idea what/why prolactin affects male fertility, Did your OH have NO Sperm in his SA?
Thanks silverbell, Yes whereas i would love to tell my mother over the phone, lol, no eye contact,lol. Your mom sounds great, your very lucky. I know my mum will be too, but i dont think i am quite ready to talk about it just yet, maybe soon, after I have dealt with it a bit more maybe.
SND80 - thanks :) it goes to show really everyones reaction is different and maybe you never can tell what they will say or do. That was really nice of your sister in law to offer.
Yes i hope this programme on tonight is good and not a horror story. Im sky plussing it as not sure if OH will want to watch. Keep u posted :)
Hi Wanbmum,

Yes, I read a lot about high prolactin and effects on male fertility/infertility.
High prolactin is caused by prolactinomas ans some big prolactinomas can cause severe OAT or azoospermia...
This prolactin problem was already there since years. But no doctor realised that high prolactin could be a cause.

The urologist has sent hubby to an endocronologist and he became a generic for cabergoline. He will receive the results for his SA soon. I will update then.
Info about high prolactin copied from my journal ...
Just been doing some more research into high prolactin levels so thought I'd pot it here so I can look back at it easily if needed

Men can also have high prolactin levels. Typically, these men have azoospermia , decreased libido and erectile dysfunction. While this is not common, if diagnosed properly, it can be very effectively treated with medications !

The hormone prolactin is generally only thought of as a factor in female infertility, but in fact, prolactin also plays a role in male fertility. If you are suffering from male infertility, you may want to investigate prolactin in order to find out if it may be affecting your reproductive capabilities.

Prolactin is a hormone that is secreted by both men and women. It is released by your pituitary gland, an organ responsible for regulating many of your body’s functions, including reproduction. The pituitary gland is a small, bean-shaped organ located in the middle of your brain. Your pituitary gland releases prolactin on a daily basis, both in the morning and throughout the night. Certain activities like sexual intercourse and exercise also cause your pituitary gland to release prolactin.

Hormones Regulating ProlactinProlactin is actually regulated by other hormones that your body produces. These include:

• dopamine (which blocks prolactin)
• serotonin ( which triggers prolactin release)
• thyroid-producing hormone (which also triggers prolactin)

Effects on Male Fertility
Like prolactin infertility in women, prolactin can also affect male fertility. In fact, if you have too much prolactin in your blood stream it can cause you to become infertile.

High prolactin levels have an adverse affect on the function of your testicles, and can cause decreased testosterone levels or abnormal sperm. This can cause serious problems when it comes time to conceive. Normal prolactin levels in men are typically less than 15 ng/mL. Elevated prolactin may indicate a condition called hyperprolactinemia, and this could account for your fertility difficulties.

You can be diagnosed with hyperprolactinemia when you have more than 15 ng/mL of prolactin in your bloodstream. Symptoms of excess prolactin are often internal and difficult to see. Symptoms can include:
• decreased sperm count
• hypogonadism (in which your testes do not produce the right amounts of testosterone)
• decreased sex drive
• impotence
I watched the sperm donor program. Won't give it away if you've not seen it but just to give others an idea ... The main donor conceived girl was born to lesbian mothers and a couple others were the same. No mention of azoo. The sperm donor is highly eccentric and seemed more interested in a pigeon than the children who had come to meet him. The only relevant parts to the program for me were the kid's reactions to being told they were donor conceived and just how they felt about it. Other than that I must say I wouldn't recommend it! But you guys might feel differently.
Hi Deb/ all, I am 31 years old and my hubby is 27 (nearly 28). We have been together for 8 and a half years and married since April.
Hubby was diagnosed with azoospermia about 12 months ago. We live in Manchester and found that there is ONE male fertility doctor in all of Greater Manchester :nope:.
It took 6 months to get an initial appointment to see her, she ordered some tests which took another 2 months to get back. The follow up appointment was 6 months after the 1st one, and that only to get test results!
After TTC for 4 years I had a breakdown in September 2010 and by March 2011 hubby agreed to go and see the doc at her private clinic.
As it happened, he had to be put on the waiting list for TESA which she said would take about 18 months on the NHS so we decided to go private. By the way, in case anyone is wondering, it cost us approximately £2,700, which was the best money I have spent in my life. The private appointment with the doc was March 30th, the appointment for the TESA op on May 16th (6 weeks instead of 18 months!!! :thumbup:) and they were able to recover 16 straws (strands?) of sperm which is now frozen while waiting for IVF/ICSI on NHS. Apparently the waiting list for that in my area is 'weeks rather than months' and though I have now been waiting 4/5 weeks to hear from them for an appointment to do all the paperwork and start the tests, I feel a lot better knowing that hopefully now things will be moving forward a bit quicker.
My advice would be that if you are findng it hard to cope with all the waiting, GO PRIVATE. I know it's expensive but I got to the point where even bad news would have been better than no news month after month. If you get referred from your GP, get to see someone and then have to wait months or even years for anything else to happen, it's not worth it. Believe me. Your mental health is the most important thing of all and you can't put a price on it.

Also I would like to say that thanks to the new ConDemn government the PCT's in the Greater Manchester areas have now reviewed funding for IF and ICSI, with some authorities such as Stockport and Warrington giving couples NO CYCLES on the NHS. I am very lucky to live in Salford where at the moment the PCT is still providing 2, but my heart goes out to all those couples who will be affected by this. Keep your chin up, keep the faith and if you have to, move. It will be worth it in the end.

Feel free to contact me if you live in the area and are going through the same or just if you want any more advice or info on TESA and the Greater Manchester way and I will do my best to help.
Lots of love to all Long Term TTC xx
Welcome to the group and it's lovely to hear a positive story :thumbup:

Were you ever given any reasons for the azoospermia?

Wishing you all the best on the next part of your journey xx
Hi, yes the reason is his tubes are very very blocked, the doc reckons it was due to an infection. Sadly it wouldn't be possible to unblock them but at least we know there's something in there that can be extracted again and hopefully what they got this time will be enough for 1 full cycle, possibly more than 1 go too... But not getting too carried away.
Thanks for your response and good luck to all again xx
Thanks for the info deb :) there really is so mch to know!

Silverbell I just watched that programme tonight, have the same views as you, as they were lesbian couples babies the kids were searching for a 'dad', so completely diff to any of our cases may be. Ya wasn't he strange, could only love animals, that's what drugs do I guess.
Thanks hippyhappy, that is really good to hear, I hope ur dreams come true very soon. Here in Eire, because our health system is so messed up it really doesn't matter if your public or private, waiting times are the same :( terrible really.
Hi hippiehappy and thank you for sharing your story so far.

I was interested in this because I thought I'd read somewhere that privately retrieved frozen sperm couldn't be used in an NHS IVF cycle? Have you heard of this before? I wonder if it's just my PCT's rules or whether I just read false information?

You've also reconfirmed to me that going privately, at least to start with, is the way to go.

Thanks so much and I hope we have a very happy ending for you soon. :hugs:
Hey Silverbell, no problem. As far as I know, technically you could retrieve sperm from anywhere say if you use a donor who is in another city so that sounds strange to me...
We've been told that once we're ready to go we can go and collect it and take it to the hospital where we will be doing the ICSI. if we don't want to do it ourselves they can arrange for a courier but apparently that costs about £500!
Again, any q's please ask x

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