December 2008 Mummies

Simon will grumble to himself while nursing. It's hysterical. He sucking away and making all these disapproving noises. And sometimes he has temper tantrums while nursing because he's too hungry not to nurse and too mad to be anything but vocal about his rage. The last time he just about choked himself, trying to suck back milk and yowl at the same time.
But he rarely does that. These days he's so freaking sweet that I'm almost suspicious. He was an absolute champion on the plane yesterday. Nary a sqawk! Yay Simon!
He was an absolute champion on the plane yesterday. Nary a sqawk! Yay Simon!
Yay Simon!
Was he on you lap or in his own seat? And what did you do as regards stroller and car seat malarky?
I'm planning ahead for our trip home and want to know as many experiences as possible so I can either feel prepared or overwhelmed in turns as seems to be the case. I can't seem to so much as leave the house with three bags and a lot of "just in case" gear and I've never been any good at travelling light. P:blush:
Byron has been napping in his cot since Sunday now! Yay! We're going to make this routine and then try to get him to sleep by himself in the day and then we can finally think about trying not co-sleeping.

Hope you're all well!
Yay for sleeping in his crib, PB!

Weighed Claire today... my little porkchop is 14lbs now. :shock: I was one pound under, I was guesstimating that she was around 15... LOL!
He was an absolute champion on the plane yesterday. Nary a sqawk! Yay Simon!
Yay Simon!
Was he on you lap or in his own seat? And what did you do as regards stroller and car seat malarky?
I'm planning ahead for our trip home and want to know as many experiences as possible so I can either feel prepared or overwhelmed in turns as seems to be the case. I can't seem to so much as leave the house with three bags and a lot of "just in case" gear and I've never been any good at travelling light. P:blush:

Shri, I think it may differ airline to airline, so I would start by calling whomever you planed to fly with and asking if you get to check any baby equipment.
Our airline, Westjet, let us check one piece of baby equipment (either a car seat, a stroller, or a bassinet) free with our ticket. We didn't wind up doing this, as my in-laws managed to borrow a car seat and a stroller for us to use in Ontario. Unless you buy a separate seat for Oscar, they won't let you take your car seat on the plane anyway, I don't think. But again, that may depend on the airline.
As for the take-off and landing and all that, I heard from some other mums in my yoga class that getting the baby to nurse or suck is your best bet to help them pressurize their ears. And it can get hot, stuffy and boring for babies on planes, so a few toys and lots of face time with you might help.
How is everyone these days?

Oscar had his 4 month check yesterday and weighs a whopping 17lbs!!! the
Doc said def try him on some baby rice - so I did that same day, and put him to bed an hour earlier (7.30 instead of 8.30) and guess what?
He slept brilliantly only waking for feeds at 12 and 4 (which is a darn sight better than every hour) AND he went down for his nap like a dream this morning....

Hope I am not speaking too soon but :happydance::happydance::happydance:

So - my tips to those in the same predicament - go for the babyrice. I feel bad to think he might have just been too hungry and overtired these past days while we have all been struggling.

As for me - sore and tired and can't seem to shift this last extra 10lbs from the pregnancy - perhaps it is here to stay as is many women's fate. (I've heard people say they gained a stone per each baby they had and could never shift it - depressing)

Now we just have to figure how to get all the packing done as we are moving in a couple of months.

Can't wait to hear how you are all doing.
I can't believe Claire will be 4 months on Sunday! She's growing up way too fast!!!!

Shri - Great job with Oscar! He sounds like he's doing wonderfully!

Claire's doing well. She's really starting to prefer me over everyone else, which is cute but tiring (I made a thread about it earlier). She's really interactive now, I love it. As much as they're cute all swaddled and bundled up, they don't really do much. Now she's playing and cooing and gooing and doing the happy shrieks when she sees us... very rewarding!

She's still not really rolling over yet, she'll do it if I coax her by prodding her back... it's hilarious to see her expression when she ends up on her stomach!!! :rofl:

Hope everyone else's LO's are doing well! :hugs:
OMG how big are everyones LO's? :shock:

Brookes only 13lbs at 4 months :rofl:

Glad all of the LO's are doing well though :) Brooke has her 4 month injections later today, three this time, not looking foward to that one bit!! :cry:
Awww, poor Brooke :hugs: Hopefully some infant tylenol will help her with the shots!

Claire's pretty big... I'm pretty sure she's at least 14 or 15lbs. She's our little porkchop! :cloud9:
Brookes always been bang on the 25th centile and has done since she was born and gains roughly 1lb every 3 weeks so im not fussed, shes just diddy :lol:

Anyone else started weaning yet? Bit of baby rice or puree's?

Cant believe Claire is 4 months this weekend, i forget shes only 2 days behind Brooke
I wouldn't be worried about her weight either. You're not exactly a huge person yourself, you know? Makes sense that little Brooke wouldn't be really big either. :hugs:

Yeah, I'm always reminded of when Claire's milestones are coming up when I see your updates about Brooke! :rofl:
you all sound great ladies and babies!!

Fred weighs about 15lb but boys are bigger Holly i wouldn't worry hon, one things for sure they are all different!

im not sure about giving him some baby rice, last few days he has been really fussy when feeding, just doesn't seem interested! it really stresses me out which i know is bad as then he will sense it, plus OH has broke his leg and is in hospital awaiting a fairly major op, we have been back and forth to hospital and wonder if thats what is unsettleing him?

ahh i dont know just hope he settles again soon xxx
Brookes always been bang on the 25th centile and has done since she was born and gains roughly 1lb every 3 weeks so im not fussed, shes just diddy :lol:

Anyone else started weaning yet? Bit of baby rice or puree's?

Cant believe Claire is 4 months this weekend, i forget shes only 2 days behind Brooke

May is just a few days younger than Brooke and she is 13lb 2oz...that makes her between the 50th and 25th.....

We are 2 weeks into weaning now....May needed it as she was feeding every 2 hours in the day - I couldn't keep up! She has baby porridge and fruit mid morning and a veg puree at about half 3. She's cut down to 4 feeds now but still takes about 8 oz each go - such a hungry little monster. Hows Brooke going with the weaning?
I wouldn't worry about weight either. Niamh has fallen into the second percentile now, and was 11lbs last time she was weighed.

Cant believe that just over 4 months ago, we we're all posting in third trimester trying to get our LOs moving!
I wouldn't worry about weight either. Niamh has fallen into the second percentile now, and was 11lbs last time she was weighed.

Cant believe that just over 4 months ago, we we're all posting in third trimester trying to get our LOs moving!

I was just thinking that we were all hoping to avoid giving birth on Christmas Day! Time has gone too seems crazy that there is an April Mummy thread already....where has the year gone?
I am back at work in a few weeks, that sucks!
:hugs: Vanessa!

I know! Crazy where time goes eh? I'll have to look into that Tummy Time surf board. OH gets peeved at all the baby paraphaneila that goes on around here, LOL
Shri - glad you are making progress with the feeding. Byron is still refusing to take anything (other than water) from anything except me but we're working on it. He plays with his cup quit well now and has had some swallows so I think I'll try expressing milk for him again soon. He doesn't mind the rice nor the SMA formula we've tried it's just that I can't get the rice out through my boobs! lol Having said that, he's waking once in the night now but otherwise seems to be a little less hungry so I think the worst of it was another growth spurt.

Tyff - I agree, it's so much fun now we can play with them!

Byron rolled from front ot back a couple of days ago. I think he surprised himself as he wasnt' trying to do it and hasn't managed it since! He's very good at going from back to side and back again but hasn't made it right the way round yet. He's great on him tummy now. At last weighing (about 4 weeks ago) he was 15lb6 so I'm going to get him weighted again tomorrow. He has finally had all his jabs!

I agree with the time flying. Luckily I've a while yet before I return to work - using my accrued holidays the latest I can go back is 18th Jan! But I'm wanting to go back mid October and work a 2 day week (3 days hols) until Jan but my manager is being an arse about it so we'll see! I'm going to look for a part time job nearer the time of my return anyway. I'm due a pay rise so if I can get one as well it won't make a big difference in our income.

We're going to look at a nursery on Friday, fingers crossed we like it as it's the only one near us! We've got baby group tomorrow and I'm finally getting to take Byron swimming on Thursday. Lots of fun I think, he loves water! And we got a new baby group opening this week. Pretty cool as it's on a Monday and really close (I walk about 2 miles or more to my Wed group). At the opening we got a load of free things (weaning bowl and spoon , toothbrush and toothpaste, muslin, nipple cream, bib etc) and our picture was taken to go in the local paper!

Hope you're all doing well!
Hi. I am probably the last Dec mom to say hello. I was quite busy for the past few months. Everything is doing well with Arwyn.

How are you all? I could see the beautiful pictures of your LO's. I could'nt believe it. Just few months back we were sharing the scan pics and now here they are. Ahhh....the joy of being a mom.
hey girls

everything is going well for me and Annabelle. we have started weaning and are now on cereal or fruit for breakfast and puree for tea, she is still drinking her milk well but going to try cutting out one bottle at tea time as of next week. she loves all the foods except apple!!!
we seem to have established a good routine that is working well for us now so im really pleased with that.
i havent had her weighed for a few weeks now but she was 15lb 8oz at last weigh in, i may take her down this afternoon but the weather is lovely so may go for a walk instead.
i had a meeting with my manager to discuss returning to work and have agreed ill go back on january 4th 2010 so i still got a while yet but if i can find something else them i wont return, i love spending time with annabelle and keeping the house tidy and doing the cooking and cleaning as well as seeing family and friends. im hoping to become a diet counsellor so if that works out i may get enough income to not have to go back and to just work from home

glad everyone is doing well

Ohhhh it's MAD. The baby rice only worked once. Our nights are horrendous and he doesn't seem too interested in the babyrice now although I'm keeping going for consistency. Really at a loss what to do and so exhausted. Posting this from my phone while bfing. He seems to be on a sleep embargo. On the upside he can roll front to back on his left side now and I'd giggling a bit more too. Oh I to love him though. He is so yummy and cuddly these days.

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