December 2008 Mummies

Rafwife -
i wondered about nipple sheilds but the lactation consultant I saw said they would not help my problem, possibly make it worse. The think is he doesn't want to have too much of my boobie in his mouth (probably because of the reflux) and he sort of gags, or bites down with his the nipple sheilds wouldn't help get more in his mouth, which is what he needs to do. It seems the only way is to keep trying and hope that as the reflux goes away, he will be more comfortable to take more in his mouth.

Aiden's mummy - the depression is really hard isn't it. I am glad you are getting some help and support. I felt like I was looking at my life through a greyish pane of glass for several weeks. It is easing now. I used some homeopathic remedies which I think helped a bit. But I'm sensitive to medicines so was worried about taking anything more 'medical'.
Shri there you are my DD buddy!! I was wondering about you and little Oscar hun, hope your both ok :hugs:

He is such a sweetie pie hun, i want a snuggle!!
I'm so sorry, Shri!!!

I had to give up BF as well, Claire's a biter and wouldn't take my right breast, so I was exclusively feeding her off of my left. It didn't get a break, and my poor boob was in agony. Not to mention my daughter was channeling her inner-pirhana, so that wasn't a big help either. I cried for hours the morning I caved and finally gave her a bottle. It was really hard. I'm not saying to give up on BF, as I still regret not being able to do it, but don't worry if you have to.

As others said to me: What Oscar needs is for you to be happy. :) I know that BF is only part of the problem, but it doesn't need to be stressed over. I hope he figures out his latch soon!

Big big hugs!!!! :hugs:
I was thinking about you last night Shri :hugs: How are you today?

I realise your lactation consultant will be a professional and knows best, but I was wondering if it's not a case of the reflux causing him not to BF, but BFing causing the reflux. I mean, because he's not BFing properly, when he tries to feed he could be taking in a lot of air causing him to colic.

I know you said your consultant said nipple shields won't work, but it might be worth a try? You'll know pretty much instantly if they work or not and if not then they aren't expensive so it's not a great loss.
Welcome back Shri:hug: i hope you and oscar get over the bf and reflux issues soon. have you tried lanhol i think thats how you spell it its great for sore nipples.
Callum has reflux also its so hard keepin him sat up after feeds as he falls to sleep while feeding his sickyness has reduced alot though this week.
i agree with rafwife about the bf and reflux have you tried infacol or colief just to see if it makes any diffence, callum went through a week of not latching properly and suffered terrible colic even though he was bringing up lots of wind.

PP ~ when callum dont shut up screaming i tell him hes going to the broken baby shop and he shuts up instantly lol

on our front we didnt make it to baby clinic for weighing as i was completely snowed in, couldnt even get the car of the drive it was just wheel spinning, so im really curious to see how much he weighs hes HUGE my arms feal like they will drop off when i carry him.
Sleep omg ive finally remeberd what its like althugh hes alwasy been goo on a night waking up once or twice, hes now started sleeping at 9pm and today didnt wake up till 4.40am!!!! my body then told me not to go back to sleep so i got up and got some jobs done until 6.30ish when he woke back up again, ive even managed to put make up on today and do my hair haha OH thought i was going to meet someone:rofl:

oh i nearly killed myself aswel on thursday, we all went for a walk and took the sledge and my darling huskys well i wanted to try being pulled by the dogs. wooohooo we went so bludy fast in the snow it was well scary and i just missed a tree landed on me arse and had a load of kids laughing at me. Now my bum is PURPLE! but id do it again it was loads of fun. i felt like a big kid for 10mins. then it was back to mummy mode with my OH looking at me as if id just fallen off the loopy wagon.

oh well i think we all deserve to have a mad 10mins every now and again.

cya all laters

Wow, had to dig this out from Page 3!

Doin' the regular "How are you all doing?" questions. How's everyone's LOs?

I don't know why, but I'm having a really hard time as of late. At some points throughout the day I'm okay and I can make it through. Other points I'm inconsolable and so upset. It's hard for me to describe the upset moments right now because I'm not upset, and so therefore I feel fine. I'm so confused! I wasn't on this bad of an emotional rollercoaster even when I was pregnant. Nor was I like this after I had Claire. Why is it in the past two weeks or so that this is getting unbearable? :cry:

I'm so upset. I have had alot of things to deal with (there's a thread in the girly sanctuary for those who are interested) but I'm just at the end of my rope. It's to the point where I can't enjoy the moments where I'm feeling okay because I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

:cry: :cry:
Tyff, I feel for you hun. I have been absolutely fine too till this week and I have started to get really down moments where I feel like crying but dont really know why, and like you, I feel ok again and wonder what was it allabout.

Even if you have support from OH and family etc, I think being a mum is a lonley place at times, esp. when you are doing a night feed and it seems like the rest of the world is asleep!

I am hoping for both of us its a short phase....prob linked to hormones/lack of sleep and being stuck in the house with only baby as company (no matter how much we love them....its still tough)

Take care chick x
:hi: Gosh its been ages since I been on here!
Had a quick scan through the thread and massive :hug: to you ladies having a tough time of it xXx

Oliver is doing fab, thankfully he's a pretty content little man. Which is great as Abbi has hit the terrible two's and turned into a right Diva :hissy: Noah's really sweet with his little bro, giving him kisses and cuddles :cloud9:
Oliver is very much a boobie baby but has a lazy latch so tends to take a lot of air too! which leads to burps a beer drinker would be proud of! :rofl:
Due to the snow I havent had him weiged for three weeks :blush: so it will be pretty interesting to see how much the little chunk is now!
He sleeps well at night, shame the other two dont! He goes 6 hours at night before waking for a feed! :happydance:
Welcome back Shri and :hugs: So sorry you're having a tough time. I can relate to the no-sleep. My dad recently said in response to parental worries about when babies start talking or walking or sleeping through or whatever that at least they'll be doing it by the time they're 21. It's funny but I sort of find that a comfort! When it gets really hard, it really won't be forever even if it feels like it.

Having said that I seem to be on a short fuse tonight. Since Byron's jabs on Monday I feel like all i do is hold him sideways and pat his back and rock him. My wrists are developing RSI! Today has been ok until this evening. He fell asleep on my lap at last after his last feed so I started on my stitching but he always knows and soon woke up. I put him in the carrier so I could get up to feed the dogs and he cried and cried. I then tried the dummy again - he's not bothered by it but every now and then it helps - and after about an hour of rocking him in the carrier and holding the dummy in he fell asleep again only for the neighbour to bang her front door and my dogs start barking and wake Byron up again. I am ready to kill my dogs. I hate it. I never wanted to be one of these people who gets rid of pets once a baby comes along, and we won't get rid of them, but it's bloody hard work! Jess is so naughty since Byron came along. I try and make as much time for her as I can and I walk her every day but when I do spend time with her she is so naughty I just get angry and end up ignoring her as punishment. It's a vicious cycle. And Ebin ... God where to start... He can no longer get upstairs because of his arthritis but he can get down and is always going down on a whim then whining at the bottom to be carried up again. The he always gets active at the best naptime for both Byron and me scattering about on the floors, coming to see me. Byron can often sleep through if he's already settled but not me. Can't remember the last time I had a sleep in the day. And just to get downstairs in the morning takes an age. Dogs beds and dogs, infacol, things for me to do when Byron is asleep on me, holding Byron so only able to get one thing carried at a time or him screaming and me getting stressed because the bloody dogs are eternally under my feet. And it takes hours to get ready to walk the dogs. Bah. Sorry for the boring rant. So fed up of this same old boring daily grind in which I seem to be up for the day at noon and winding down for bedtime about 4pm. There is no day!

Anyway. Hope you and your LOs are all happy and well. Byron is massive. He's now over 13lbs. I don't know where he's getting it all from given he is the eternal pooer! Np wonder I can fit into my trousers now despite eating pounds of chocs every day! So he's put on about 3 and a half lbs in 4 weeks. It's insane! He is a cutie smiling lots now though. Except when he's whinging. If he's a bit tired or moody then he even cries because he yawned! Little whingey knickers.
Trying to post this from my phone. I can't bloody believe it but yesterday THE ONE DAY that Oscar actually naps I'm his chair and I have the chance to catch up with myself for a bit and a bloody SQUIRREL gets into the house down the chimney. It's still there only sneaking out to poo and leave sooty footprints on everything including the babys bouncy chair. I'm so fed up.

Oscar is a guzzler too. He weighs 12.8lbs now. We delayed his jabs the other day as he had a cold and so was already extra grizzley. Still not sleeping any longer at night. And up every 3 or 4 hours but he can actually sleep without being swaddled now.

His poos have changed. He used to poo almost every time he fed so at least seven times a day usually more. But now he poos less often but they are whopping poos that fill the nappy and usually leak too. Anyone else had this?

I'm sat on the sofa with him now feeling zombified with tiredness and bugged by squirrel worries. I don't know how to get it out of the chimney. The critter control people charge hundreds just to come out and investigate and they aren't kind to the animals. I wonder if a humane rat trap would work?
Hi Shri
Yep, May poos less often but they are mammoth and always leak out-yuk! I asked HV and she says the same old - as long as the consistency is ok then there is no problem!
tyler poos once a day now too and they are huge lol and come out the nappy xx
hello december mums! wow i havent been on here for a while.
Ive had a lot going on recently. Me and OH split up when Leo was 4 weeks old and I moved in with my Dad. But now Ive got my own house for me and Leo, just waiting for all the paper work to be sorted. Me and OH are kind of back together but not living together. But we argue everytime we see eachother so I dont think its going to last. Ive been really upset about all of this because I just want my son to have his mummy and daddy and I feel like Im doing wrong by not being with OH. But I just couldnt carry on living with him he was heading me towards depression.

On top of all this it was my grandads funeral yesterday :( i was so sad that he never got to see Leo as he was very ill in hospital since Leo was born and he never got well enough to come out of hospial and see his great grandson.

Finding it hard to cope right now but im trying my best for Leo. I just want to give him a good and happy life.

:hugs: :(

Awww, Sophie! I was wondering how you've been doing!

I'm a believer in 'not staying together for the kids'. Leo needs his Mommy and Daddy to be happy, and if that means apart then so be it. Not to trivialize what you are going through though, that must be so hard. I wish at times we all lived closer together, would be a great support system at times, eh?

Massive hugs being sent your way!
Hello fellow mommies

Hope you are all well ??

Logan is doing well apart from the tummy aches !! He was 8lb 6oz this week and he has his injections booked for tuesday !

Im starting to get a little worried about his up and coming hospital appointment where we find out whats wrong with his head and if there is anything genetically wrong !
sophie sorry youve had a rough time lately i hope things get a lil better for you xx

Good luck momandpeanut for logans appointment, let us know how it goes xx
yeah tyff it would be good if we all lived closer together but at least we can get a lot of support off eachother here. Thanks. Hope you and Claire are doing well xxx
Aw sophie :hugs: Massive hugs.

Good luck at the appointment m&p xxx
M&P, when is your appointment for Logan? Hope news turn out well!

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