December 2008 Mummies

hey girls, Annabelle is getting big now, she was 14.10 last weigh in which was 2 weeks ago, i have had bit of falling out with HV so going to be taking her to a different clinic i think.
no weaning here as annabelle is still going 4 hours between feeds and isnt waking in the night, i wont follow 6 month guidelines though if i feel she is ready.

annabelle still isnt rolling, she is trying to do funny sit ups to pull herself up though but not getting very far bless her!!

she is very reluctant to hold tys but is just this past few days becoming a little more interested, she is giggling and shrieking all the time and always has a smile for mummy and daddy yet goes very shy and bashful around others and appears to not like deep vioces much, mainly men

hey girls, Annabelle is getting big now, she was 14.10 last weigh in which was 2 weeks ago, i have had bit of falling out with HV so going to be taking her to a different clinic i think.
no weaning here as annabelle is still going 4 hours between feeds and isnt waking in the night, i wont follow 6 month guidelines though if i feel she is ready.

annabelle still isnt rolling, she is trying to do funny sit ups to pull herself up though but not getting very far bless her!!

she is very reluctant to hold tys but is just this past few days becoming a little more interested, she is giggling and shrieking all the time and always has a smile for mummy and daddy yet goes very shy and bashful around others and appears to not like deep vioces much, mainly men


Thats good, I cant remember the last time May went as long as 4 hours between feeds! She doesn't feed after 9pm till 8am, but she only goes about 2 hours in the day. I think she is a similar weight to Annabelle too. She is v.hungry at the mo!
Niamh goes about 8pm-6am now, then a quick feed at 6am and back down until 11am. I'm feeling a bit spoiled, but I know it won't last! Wait till her teething really starts! :lol:
Hello everyone! Phew I've been soooo busy! But Byron is currently asleep and not in my arms so taking advantage of a few mins to catch up on here.

We've had a couple of keep in touch days with work, been on some day trips to the zoo, parks and nature reserves and of course seen family quite a bit. We've got a new family car all of a sudden which is not a very attractive colour but is roomy and diesel (it's a Citroen Xsara Picasso) and though worth twice the price of our old one when they were new we essentially have it for only a very little more than we sold our old one for. It's got a huge boot which is fab!

Byron is doing really well. He's massive and laughs and chatters away now. He is sleeping through the night and goes about 10 hours without a feed overnight.

Oh, he's crying! Better go. Will try and catch up more later. Hope you're all ok!
hey PB i was goning to txt you in a while as i hadnt seen you around !

Glad to hear you and byron are well xxx
Do i have the most weighty December baby???? Am getting really worried that she is so heavy!! May join her up to weight watchers!!! :rofl:
Do i have the most weighty December baby???? Am getting really worried that she is so heavy!! May join her up to weight watchers!!! :rofl:

What does she weigh? Byron was 14lb10 at his last weighing 3 weeks ago. He started life at the 9th percentile and is now near the 75th!

Thanks m&p, we're good but so busy with things! I type this as my sausages burn and Byron cries! lol
Do i have the most weighty December baby???? Am getting really worried that she is so heavy!! May join her up to weight watchers!!! :rofl:

What does she weigh? Byron was 14lb10 at his last weighing 3 weeks ago. He started life at the 9th percentile and is now near the 75th!

Thanks m&p, we're good but so busy with things! I type this as my sausages burn and Byron cries! lol

Oh dear..... :blush:
Lexie was 15ib 11oz last thursday at 14 weeks old. She started on the 75th centile and has now gone upto the 91st. She is also on the 91st for her height and has been since she was born.

I know they are all different but can't help feeling like she is enormous compared to the babies born before her!
hey due date buddy.
Annabelle at 15 weeks weighed 14.10 she isnt too big hun

how are you?

hmmm well Brooke at 12 weeks was 11lb something so im guessing right now shes about 12lb 8oz ... at a guess, shes stuck on the 25th percentile thing, im not worried she's been on that line since she was born so is following the trend nicely.

Come on somebody else baby must be rolling over? Dont make me feel lonely :lol:
At 9 weeks, Niamh was 10lbs 8oz. She's getting weighed today though :)

Niamh has rolled over a few times, but not regulary so I'm not quite sure if she means to do it :lol:

We got her a door bouncer today, which is very funny.
hey due date buddy.
Annabelle at 15 weeks weighed 14.10 she isnt too big hun

how are you?


Aw thanks hun :hugs:, i just find myself :blush:ing when i hear the weights of all the other little December babies! I'm one paranoid Mummy!!!
Hey all

Glad to see all the december babies doing so well !!!

Had Logan weighed this afternoon and he had put on 9oz this week :shock:
he has never put that much on in a week !!!!

So my little man was 10lb 11oz , and he is nearly ready to go into 0 - 3 month clothes !!
Her weight today was 11lbs, so she's only put on 8oz in 4 weeks :( She's dopped down a percentile and HV is worried.
:hugs: rafwife, I am sure Niamh will be fine! They come and go. Byron dropped on some of his measurements then shot up at the next. Babies don't grow in straight lines!

Dad is currently playing with Byron on the settee so I thought I'd take advantage and post the update I'd planned this morning. So Byron isn't rolling. He can, he rolled from his back to his side weeks ago and did it a few times that day and hasn't bothered since! He can't get off his tummy. I try to do more tummy time now and leave him a little when he whinges in the hope he'll try rolling! lol

I'll get him weighed tomorrow at the baby group if there is a HV there. We hardly ever see our own HV. Maybe once a month and sometimes less. I can't believe Byron is 4 months old now! Our babies are growing so fast!

We've had a fun day today with Byron having a number of stints in his bumbo while I hung nappies on the line, made lunch, fed dogs etc. We also had loads of trips out. We went to collect his summer buggy, Britax Nexus, which after a whirl round the local shops I'm pretty pleased with. We also had a long walk with the dog by the river and as I say went to local shops too. He's been quite charming but since early afternoon has been vomiting a lot! He's ok otherwise though so I'm not worried.

We got his swim nappy this week so I'm looking forward to taking him swimming at last.

How are you all feeling post-natally? Health-wise I mean. I still feel a bit iffy. I posted a few weeks ago about weird womb pains I was getting. They went off and then 6 weeks after the one before I got another period. Now I'm getting them again about the same time in relation to the period. I can only assume it's related to my reproductive system getting going again but I have idle fears of cysts and unknown complications! We've not had chance to do anything in the bedroom which I feel a bit crap about. We co-sleep and Byron will only sleep in arms at night so we are never ever alone together even while Byron sleeps. Added to that the weird twinges and smarting of my episiotomy scar I rarely feel much inclined, physically, however much I might fancy it in my head. Byron's never gonna get a sibling!

I'm fed up of my boobs and every time Byron's hunger goes up a notch his latch slips and I get really sore for a couple of weeks. My boobs are too big to fit into anything and I am so over non-wired bras! I long for weaning now that I might have two boobs again instead of one huge sausage across my chest! I'm really battling internally with carrying of BF as it's best and the desperation that creeps upon me about wanting something resembling my old boobs. My waist is still about 3-4 inches more than it was and I assume my hips are likewise so some of my old clothes are still off limits. Also annoying!

Anyway, how are you all getting along with things?
I was told by my Home Visitor today that I might be feeding Claire too much milk. She's been getting 5 7oz bottles a day, and has been for quite some time. Apparently the guideline is 6-7oz every 4 hours for a 3-4 month old. Ooops. Maybe that's why she's getting so big so fast! :rofl:

Claire isn't rolling either. She's half rolled onto her side (by accident I think) while I was laying down with her on the bed. She was quite pleased with herself for being able to lay like Mommy was, lmao.

She's SUPER FREAKING CRANKY in the evenings. I just don't understand it. Seems from about 6pm until whenever we finally put her down for the night she screeches bloody murder. As I type this she's screaming her head off while OH changes her. I wish I knew why she was so angry at night. We've tried Gripe Water, more naps, extra ounces of formula, walking with her... nothing seems to work. I don't know if it's colic, as isn't that supposed to get better around 3 months?

Post natally I'm okay I guess. Not happy with the 20-some odd pounds I still need to lose. So many people I know have lost all their pregnancy weight and just need to tone up a bit. I feel like the goodyear blimp. I'm still a bit tender inside where I tore a bit... it's slowing getting better but I didn't honestly think it would take this long to heal. My :sex: drive is pretty much non-exsistant as by the end of the day I'm so beat from giving my all for Claire that the last thing I want to do is have more "time" for OH. I feel so bad for him but luckily for me he understands.

God, I can't take the screaming. It's so jarring to me. :( Does anyone else's LO have a crazy time during the day/night where they are freaking inconsolable? Her poor throat must be so raw, she's crying herself hoarse.
:hugs: Tyff! It's totally normal for babies to have a tea time whinge! It's nothing you're doing or not doing. And colic stops at 3 months like babies all sleep through the night at 12 weeks, or all start rolling at 3 months etc etc. My nephew had colic for 6 months. Byron stopped his infacol about 3 and a half and last night we started it again for his last feed as he's been waking early with painful wind.

Aw he's sat on my knee looking at the monitor and my typing. Cutie. He created a swimming pool of sick within his little legs this morning. Nice!
Tyff, is it constant screaming? Does she ever arch her back or kick her legs out to make her body straight?

Niamh would do this around dinner time for up to 7 hours at a time. She has bad reflux and is on infant Gaviscon for it now. Amazing stuff, and now she's totally fine.
hi ladies!!! not been on for a while but have a new laptop now so im back!

sounds like your all getting on well it sure is a rollercoaster isnt it?!

tyff yep Fred can be like that on an evening, its def their whingy time! what time do you put her to bed? ive started putting him down an hour earlier and it seems to have settled him x

he has got really bad cradle cap, tried shampoos and olive oil but it just lokks worse, HV said to take him to the docs and get something a bit stronger to shift it, has anyone else had a problem with it? she also reccomended Hope Relief cream which is from the health food shop so got some today will see how we get on!

other than that we are great i finally feel like im emerging back into the real world at last!

last 4 nights he has slept through so hoping it sticks! tho one thing i have learnt these babies are bloody unpredictable!!!


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