December 2008 Mummies

i love reading this thread as makes me realise we are all in the same boat!! these babies are so unpredictable!

everyone sounds good tho and babies are growing big! Freddie is in 3-6 months and they are pretty snug so going to start getting 6-9 months now! he is a big boy, not mega chubby just big everywhere! had his first injections last week was horrid! they weighed him was 12lb 3oz bless him!

as for sleep, i still put him down at about 8pm but he has started waking at 2am on the dot! then goes off again till about 7am, still its not bad really! the one night of 8pm till 6am hasn't happened again yet!!!

he is talking all the time this last week! its so funny xxx

oh and i have finally stopped bleeding!!!!!:happydance: joy!

Hi Brockie :D Glad to hear Freddie's doing great. :) x
Does anybody else's baby spit milk up all the time? Lexie is forever spitting up and it annoys me, I go through about 12 bibs a day - she soaks them through lol. And me well , I give up changing my tops. Just wanted know if anyone else's baby does this. She does it when she burps to sometimes. I thought it was her milk at first but my nan said my uncle did it so I don't know? But I'm sick of her wearing a bib all the time, I never see her tops she's wearing, It's a shame, lol. I'm just wingeing now, :rofl:
Hi Brockie - freddie sounds like hes doing great and it is soo adorable isnt it when they try to talk :cloud9:

Donna maybe ask the HV about it?? sounds like alot of spit up to me and Thats alot of bibs to go through lol xx
Donna - Claire will spit up if I overfeed her, that would only be enough that I would consider having to change a bib/my shirt. When it's not that, it's normally about maybe a tablespoon full? It also depends if I lay her down not too long after eating, or if I keep her elevated for a while after eating.

She's never been diagnosed with Reflux, but there is less spit up if I keep her elevated for a good 15-20mins after feeds. :hugs: Hope you find out if something is up!
Morning lovelies!
Simon spits up and drools a lot, so I toss an absorptive bib on him most of the time. But I'm a dreadful, unhygienic, neglectful mama and just let it sit there to absorb muck and grow bacteria! Forget changing it 12 times a day! :)
Simon is being raised on the "What doesn't kill him makes him stronger" style of parenting. He will totally be playing in compost and dirt while I'm carefully instructing him on life cycles of plants and worms.
There is a theory that our children are too clean?
Or is that going to be a hurtin' excuse when I try to explain to social services why my child is growing fungus? :)
Anyway, on the spit up/reflux topic, this is what I have read from several sources, so if it's helpful, go with it. If not, cheerfully disregard!
All spit up is technically classified as reflux, as babies have an immature digestive tract and esophageal sphincter that does not always effectively keep the milk in their tummies. In some babies, this becomes a very serious case called GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease), and Donna, you would most likely know if Lexie had this. It's not usually subtle, from what I've read. Baby does not thrive or put on weight, mealtimes are very traumatic with lots of screaming, and infant is generally very fussy and hard to console. It usually requires medication.
Lots of spit up could possibly indicate this, but if she's not in pain, then the stuff I read said that it's not likely that anything would be done for her other than let her grow out of it. It's far more likely that she's just a baby who spits up a lot.
She sounds ridiculously healthy and cheerful, so I wouldn't worry. But like Nessajane said, it's worth a mention to your healthcare provider if it gives you peace of mind.
My husband says that some of Simon's spit up reminds him of something out of a sci-fi movie, specifically, that scene in Alien 2 where the android has that weird milky android-blood pour out of his mouth!
Good thing babies are cute cause they are also pretty gross some times!
Thanks guys. I am at the clinic on thursday so will mention it to the health visitor. I wouldn't change her bibs so much if it was just a spit up. She drenches them, lol. So yeah, I think i best mention it to see if it's her milk or reflux. x
Hello! It's been ages, I've been so busy! We've had all the inlaws round and various friends visiting and groups and things. Phew! Saturday was my 30th birthday (yikes!) so we went out for the night without Byron for the first time. It was fab! We went for a lovely meal with one of my best mates and I even had some wine for the first time in about a year. Only a little though as still BF and Byron did not sleep better!

He's had his first set of jabs and is due next lot next week. He's in real nappies now which we're really pleased with and into 3-6 months clothes now. It's mad as he was about 2 months in newborn! He's just been climbing the percentiles and is now above the 50th having been below the 25th before. He's huge!! I'm feeling weird. Got weird womb pains that I don't know whether to be worried about or not (thread in postnatal room). He smiles all the time and laughs and this week has started sitting (not by himself of course!). He's also got loads better at holding things recently and reaches out to them too. He can roll from his back to his side, but chooses not to! lol

Byron's been sick for a week with phlegm but no other signs of a cold. It's made him vomit a lot and some of his poos have had mucous in. I think he's on the mend now but it's made him a bit grizzly with pains, though very jolly in between!

I have my first keep in touch day on Saturday - eek!

And as for routines, well we just follow Byron's lead. We co-sleep still and for two nights now he has slept from about 11pm til 6am without a feed. Given DH gets up at half 6 I'd call this sleeping through. It comes after his day sleep has improved loads (I think from feeling ill but am hoping it'll stick!). We pretty much feed on demand except I give him more in the evening before bed and as a consequence of sleeping better at night he is cluster feeding first thing in the morning. But in between he might go 5 hours in the afternoon and sleep for 3-4 hours of that. I agree that their own routines change so fast as they develop and all the hiccups from being ill, growth spurts etc, it's easiest to follow their lead. Having said that, during his last growth spurt he ate so much he kept getting diarrhoea and that stopped when I limited his feeds to every 3 hours and since then generally hasn't wanted to feed that frequently after getting down to every 2 hours all day before!

Hope you're all doing well!
Well had my assessment for PPD, anything over a 12 is considered depression, I scored a 22 :cry:

Doesn't mean that I have severe PPD or anything, just the higher the number the more likely it is that I have it. I have to try and get into my doctor's to see what my next steps are, and the Public Health Unit is going to resume doing home visits with me. It's weird. I have days where I feel so bleak, like nothing can go right... yet other days I feel I can take on the world.

It was my OH that pointed out the possiblity for PPD, said I haven't been myself for awhile. Siiiiiiiiigh.

How are you all doing? Glad to hear Byron's doing well, PB. Any pictures to share? :D
:hugs: Tyff. Hope you feel better soon. No pics ready to post I'm afraid but if you want to see Byron's babysite PM me,
Hey PB , lovely to see you x Glad you and Byron are doing well and WOW 3-6 month clothes he is really getting big !!!

Tyff - hope things get a little better soon xx

Well a little about Logan , he was 9lb 7 1/2 oz this week and is doing ok apart from tummy aches ! On advise from my hv we have swapped him onto the Aptamil comfort so we will see over the next few days if this helps ! He is still only taking 3-4 oz per feed but as he is gaining weight so again the hv isnt worried. He is very smiley and has a little chuckle now and then.
Peanutbean glad Byrons doing well :)

Tyff i really hope you start to feel better soon im sure the docs will sort you out so your back right as rain in no time :hugs: When youre having a bad day just remind yourself that it wont last and a good day will come!!

Kelly glad logans doing nicely hun :hugs:

Hope everyone else is well x x
Glad Byron is doing well, :D He's growing big then aint he. Lexie's shot up to 3-6month babygro's. :o

Glad Logans well hun, hope he takes to his new milk.

Lexie's got her 2nd lot of injections tommorrow, noooooo :( So will have her weighed aswell. See how chubby she's got :lol: She is definately teething. She was screaming so bad today my mum looked at her gums, and yep, there's two little white lumps on her bottom gums. Poor thing. I'm going to mention the milk spit up at the clinic tommorrow too. But she's doing great!!! She's in size 2 nappies now! :rofl: Fatty bum bum! :D And I've moved her onto White cap sma milk. But it's not doing any different to the gold cap, she still has 7oz every 3-4 hrs. Lol, greedy! ...

Edited to add, I was in Wigan town centre yesterday and I got roped in to having her portrait done. It's on offer at £10.00. For a large portrait, in an old fashioned theme. They provide the outfits, beads around her neck, and little hat. It's on the 19th march, and I can't wait!!!!! I am having one done with her aswell, and if i dont like that with us both on , Ill just have her on her own. I just hope she keeps them maulers away from her mouth! She's constantly got her wrist in her gob! Lol. x
Good luck with lexies injections hun!! poor thing teething already :(
Tylers been in size 2 nappies for weeks now but hes a chubby thing lol 12lb 12oz!!!

Tyler slept from 9pm till 7am last night i had the most sleep i think ive ever had as i went to bed the same time as him!! early i know but it had to be done i was shattered!! xx
Wow can't believe Lexie is teething already! I've wondered about Byron sometimes, he's always got his fists in his mouth too, but there's no visible sign. I think maybe teeth get started sooner than we think but it's just a little movement that upsets the baby for a short time. Byron even had a red cheek one time a couple of weeks ago but gums aren't showing anything.
hiya everyone glad your all ok tyff chin up hunny.
well callums got his first jabs on friday :O im so going to cry my eyes out he was suposed to have them on weds but hes had a cold and doc advised to leave him till end of the week just so he could get over it a bit, bless him his nose is like a tap with snot. it hasnt effected his sleeping though for 2 weeks now hes been going down around 9pm and getting up between 6-8am im so proud of him as soon as hes in his basket hes fast on. we are still bf aswel i cannot belive how long ive been going i didnt think id get past 2 weeks.
we went to the zoo last week i kept going and finding a quiet spot to feed him the giraffes took good interst in it hahaha and he was very alert in the monkey houses his eyes were popping out.
Our next outing is crufts on sunday, but ive been expressing every morning to get a good supply of milk for the day for him, were going celeb hunting between being in the ring hahaha

other good news he FINALLY likes the car hehehe but only if the hood on his car seats down so he can see out of the window lol hes such a funny baby god help me when hes older

Louise xxxx
:hugs: Tyff

Good luck for the jabs Donna & Clara

Donna deffo ask about lexie's spit up that seems a lot more than Brooke has and she has reflux :hissy:

All is well at this end, off to get my little pudding weighed this afternoon, im hoping shes hit the 11lb mark now, i havent had her weighed since she was diagnosed with reflux so i want to see if its affected her at all, hopefully not she is hardly sicky now shes on meds and takes 5 6oz bottles a day, shes dropped one from sleeping from 9pm through to 6am :happydance:
My HV has just been, and she said it's normal. She's probably just eating more than her belly can take. But she said it's normal, and eases up at 6months when they're on food. She said don't start her on foods until she's 6months, or if she's showing signs that she's ready. So I'm not going to put her on them at 4 months like I was going to. :D
I'm starting to wonder if Claire has reflux. :S

Normally when she takes her bottles she's super content, and would drink it, we'd burp her and she'd fall asleep... pretty much standard quo for her.

However lately she's been screaming while taking her bottle, she arches her back up and cries, and it's bloody murder to try and get a burp out of her once she's done the bottle as she's crying so hard. She's been spitting up a bit more than normal, but I don't know if that is in fact reflux or not. She spits up ALOT while she's lying down, she'll have a huge puddle of formula/drool at the side of her head. It gets in her ears, it's pretty nasty.

Does that sound like reflux?

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