December 2008 Mummies

hey kate, nice to see you back around :D hope you and izzy are well x x
yeah good thanks i couldnt seem to find the time but i needed a catch up! lol x x :hugs:
Hey pb!!! I'm great thanks how are you??? Been so busy but loving being a Mummy, she gets more exciting everyday how is byron? x x
Hello everyone - hope you are all doing alright today.
I must go back and read through the posts but just wanted to pop in and post a quick update.

Oscar is huge now - 3-6 months sleepsuits and some of them are snug. We are also having difficulty with nappies, the smaller ones leak up the back and the next size up leak around the legs and we have had loads of leaks and laundry and baths and I am rather fed up as going out we have to be prepared for such leakage...

Anyway - the reflux seems better some days and worse others. He is pretty high maintenance and seems very bright but then also seems to get bored and I run out of ways to keep him entertained. So far though he likes books, the visualizer on itunes (a bit like a kaleidescope) and my Bod DVD (remember him? Oscar LOVED it)

I can now get him to nap a good couple of naps each day but only in his vibrating chair.
We started working on a routine and I was aiming for bedtime at 9pm but he seems to have made this go later and later each night before he will settle and even having extra feeds! However, a few nights he has slept 5 hours in a row - which feels amazing to us after having him wake every 2 or 3...
I've been trying to cash in on the extra bit of sleep but would you know it, my blinkin BOOBS and SPD keep me awake.

One morning after one of these longer stretches one of my boobs was so full that it was squirting out like a water pistol! I had a job getting Oscar latched on and his poor little face got covered in milk. I couldn't help laughing.

Breastfeeding is STILL agony and I am royally p-ed off but still can't bring myself to wean him. He hates the bottle.

What else?
Um - I dropped a soggy biscuit on him the other day. Had just dunked it in my (lukewarm) tea and was bringing it to my mouth and it fell on him! Poor baba.

He has started to experiment with making different sounds and has also displayed some alarmingly toddler-ish behaviour already (like shouting MEMEMEMEMMMM at me)

I am struggling - rather isolated here and feel quite down most days but he is such a darling.

Ok - will go back and have a read of the posts now and send my good thoughts to all those who are having ups and downs.
Aw it's good to have you back kate, Have missed hearing about the cakes you've been baking!!
Shri sorry to hear that you feel so isolated and down. It's good to hear Oscar is doing well, i guess somedays are better than others at least he is being a good boy for his mummy!
Can't believe how grown up the December babies look time is going to fast!
Hi Dec mummies,

Looking at the pics, our babies look so grown up now!

May's latest things are chuckling and trying to talk which she'll do back to you if you 'talk' in her language - so cute!

Hope everyone is finding the nicer weather helps to get out a bit more, I am still finding new reasons not to go to any baby groups but I need to get my anti-social butt out sometime soon.

Just wondering, how are your babies at holding their heads up? May is getting better, but she can only do it for a really short time and ends up head butting me cos it goes floppy!....not much practise time as she's not keen on going on her tummy.

She's very quiet today, sleeping off yesterday's immunisations I think.

Claire's been really good with head control, but she's been like that from Day 1. Her latest thing now is trying to pull herself up into a sitting position... which is weird as she can hold her head up but she does get tired and need to rest.

We had the Nurse over yesterday and even she was marvelling on how hard Claire is trying to sit up, lol. Little Munchkin!

She's a tad bit vain as well methinks... :blush:

All you have to say to her is "Are you a pretty girl? Are you MY pretty girl?" and she breaks out into this HUGE beaming smile... it's the cutest. Even when she's in the middle of pitching a fit, I'll ask her if she's a pretty girl and she'll stop mid-fit, and beam and give me a few coo's, then goes back to having her tantrum

Claire's been really good with head control, but she's been like that from Day 1. Her latest thing now is trying to pull herself up into a sitting position... which is weird as she can hold her head up but she does get tired and need to rest.

We had the Nurse over yesterday and even she was marvelling on how hard Claire is trying to sit up, lol. Little Munchkin!

She's a tad bit vain as well methinks... :blush:

All you have to say to her is "Are you a pretty girl? Are you MY pretty girl?" and she breaks out into this HUGE beaming smile... it's the cutest. Even when she's in the middle of pitching a fit, I'll ask her if she's a pretty girl and she'll stop mid-fit, and beam and give me a few coo's, then goes back to having her tantrum


Wow, Claire sounds like she is really advanced....well done Claire! She has so much hair too!
How are you feeling now Tyff?
I'm feeling somewhat OK. The situation with OH's parents hasn't resolved yet (grrrr) but I ranted about that in the Girly Sanctuary. The days are hit and miss with me, sometimes I feel like I can take on the world, others I just want to crawl into a hole.

At times I think Claire's advanced, then I see things that other people's LO's are doing and then I'm like "Hmmm.... Claire doesn't do that..." I remember someone posting on how their LO's discovered their hands at 6 weeks. Claire has JUST figured out that they're attached to her, and better yet she can get them to DO things! LOL :rofl:

I can't believe our little girls are going to be 3 months old tomorrow, Vanessa! Where does time go? :cry: They'll no longer be considered 'newborns'!
Quick question. How many hours on average do your LOs sleep in 24 hours?
Oscar sleeps around 8-10 at night time and a total of about 5-7 hours of naps in the day. That's when he isn't having one of his no sleep marathons which he seems to have every few days.
Quick question. How many hours on average do your LOs sleep in 24 hours?
Oscar sleeps around 8-10 at night time and a total of about 5-7 hours of naps in the day. That's when he isn't having one of his no sleep marathons which he seems to have every few days.

Niamh is pretty regular now she's over her sickness bug.

10am-12pm - nap

4pm-7pm- nap

9/10pm-6am - sleep

I'm trying to get her to sleep in a bit more though - unsuccessful so far!

I'm jealous of sleep marathons though! Niamh is unbearable if she doesn't get the above amount of sleep. She gets so ratty and moody lol
Hmmm... Claire tends to be all over the place with times for naps, but so far this is how it works:

9:30am - 10:30/11:00am ~ Nap

2:00pm - 3:30pm ~ Nap

7:30pm - 8:30pm ~ Nap

9:30pm - 4am/5am/6am (depends) ~ Sleep

It really does depend on the day. I know that even if she gets up at 4am it's still considered "Sleeping Through" as it's over 6 hours... but I still like it better when she sleeps until 5 or 6am :lol:
Niamh is u
nbearable if she doesn't get the above amount of sleep. She gets so ratty and moody lol

I've had to work really really hard to get Oscar on any sort of routine at all and if the slightest thing throws it off - he gets overtired and will not sleep and we have to start all over again. I've pretty much followed his lead and then tried to encourage him to nap when I see his cues. But I'm not sure how much sleep they are supposed to be getting at this age, in total. I suppose he averages around 15-17 hours a day if you add it all up.
Anyone know what happened to Aidensmummy? Haven't seen her posting around too often. :(
She left a couple weeks back of her own accord. I think she's still on facebook though.
Really? I remember her leaving, then coming back... but she left again? Man I totally missed that. That's too bad.
I shouldn't have posted about Oscar's naps. He is now back to refusing to nap all day long and only sleeping a couple of hours in a stretch at night.

I really am going to lose the plot. Please tell me I am not the only one with a high maintenance little man!!!!
Lexie cat-naps during the day. I think the most she has napped for is 1 hour. Lol.
I'm with you donna, my lexie also only ever cat 'power' naps through the day. It's as if she's scared of missing anything so she will only have little ones all throughout the day! Nosey little madam!
She wakes from 20-30mins sleep as if she's had 20 hours!

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