I might be in the minority but I could never take comfort in the pain or suffering of anyone, someone else suffering could never take away my own, are we then any better then the criminals that inflict pain for fun or because they wanted revenge? if the death penalty was a deterrent then why are crime levels still so high in the US? also, in countries where an eye for an eye is practiced children often get killed because someones father gets killed then the other side has to kill that persons father, then the sons get involved and it continues for generations, I guess for me you can't justify murder, there is something inherently wrong with society when we feel abuse, torture and murder is ever acceptable.
The death penalty has been shown not to be a deterrant. There are several states that have suspended the use of the death penalty at the moment for investigation into the lethal cocktail used. I did a huge report on it when I was studying for my bachelor degree in Criminology. Frankly, I still stand by my original point. I'm for the death penalty because it takes that horrible person from the world.