Hi Deb/ all, I am 31 years old and my hubby is 27 (nearly 28). We have been together for 8 and a half years and married since April.
Hubby was diagnosed with azoospermia about 12 months ago. We live in Manchester and found that there is ONE male fertility doctor in all of Greater Manchester

It took 6 months to get an initial appointment to see her, she ordered some tests which took another 2 months to get back. The follow up appointment was 6 months after the 1st one, and that only to get test results!
After TTC for 4 years I had a breakdown in September 2010 and by March 2011 hubby agreed to go and see the doc at her private clinic.
As it happened, he had to be put on the waiting list for TESA which she said would take about 18 months on the NHS so we decided to go private. By the way, in case anyone is wondering, it cost us approximately £2,700, which was the best money I have spent in my life. The private appointment with the doc was March 30th, the appointment for the TESA op on May 16th (6 weeks instead of 18 months!!!

) and they were able to recover 16 straws (strands?) of sperm which is now frozen while waiting for IVF/ICSI on NHS. Apparently the waiting list for that in my area is 'weeks rather than months' and though I have now been waiting 4/5 weeks to hear from them for an appointment to do all the paperwork and start the tests, I feel a lot better knowing that hopefully now things will be moving forward a bit quicker.
My advice would be that if you are findng it hard to cope with all the waiting, GO PRIVATE. I know it's expensive but I got to the point where even bad news would have been better than no news month after month. If you get referred from your GP, get to see someone and then have to wait months or even years for anything else to happen, it's not worth it. Believe me. Your mental health is the most important thing of all and you can't put a price on it.
Also I would like to say that thanks to the new ConDemn government the PCT's in the Greater Manchester areas have now reviewed funding for IF and ICSI, with some authorities such as Stockport and Warrington giving couples NO CYCLES on the NHS. I am very lucky to live in Salford where at the moment the PCT is still providing 2, but my heart goes out to all those couples who will be affected by this. Keep your chin up, keep the faith and if you have to, move. It will be worth it in the end.
Feel free to contact me if you live in the area and are going through the same or just if you want any more advice or info on TESA and the Greater Manchester way and I will do my best to help.
Lots of love to all Long Term TTC xx