December 2008 Mummies

does this thread include me, i was december mum only it was in 2007 lol
Tyff, is it constant screaming? Does she ever arch her back or kick her legs out to make her body straight?

Niamh would do this around dinner time for up to 7 hours at a time. She has bad reflux and is on infant Gaviscon for it now. Amazing stuff, and now she's totally fine.

All the freaking time. She doesn't throw up alot now that I've changed her formula... but yes she arches her back and kicks her legs out straight like a board. She'll do it without crying though. I've tried to talk to my doctor about it but she just said to change the formula and didn't say anything about Infant Gaviscon. I think I can buy it without a perscription, but it says not to give without advice of a doctor.

Tyff screw your HV :lol: Brooke has 5 7oz bottles a day and she gains about a pound every 3 weeks, personally i think thats just right.

Depending on how you feel you could perhaps drop the oz in her daytime bottles and keep her breakfast and bedtime ones at 7oz

Or give her a bit of baby rice and drop a bottle down to 5 or 6oz
It's so nice to hear how you are all doing.

rafwife and tyff - I am sure your LO's will be fine. Both dropping and gaining on the percentile is very common and usually they catch up one way or another later on. that is the trouble with statistics - they make people worried.

Oscar is huge. I haven't had him weighed since his 2 month check but he is in 3-6 month clothes now - which fit him well and he is so heavy that I really have a hard time carrying him around in my arms for very long...and of course he wants to be carried around ALL THE TIME. We got one of those ergo slings in the end but even then he is too big for me to wear it for long before I get terribly tired and achey.

I think he must be having that notorious 4 month growth spurt. We were doing brilliantly - 3 naps a day and sleeping from 11 til 8 with only one feed at around 4 or 5 am... I felt like a new woman!
However this lasted all of two weeks and now for the past few days he has been fussy mc cranky pants again, wanting to nurse all the time - won't fall asleep with out tons of carrying around in our arms or boobie and drooling so much that he soaks his clothes through in minutes.

I keep trying to see his gums but he won't let me. dang. And, like you PB, everytime he gets better at something his latch goes off again so I am in constant turmoil about Bf-ing as it is so f-ing painful and hard to manage with my milk supply constantly going all over the place and fed up and terribly sore. I'm quite stoked to have managed to continue this far and will do all I can to keep going though. It's worrying because he hates the bottle and it is always an ordeal if I give him one.

the good side is that he now CAN latch well, if he feels like it and it is so sweet to be able to bf with him looking at me and patting me with his little hands. He started to try and look around though too causing extreem nipple stretches OWWWWWWWW!!! but it is funny and cute.

He has rolled from back to side a few times by accident but has started to try a little bit now too. I thought he hated tummy time but last night he surprised us by having a good tummy session with lots of impressive moves. He managed to get from three o clock to 12 o clock ( of a circle IYKWIM) just but squirming and thrusting his legs and he moved forward quite a bit just using his arms (like they do in army training).

He has also started little giggles, but they are quite sporadic, he has found his thumb and he is getting really good at grabbing things now. For days it was all he wanted to do.

He's been gnawing on his hands constantly though and often wakes himself up with it. I don't know what is going on. Somedays the reflux and colic seems to have gone and other days it seems worse and he has screaming fits.

It's all been relentlessly exhausting since he was born to be honest, but he is so adorable and lots of fun too - we have whole conversations with him babbling at me and now he has started to really look at me, as if studying me and he cries if I leave the room.

As for how I am post-natal wise. Well, a good bit better with regards the depression and have lost lots of weight (although still got a big wobbly belly) but I've been in constant pain. The SPD hasn't gotten much better, my cesarian area still feels sore and weird and I have horrible back and neck pain and sciatica, which is really all repetitive strain from carrying Oscar around.

He loves to see the world from our level and gets really quite narked if we need to put him down again and he still wants to see more. It makes me laugh how he will crane his little neck to see things and if we stand still for too long (more than a few seconds) he starts kicking his little legs and arching his back and protesting vocally. I sometimes wonder if we are building a rod for our own backs but we actually don't feel like we have much choice at the moment as it is the only way we get any peace at all - even if we can't get much else done!

It's been very challenging, especially as we have had zero help so OH and I have to do everything in shifts. So no babydance and we both struggle to get anything done outside of what is absolutely essential to keep us all going.

Sometimes I feel pretty miserable and worried when I read how much fun other mums are having and how much they manage to accomplish in a day but Oscar is worth every moment - his smiles totally make my day and I'm ever so proud of him.

I've tried him in a bebe-pod that we borrowed but he doesn't seem to like that. I'm contemplating getting a bumbo though as they seem more moulded and supportive. He likes sitting upright so it could be worth a go.
Woo, we have a roller! She was on her tummy on her playmat, and she rolled over onto her back lol. Twice. I startled her by screaming "Yaaaaaaay" :rofl: Oops.

I've got a video of her today, me holding her and her walking in the kitchen lol it looks so funny. But cute. I wanna show you all but I dunno how to upload it :(

Injections tommorrow, 3 Of them, :'( Nooooooooo-2 is bad enough! lol.
Hello girls!
It's been a busy couple of weeks - lots of travelling, milestones, projects, etc.
I am so in love with Simon these days. He is just so much fun with all the grinning and giggling. He's become a really mellow, good-natured little fellow and I sure hope that stays.
We sorted out a big, complicated feeding problem this month. Simon was using a nipple shield because he would clamp down really hard and sort of chew on me and it hurt like hell. At about the beginning of March, he started to refuse to use it. I figured it was just time to stop then and that we should try to go bare nipple. He liked this better, but I was really in pain. A really intense burning pain that went on well after nursing had stopped. I went to see my doctor and she sent me straight to the breastfeeding specialist.
It turns out that I have had thrush for quite awhile. And that Simon was somewhat tongue-tied and wasn't latching properly and was actually underweight. So we both are being treated for thrush, I am on meds to get my milk supply back up, and Simon had his frenulum snipped (really not as bad as it sounds!). And Simon gets fortified supplemental formula three times a day.
He gained 17 oz in 7 days. Boy likes to eat!
He is over 13 lbs now and is getting all chubby. So cute. And he is happy now that he is finally getting lots to eat. Makes me feel a bit horrible that he may have been hungry for awhile there. Maybe not hungry, just never quite full.
He was pretty cheerful and energetic, so it was hard to tell.
Anyway, we're pretty well sorted and are about to take off for our big trip to Ontario to visit my husband's family. First airplane ride... wish us luck!
Congrats on the rolling Donna!

Shri, Oscar sounds very like Byron. He is the same with the grabbing, dribbling etc. He also scoffs his fists all the time but it seems to have nothing to do with teeth or hunger or anything, jsut a thing he does. His hands are constantly in his mouth and when he is stressed and needs to sleep he bites at them hard, grunting, folding his body and getting very upset so we have to hold them quite tight to settle him to sleep.

Last night DH and I had a go! Only Byron woke quite soon after we left him so we didn't really accomplish anything like we might have been used to before but at least it was a start. It wasn't much painful for me though my scar smarted a bit but man, it's like being a bloody virgin again! We need hours to get into the mood and fat chance of that!

byron's been screaming a lot for about an hour now with nothing settling him so I'm being horrible and have been ignoring him about 15 mins now. He's just lying there crying but right now it sounds like he might actually be petering out which is new. He's able to cry at maximum for as long he likes. I feel mean but it's that or kill him I think.
hey girls, hope your all well.
i took annabelle for her 3rd lot of jabs yesterday and she was absolutely devastated. she cried for well over an hour. mummy felt awfully guilty and i didnt like seeing her that upset. she is one very sleepy baby today and bit grizzly in between so will see how we get on.

I am giving annabelle plenty of tummy time and play gym time, she loes being on play gym kicking about and some how manages to spin about but we still dont have rolling.
i have a bumbo for her but everytime i sit her in it she hates it, she loves being sat up on settee but hates the bumbo.
she loves the jumperoo and now does have quite alot of moving whilst in there and lots of giggles.
she has started shouting at us alot as well, i think she believes that she is the boss of this house LOL

not much else really, i am finding im not using her bouncer half as much as we used to, she goes in jumperoo, playmat, we go out she sleeps on settee but only occasionally goes in bouncer

we are still treating her as lactose intolerant after many problems, i took her to clinic yesterday and they told me we wouldnt be weaning her onto regular formula till she was at least 6 months old and when we wean her onto food she wont be able to have baby cereals but will be able to have ready brek made with her own formula and will only be allowed home cooked food no jars as most contain lactose!!

she is now 17 weeks old and weighs in at a chubby 15lb 8oz

Hurray! I love reading how everyone is doing. Our LO's are coming on brilliantly aren't they? Well done for all the rolls and getting nursing sorted out and all the various other milestones.

I wonder if we will be here when they are 18 years old saying stuff like
''yeah he has started to make his own bed and get his own tea finally" LOL!
I wonder if we will be here when they are 18 years old saying stuff like
''yeah he has started to make his own bed and get his own tea finally" LOL!

:rofl: Mine's definitely going to be starting the housework by 8 years of age! No excuses!

Well I forgot to say we got Byron weighed yesterday, 15lb6oz, and he'll be 18 weeks tomorrow. He's just had a marathon almost 3 hours sleep and his last 2 feeds were over 4 hours apart. Amazing! I think he is really feeling out of sorts today. It's probably all because of DH and I having a go last night! lol

On a totally unrelated note, just want to share that after putting off getting our drain fixed we realised with daily machine washes we couldn't put it off any longer, and it turns out that half the job is covered by the water board and not us at all. In addition to that we get compensation for our water rates paid and also for the disturbance of excavation which will probably be about £100, covering half the cost of replacing the bit of drain that is our responsibility. Nice! so what we thought might be about £500 will now only be about £100! We had a survey done through the water board's insurance about a year ago who failed to check that part of the drain and never mentioned any of the water board's responsibility so we will also look into that as that was what delayed us getting it fixed for a year. If we had subsidence from the leak (it comes through a wall by our cellar) then the house insurance wouldn't cover it because we hadn't repaired the leak. Sorry, rather boring to everyone else but strangely stimulating to me in my tiny Mum world! lol
Lexie had her 3rd lot of injections today. They went well. She cried for about 30 seconds with each one, so she was brill. :)

She was weighed too, and she is now 12lb 14oz. Exactly on the mark for her age, which is great. :D I did get abit of a telling off for startin her on foods, But they always say don't start them on them until their 6 months. I didn't listen, lol. It's not like i'm givin her a 5 course meal everyday, I'm only giving her half a tin at dinner time.

Also, I asked again about her being sick all the time (randomly & also after her feeds) - Not projectile vomiting, just spit ups. She doesn't bring all her bottle up, but she drenches her bibs within 30mins. She said she'll prescribe her Gaviscon to see if that helps. But they don't know what it is, lol. She's just a sicky baby with a weak stomach I think. :D
The gaviscon should do you wonders hun!! The first few days i was amazed!!

Brooke was weighed today too and is 12lb 13oz, so bang on the 25th centile, same as always which is good, she always gains one pound every 3 weeks, i can predict her new weight each time we go :lol:
I think Claire's around the 15lbs mark too, she's huge!

Claire will half roll over on her side, but that's about it. She loves to play with things and shove them in her mouth though! I'm with PB though... at 8 years of age she's going to be pitching in or so help me god!!!

Hi girls!
Such nice news from everyone.
All these babies just sprouting like beans!
Shri and PB - Simon has started that fist in mouth thing, too. He really gives his knuckles a working over. I tried to offer him a teething thingy - a chew toy, I guess? lol that sounds like something to give a dog!
Anyway, he's not particularly interested. He really enjoys chewing on his fists, but he does get upset about them sometimes, too - all grunty and frustrated.
First plane ride tomorrow!
byron's been screaming a lot for about an hour now with nothing settling him so I'm being horrible and have been ignoring him about 15 mins now. He's just lying there crying but right now it sounds like he might actually be petering out which is new. He's able to cry at maximum for as long he likes. I feel mean but it's that or kill him I think.

PB - it's so awful, but it's necessary. We mums need a break, too and sometimes babies are just being ornery. Being by themselves is exactly what they need then, I think. And I don't care what the Baby Whisperer says about it! :)
byron's been screaming a lot for about an hour now with nothing settling him so I'm being horrible and have been ignoring him about 15 mins now. He's just lying there crying but right now it sounds like he might actually be petering out which is new. He's able to cry at maximum for as long he likes. I feel mean but it's that or kill him I think.

PB - it's so awful, but it's necessary. We mums need a break, too and sometimes babies are just being ornery. Being by themselves is exactly what they need then, I think. And I don't care what the Baby Whisperer says about it! :)

Too true!
all your babies are sounding great well done mummys!!!

yep Fred will put anything in his mouth and sometimes with such force he makes noises like a wild animal with a fresh kill!!! hes very rough typical boy! he has started to burp out of the corner of his mouth while still on me boob - his 'bloke' skills are really shaping up!!

he has slept through 12 hours each night for the last week and i feel like a new woman!!! hoping it sticks - at least untill teething really kicks in then im sure there will be sleepless nights aplenty!

does everyone have a jumparoo thing? im thinking i should get him one, he holds his head up well is that the right time to start in one? xxxx
yep Fred will put anything in his mouth and sometimes with such force he makes noises like a wild animal with a fresh kill!!! hes very rough typical boy! he has started to burp out of the corner of his mouth while still on me boob - his 'bloke' skills are really shaping up!!


We don't have a jumperoo and don't plan on getting one. We have a stand alone bouncer and bumbo for putting him upright. He got a fancy new play mat recently which has a tunnel and pat mat too.
LOL! That sounds just like Oscar. He's all om nom nom about anything in his mouth and does that burp out the side of his mouth too.

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