Dealing with azoospermia?

Thank you so much, waitingginger.

I actually emailed one of our Pathology Consultants in the end and have asked her advice as to how a GP would go about ordering these tests. Reason being is I have no idea how long we'll be waiting for the Endocrinologist appointment and if we can at least get the ball rolling with these tests then that would be grand. If we have to wait for that appointment then so be it, but I figured it was worth trying.

Thanks ever so much. What you say makes a lot of sense and has all been taken on board. I did say to DH that I didn't think there was much a Urologist could do in terms of trying to help us conceive, but there you go! I guess you have to go down these routes first or something like that.

It's such a shame that so many of us ladies and their partners are left with so little information and really no idea as to what will happen next simply because GPs and other professionals aren't clued up at all about azoospermia. In the book I read recently that was a lady's account of how she and her husband went through the azoospermia route from start to finish, she said that at first their GP just told them there was no sperm, then told them she was sorry and showed them to the door! It's such an upsetting and shocking diagnosis that you would think GPs were a bit more well-informed. I know it's not a common problem, but that's still really no excuse.

Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox. :haha:

Thanks so much to you all - you have all been so helpful and it's so reassuring to have you ladies to talk with.
Silverbell - I know what you mean, I don't think my GP had heard the term 'azoospermia' before and I had to explain it to her!

On the CF screening I'm still chasing that up too - my GP had never come across the issue but has been very helpful and is trying to work out if they can do the test or have to refer us to the hospital for that one. Unfortunately no-one was answering the phone at the labs while I was there but they're going to follow it up and get back to me. If they can do the Karyotype & Y-chromosone you'd imagine they could do it....right?

I'm only really worrying about CF because of this apparent family link - that certainly points to CF as a probability for us, and that's the only reason I want to be tested. (I wish DH would give me the all clear to quiz our SIL about it!! But he won't and I wouldn't go behind his back, specially to his side of the family - I'll just have to wait until we get our own answers!)

I have no idea of how common an issue this is - considering that it's not on the list of typical tests I'm guessing not very - so please don't add another stress on yourself! This whole thing is bad enough without adding stuff - I hope I haven't given you another azoospermia bogey man to fear!
Silverbell - I've answered your post about Dr Ramsay in my journal :flower:

There really doesn't seem to be a set way that these investigations are done does there?

Our GP did NO blood tests or SA's before referring us to the NHS fertility clinic. The clinic did my bloods and hubby's bloods, y chromosome test, karyotype and CF test. Since then the endo has ordered blood tests directly and our urologist writes to our GP to request bloods done on the NHS (our GP is very accomodating)
Hi ladies. Havent been on here in a while. We recently found out after much bloodwork and several visits to the endocrinologist, that DH has Kleinfelter's syndrome. Everything I'm finding says men with this syndrome are infertile 95-99% of the time. Are there any forums on here for people dealing with this? We've pretty much given up hope of having our own children, but in the back of my mind I hope we are one of the 1-4% that can achieve pregnancy! Wishful thinking!!!
Hi ladies. Havent been on here in a while. We recently found out after much bloodwork and several visits to the endocrinologist, that DH has Kleinfelter's syndrome. Everything I'm finding says men with this syndrome are infertile 95-99% of the time. Are there any forums on here for people dealing with this? We've pretty much given up hope of having our own children, but in the back of my mind I hope we are one of the 1-4% that can achieve pregnancy! Wishful thinking!!!

Hi lemongal

DH has low testosterone and has been referred to the Endocrinologist and he appears to have some characteristics compatible with Klinefelter's. Not had this test yet, but will be pushing for it with the Urologist and Endocrinologist shortly.

Please don't despair. If you PM me your email I will send you an article that Dr Schlegel sent me (I believe he's the world's best at dealing with azoospermia). I was having a read last night and it's not all doom and gloom and there is specific reference to Klinefelter's and sperm retrieval. In fact it seemed to suggest that deletion of a particular y-chromosome was far more worrying.

I think it's good to prepare yourselves for the worse, as we have, but it's also nice to have that bit of hope until proven otherwise and the information he sent me has certainly done that. PM me!
Hi girls, mind if i step in?

My name is Victoria, Dh is 32, and i'm 26 from Derbyshire!! Been ttc for over 18 months now and I knew there was a possible problem from day but it took us a long time to get anything done!!
Anyhoo to cut a long story short DH has azzoospermia as diagnosed after 3 Semen Analysis's showing nothing in them!! He had undescended testicles that were left untreated until the age of 15 which is very late on!!

we are both just waiting for the hospital now to decide wether we will be treated on the nhs or have to go private. And whther they can retrieve anything using ssr or we will have to look into the donor route...

hope everyone else is alrighty xxxx
Hi Victoria :wave:

I'm so sorry you find yourself here, luckdragon :hugs:

Is there any reason why you guys shouldn't be treated on the NHS? I thought everybody was entitled to help on the NHS? It's all a bit confusing to be honest with their silly rules and government guidelines etc.
I'm not sure, i think funding is a bit sparse round here but i'll let you know as soon as we know :-)

i'm a bit annoyed with my other half, gone on a drinking weekend with about 12 other guys and he doesnt usualy smoke but they are a bad infulence and just when we don't need to be having bad influences the only thing he could say tome this morning was 'i'll try not too' (smoking whilst drinking)

men!!!! he usualy hates smoking and only does it to look cool, at 32 i see this as a bit silly but what would i know :-/
Hi Victoria, sorry you got bad news, but I bet you've been reading/researching loads and know that while this isn't good there is hope!

DH & I had a similar difference of opinion the weekend after we got the 2nd SA results and before he had another SA scheduled - my thought was do EVERYTHING to ensure that, if the is ANYTHING in there and able to get out, it is the healthiest, strongest, fastest it can possibly be - DH on the other hand really needed to blow off some steam and be a completely normal and inconspicuous one of the lads.... and with hindsight I can't really blame him & I think I was retreating from the world a bit to lick my wounds and consider things, and couldn't understand why he wasn't doing the same!

It's just been about 3weeks for us since whole issue appeared and has been confirmed and we're pushing really hard for tests to move asap. It's been really tough few weeks - one of the blackest periods of my life I have to say; but I am starting to come through it now, there'll still probably be a few bumps in the road but my coping mechanisms are starting to kick in now and I'm managing to balance between hope for ICSI & coming to terms with the notion of adoption.... like Silverbell said I think there is a need for realism here and once you start going down this road you have to accept that the answers might not be the ones you want... but as DH keeps saying: you're not out until you're out!

I'm also finding this thread really great for information/direction/support - particularly as we're not sharing this information with f&f unless we have to.

Really good luck with NHS! I hope you get a smooth/fast run of it in your region:flower:
Hi Girlies,
how are you all? Its Fridayyyyy! thankfully!
Welcome Luckdragon, sorry you find yourself here :( it sucks! But this lot are a great bunch and understand the ups and mainly downs of what we are going through. Im sure your husband dealing with the news his own way, I say let him smoke, he prob hasnt been able to (or allowed hehe) for the last 18 months and now he can I guess.
I think its really hard to know exactly what our men are going through, only by their actions. It must be so hard for them, i think the look on my husbands face after the last test was enough for me. :(
I do believe we will all get there, on whatever road we have to go on, but one day we will all hold our most precious babies in our arms and our babies will be so blessed as we have wanted them SOOOOOOO much :)
I wanted to ask you all a question. Its something I am having issues with lately.

Have you told family/friends about LTTTC and have you told them the reasons why? We havent spoken to anyone about any of it and I feel like I need/want to talk to someone as I feel I dont want to burden my husband with alot of it as I know he is going through enough and I am trying to be strong for him. I think I want to talk to my mother as I know I can trust her and I know she will be supportive, but I think it will be weird telling her about my husband going for tests etc.
Do you worry that others will look at your husband differently? Not that I really give a toss even if they do, but i just worry for my OH. Maybe if I just say we are having difficulties and not go into the ins and outs.
Hi ladies. Havent been on here in a while. We recently found out after much bloodwork and several visits to the endocrinologist, that DH has Kleinfelter's syndrome. Everything I'm finding says men with this syndrome are infertile 95-99% of the time. Are there any forums on here for people dealing with this? We've pretty much given up hope of having our own children, but in the back of my mind I hope we are one of the 1-4% that can achieve pregnancy! Wishful thinking!!!

Sorry to read this hun :hugs: Might be worth you putting starting a thread in 'male factor' to see if anyone else is going through this particular issue? When I started this thread I only knew of 2 others on here dealing with azoo and now there's a load of us so you never know.

Just wanted to ask; I see in your signature it talks about testosterone therapy - what therapy is that? xx
Welcome Victoria - I'm glad you found us :flower:

I hope you get some good news about funding soon xx
I wanted to ask you all a question. Its something I am having issues with lately.

Have you told family/friends about LTTTC and have you told them the reasons why? We havent spoken to anyone about any of it and I feel like I need/want to talk to someone as I feel I dont want to burden my husband with alot of it as I know he is going through enough and I am trying to be strong for him. I think I want to talk to my mother as I know I can trust her and I know she will be supportive, but I think it will be weird telling her about my husband going for tests etc.
Do you worry that others will look at your husband differently? Not that I really give a toss even if they do, but i just worry for my OH. Maybe if I just say we are having difficulties and not go into the ins and outs.

I think I'm in an unusual situation to be honest ... Initially I was worried that hubby would bottle it all up and not talk to anyone, so I was really pleased to come in the day after we found out, to hear him on the phone confiding in his best mate. We told my parents straight away as I can't (and wouldn't want to) hide anything from them - especially my Mum and I confided in a couple of close friends. I have to say I have immense admiration for any of you girls who manage to keep this totally to yourselves and put on a front for the rest of the world. I could put a front on at work etc as long as I knew I had people to come home and talk to, cry to etc.

But after that it just went on and on - of course I'm glad that Terry isn't ashamed or embarrassed, but he is SO open with everyone about his issue and treatment and surgery etc I find it hard that we can never meet up with people and forget about it all for an evening - it always comes up because EVERYONE knows! It's a weird feeling stepping out of the front door knowing that the next door neighbour knows and his couple of best mates and the pharmacist in boots when he got his wellman conception!! I bet even the postman knows!!!! :dohh: I think it must be his way of getting reactions out of people so that he doesn't feel he needs to hide it or be ashamed of it.

If I were you I would talk to 'someone' in the flesh - you need someone you can confide in and in my experience it needs to be someone other than your hubby as you don't want them to feel guilty when you're having a really down day xx
Thanks Deb :)
Yes I think it is time as I am starting to feel I'm consumed with it. But I know what your saying about everyone knowing and not having a break cos there are so many days u just don't want to think about it or talk. I think that is what has stopped me talking. Also we were thinking we would find out for definate what the issue is and what way our path is going, ie, if we have to get donor sperm, will we be open to everyone or just close family etc etc.
But thanks I appreciate your reply. I think I've kind of decided if the opportunity arrises or the right time, I will speak to my mother. (although not sure how I'll bring this one up lol)
Hi Ladies,

This is my first post on this site. I came across this conversation in my internet searches. This board seems like a great group of supportive women who are all (unfortunately) being faced with this terrible obstacle.

DH was dx with azoospermia a few weeks ago. We were heartbroken and cried the entire night - but I kicked into action and found one of the best urologists in our area who specializes in MI. We had an appt with him last Thursday but they rescheduled at the last minute. These have been the longest 4 (additional) days of waiting and we finally have an appt tomorrow. I know we probably will not get a log of information on our first visit but I was hoping you all would have some insight into what to except from a first visit.

Not to self-diagnose, but I suspect DH's azoospermia is due to medications that he's on for anxiety and depression. I've read that antipsychotics can cause this...and he's on THREE! Has anyone on this board faced that? I fear him wanting to come off the medications to have a biological child, but I also fear that he will not be able to function without his meds. He's under the care of a great psychiatrist so I know this isn't really my problem to solve, but this is the way I am. I think about everything...all the time.

(Sorry if this was a long intro!)
Hi HopingTC - I'm glad you've found us :hugs:

Where do you live? Has your dh had any other tests done yet except from a SA? It seems the order we've all had stuff done in has been totally different and done by different people

I really hope you get some positive news tomorrow xx
WANBMUM I just wanted to say that I told my mom last week and although it was a very upsetting phone call (re-hashing it all and hearing her obvious sadness), I felt immediately better and glad I'd told her. DH had given his blessing for me to tell my parents if I felt it would help. It's just been nice having somebody else know to be honest in the offline world. It doesn't feel like you're quite dealing with it all by yourself if you see what I mean. DH hasn't told a soul yet - he has given his boss an idea of what's going on, but not actually told her exactly, but that's as far as it goes. He says he doesn't want to tell his parents yet and doesn't feel the need to, but I imagine he will at some point.

I also note your point about whether people would look at him differently etc? I didn't find this at all with my parents. They're just more concerned about him and how terrible he must be feeling and keep telling me to be strong for him and to just be there for him. They've been lovely about it. My mom's also well up for the use of donor sperm if need be, which really surprised me. She said she would have done that if they'd had the same problem. I was ever so shocked. I thought I might as well tell her about donor sperm, because DH and I have already decided it's the route we'll go down if we find he doesn't have any and we'd also be very open about the fact with close family and friends, so at least she got a warning sort of thing.

Glad you found us, hoping. The waiting is excrutiating and we're only at the start of our journeys. That's one of the reasons we're considering getting all treatment done privately - we just want things to happen sooner rather than later. The waiting is worse than WTT and the 2ww a million times over! :thumbup:

I hope you get the answers to lots of questions tomorrow. :hugs:
Thanks, ladies. I'm from the US (NYC) so we're lucky to have some of the best (and most expensive!) doctors around. So far DH only had a SA. I'm assuming tomorrow he'll have at the very least some blood work. I'm not really sure what else there is to do. I'm pretty confident it's medications that he's on that causes this, and not a blockage or anything. But again, these aren't meds he can come off of. :nope:

Do you all go with your DHs to their appts? I took the day off last week to go with DH but then the appt was rescheduled and I can't take off again tomorrow. It's not far from my office but it's hard to get away for so many hours...but I really want to be there for DH and hear was the dr has to say.
first, welcome to all the newbies but at same time so sorry to see you here!
i cant believe how many new joiners we have had lately! and shocking that if there are this many of us why the doctors dont seem to know what they are doing!!

we started off not really telling anybody becuase my OH said everybody would laugh at him, but as time has gone on (15th months since we found out) oh doesnt mind telling people now all of our family and friends know. it got easier to be able to tell people instead of getting all the oh you will be next, plus we were all over the place and it really helped having people to talk to.

hope you are all ok! xxxx

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