*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

Sorry I havent popped in

Sweetlullaby, Great to see you :flower: I hope you had fun at the aquarium :D sounds like Matthew is doing great, How are you?


How is everyone?

I cant beleive Emilie is 1 on Sunday :wacko: How are all the Lo's?

We got our pixifotos back & I love them (have no idea why my cam has the date 22 August though :wacko: Havent used it for a while & put new batteries in maybe thats why?


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Heres the one we got for the grandparents :D


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Caleb is one tomorrow where has the time gone. xx
We wont be going to the the sea life centre as of the snow and not sure with transport.
We have some pixie photo's next week to yey.
We are going to take caleb to see santa tomorrow and get his first pair of shoes xx
Faye, Great to see you :flower: How are you doing? How is Caleb? this year really has flown eh? what have you got Caleb for his birthday? santa sounds great, you going to clarks for the shoes or somewhere else?
Yeah going to clarks.
Caleb is fine thanks. Just noticed a rash on his back and a stomach so going to watch it and if its still there in morning will phone docs just to check it over.
Im fine thanks. enjoy working on a weekend. it goes quick and is a different scene.xx
C'mon ladies we need all the birthday piccies to start rolling in now!!

I'm a bit annoyed Dewi's birthday is soooo close to xmas it's awkward to organize anything plus Hubby organized us travelling to Swansea on his bday...hurpfh. How rubbish.

Going to see if a couple people will pop up for birthday brekkie! Who wouldnt want cake for brekkie!

Hope everyone has been coping with the snow...ours is all gone now, and like a plank I never got Dewi wrapped up to go play in the snow. I still have a deep hatred of it after being house bound after havign Dewi with no visitors.
Hi every one i havent posted in here in ages ! Happy Birthday 2 all dec stars who have turned one already <3 Hope u all had a great day!

Chuck im with you on the deep hatred for the snow last year was my worst nightmare and its happening all over again!! i live on the glenshane pass its a mountain road and we have been pretty much snowed in for 9days now!! :cry:i am able 2 get my girls 2 school but my little boy has a speech delay and go's to a language unit its in the city so he hasnt got in all last week!!

any ways happy sunday every one xx
Charlie, How are you doing? Snow here is all gone now thank god!

Ann Marie, Im sorry you havent been able to take your LO to the speech unit I hope it clears for you soon :hugs::hugs::hugs: How are you doing?


How is everyone?

We went to softplay today but they wouldnt let us take pictures, the rest are on FB :flower: We had a fab day & Emilie really enjoyed it all :D
Happy Birthday Emilie!!!!



We're going to the Aqurium next sunday lol got dates mixed up :haha:
Matthew spent his first long time away from me there last night (christmas dinner with work) and then was working from 9 this morning so my mum kept him overnight :( Was weird but I did enjoy myself though im exhausted now!

How is everyone?

We still have some snow but it's mainly really really cold and icy so we have tried to stay in unless we have to go out because Im petrified of falling on the ice and the pram going onto a road or something! :wacko:

Will add photo's of Matthew's birthday next week! :flower: Hoping to get him to pixiphoto in the next week or so for those 1 year old photo's lol Emilie looks adorable and gorgeous Lorna!!

Hopefully going to take him to see Santa on Friday :rofl:
yay can't wait to see photo's.

I'm ok just had to give in and use a hair bobble to do up my work trousers today, still just looking like a fatty rather than pg but things are defo on the move faster than last time all my chub is now sticking out.

Started to feel movement now aswell (a lot sooner than last time - I'm what 17 weeks now and last time I was well past 20 weeks, but placenta is posterior this time around).

Looking forward to 20 weeks can on xmas eve now.

Charlie, :happydance: on movement :flower: How are you feeling? How is Dewi?

Its very quiet on here lately

How is everyone? How are the Lo's?
far too busy planning birthdays and xmas I guess.

we went to a 1st birthday party today of a girl we met at baby group. went to a soft play area Dewi was exhausted by the time we left he fell asleep within a minute of being in the car bless.
Charlie, Im glad Dewi enjoyed the softplay & party :flower:

How are you?
I'm ok just tired mostly, having a full time job 11 month old and being pregnant is hard! Not to mention birthday and xmas celebrations to plan on top of it all!
Dewi has Bronchiolitis...blub.

He was nearly taken to hospital earlier adn we may need to take him later if he gets worse poor thing.
Hope Dewi is ok! :hugs:

It's Matthew's birthday today :cry: party is later and neither of us are very well at the minute but don't want to cancel now!
A close friend isn't well either and her and her LO were here on Mondya think we've both caught something from them :dohh:
Aww :hugs: Hope he has a great party :hugs: I was so emotional at both mine turning one. I always cry when the cake comes out!

Jack took some tiny shuffly steps the other day! I have a feeling it won't be long till hes running around with his big sister!
Thankfully Dewi seems to be fine he perked right up after the Dr gave him the nebuliser, ibuprofen and paracetamol and he had a big old sleep in the car.

Although he still isn't eating/drinking very much and his cough is terrible,

Stoopid Bronchiolitis.

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