:wave: Keep forgetting to pop in here lol
How is everyone?
We're doing grand here though Matthew's dropped another bottle and is instead waking at about 5am ish for it instead
What's everyone doing for LO's first birthdays? :sob: Makes me go weepy thinking how qucikly they're all growing up! We're having a little party between 3 and 6pm (best awake time for Matthew) and means people will not all come together at the same time some will be later and some will be earlier and have to leave early etc!)
Also taking him to the aquarium the weekend before as santa will be there and entry is only going to be £1 each!

Matthew doesn't believe in sitting still or sitting on anyone's knee or sitting in anything

He is constantly on the go!! Unless you turn the tv on and turn it up quite loud on playhouse disney channel and he'll stop what he's doing crawl over plonk himself down in front of the tv and happily watch handy manny and mickeymouse clubhouse!
How's everyone's LO's speech getting on? Matthew's getting more and more vocal and is picking up a few more words but still lots of yelling and babbling half made out words lol
His favourite words at the minute are mummummummummum (think he's picked that up from mummy and me calling my mum "mum") nana, toy and no

I kept saying his uncles name and asking him to say it and he kept laughing instead then yelled no! Was soooo funny!