December 2008 Mummies

Shri, do you think that you could start sleep training him when he hits 5 months? I know my SIL had to do that with my nephew, the little guy just would NOT go to sleep and my SIL was a walking zombie.

They 'furber-ized' him... not sure if that would help?
Shri, do you think that you could start sleep training him when he hits 5 months? I know my SIL had to do that with my nephew, the little guy just would NOT go to sleep and my SIL was a walking zombie.

They 'furber-ized' him... not sure if that would help?

we might have to. We are sort of doing so now very gently. It's awful because he basically cries it out in arms at the moment. Even if I try to nurse him to sleep he wakes up and has a tantrum if I so much as move to release pins and needles. It's a nightmare at the mo.
Oh no Shri :hugs: Hope he gets settled soon!!

Man i think the clingy baby thing has kicked in, Brooke is so funny. She will smile away at anyone and everyone yet if someone picks her up, even my family she will cry then as soon as ive got hold of her she stops and starts smiling away as if to say " ha ha ha"

Cheey little monkey ive got on my hands :rofl:

Glad everyones LO's are doing well!! I miss those old "december mums" chats in 3rd tri :lol:
Holly I know exactly what you mean about having a clingy baby! It's cute and all, but I need a break at times, you know?

Shri - The sleep training has done wonders for my nephew. I think Ema had to do something simliar as well, her little guy wasn't sleeping either. My SIL did the "controlled crying it out" method, but it was really hard on her. :( It's always difficult to hear your LO upset. I hope you get some sleep soon! :hugs:
Theres a book "The No Cry Sleep Solution" that comes very highly recommend - might be worth a look?

Niamh has started being clingy too :dohh: If I wander out of eyesight she starts blubbing, only to stop and smile when she realises I'm still in the same room.
Im sure i heard its a phase that kicks in around 4 months? Anyone else heard that or am i just nuts? :rofl:
I made a thread about it because I thought it was a little early for separation anxiety. Most people who replied said it was a phase that started around 4-5 months, and you have to just roll with it until the grow out of this phase and into the next one.

they're all going through phases until when they leave home at 18...
I know some people (myself included :blush: ) still have them well after 18 :rofl:
yep Fred has started doing this! bit of a mare at the mo as my OH is in hospital and i can't take Fred in as there is a sickness and shits bug on the ward! so he stays with my mum but won't nap or settle like he would at home so by bedtime have one grumpy overtired little man!

Fred has changed so much this last week, he has got so strong and moves his body round in a circle keeping his head in same place:rofl:

Oh my god, the clingyness has kicked in here too....glad this thread exists it makes sense of it all!
May moans if I leave a room and if anyone else picks her up too!!!!!! I never thought she would be like that as she was so independent before.....

She has started to roll from her tummy to her back this week...and is half way to getting back on her tummy....she has also learnt to blow raspberries which she thinks is sooooo funny.....meaning she does it all day!!!!!!!!!
Hi girls!
I am assuming that you are all as busy as I am as I had to just do a search to find our thread! :)
Where did I ever get the idea that I would have time for all these craft and writing projects during my mat leave?
Mother Nature is having a good giggle at me these days.
But I don't mind. The baby honeymoon is in full swing. My son is such a sweet sweet boy. Oh my god, when he smiles or giggles, my heart cracks in two.
He was a big hit on our vacation as he is still pretty gregarious and just gurgles and grins at anyone and everyone. We had a few family parties where aunties and cousins snatched him from me when we walked in and I didn't get him back for a few hours!
I also noticed something quite important about babies at a very sad occasion a few weeks ago. A very dear friend of ours lost her mum quite suddenly to cancer. We brought Simon to the visitation and our friend grabbed him and held him close for a good twenty minutes. He was so good. He didn't fuss or wiggle or anything. He just held onto her and gummed her neck a few times (slight vampire tendency we are trying to discourage!). I was struck by how much everyone, no matter what their age, can give to other people. Simon may not have understood what was happening, but I think babies sometimes know when they are needed. And nothing cuddles quite like a baby. Deeper level of comfort there.
I plan to take Simon swimming this week. Anyone else done this yet?
I also plan to start yoga twice a week next week, with an hour's walk to and from the studio. This will be combined with stricter attention to diet. I still haven't lost my pregnant passion for dessert. This will have to stop or I will never fit back into any of my old clothes. I am so bored of wearing the one pair of jeans I can squeeze into and yoga pants.
I am loving breastfeeding, but I am also really sick of the nasty, droopy, uniboob look these nursing bras give me. I cheated and wore a proper underwire bra for a few hours one day and I felt like a different woman. I certainly won't rush though breastfeeding because I am vain about my boobs, but man! What a difference a good bra makes. When you are over a C cup, underwires really do count for a lot of the lift.

Oh, and Simon report: 16 lbs 2.5 oz!! He is no longer taking fortified formula, just 12-18 oz of regular formula, in addition to as much breastmilk as I can give him. I am okay with this compromise, but I do wish that the formula weren't necessary. It is a lot of work, all that sterilizing and boiling of things.
On the other hand, I am grateful that there was a quality product for my son when he needed it. And he is so big and beautiful and healthy that I am happy with all of it. Some formula feeding does give me a bit of a rest, too. That's also nice.
Take care, girls! Hope you and your families are all well!
Hey ladies!
Glad to hear everyone is doing so well.
Sarahkka glad the trip went well. Is it the baby yoga? I have been trying to find a class here but they are few and far between! I'm now looking for a music type one as Lexie seems to love singing and music instruments!
Lexie has a bad cough and cold at the minute, poor thing! She is so snufflely it kills me to see her poorly. She really struggled to sleep last night and at about 3.30am i came downstairs with her and wrapped her up in her new buggy. It seemed to help alot not being totally flat. Yesterday she was totally off her much loved solids and just
wanted her milk feeds. Hopefully today will be a better day and we will see a few more smiles!
Glad to hear your LO's are doing well!

Claire's doing well. She had her 4 month appointment last Friday, weighed in at 15lbs! :shock: She's huge! :rofl:

Although her head is in the 95th percentile, so they said if she goes over they'll have to monitor her, possibly do an MRI. I asked why it was bad to go off the chart, and they said that it could be a sign of the water on her brain not draining. I think the term is hydrocephalous (spelling?). Of course, that freaked me right out at first... but then I got thinking that ALL of her is in the 90th percentile, so wouldn't that make sense that her head is there as well? I'm assuming it'd be worse if say her head was in the 95th and her body was in the 50th? So at least she's proportionate I guess. Still scared me though.

She's doing really well, smiling up a storm and *almost* rolling over. It seems I have to let her get mad before she'll do anything, otherwise she's content to just lay on her back, lmao. Her 2nd set of shots went very well, she did much better with these ones than the first ones. Although we were smarter this time and gave her tylenol an hour before we went to the doctor's, so that might have helped a bit ;)

Hope everyone else is doing well, can't wait to read your updates!
malpal - I do a postnatal yoga for mums that incorporates the babies into the poses. It all depends how your baby is feeling that day, but if they are calm and interested, you just add their weight and try to let them feel your breath, etc. Simon loves it. It is pretty chaotic for a yoga class, but that's half the fun!
By thte way, Simon picked up a cold on our trip and I tried the trick of squirting some sterilized saline solution up his little nose. He hated it, but it unclogged him. I used little capsules from Hydrasense, but there are lots of products out there. It's safe and I thought it was very effective. Maybe worth a try to give Lexie some relief? Poor thing. Hope she feels better!
Tyff, I wish I could toss those charts out the window. I'm just waiting for my next appointment with the public health nurses so they can tell me that Simon is now considered overweight. Trust your gut. And common sense. Like you said, she's in the 90th percentile for everything and she sounds like she's an energetic and happy little girl. That should indicate plenty right there.
Don't talk about growth charts to me! Lexie is on the 98th centile for height and weight. At 17 weeks she weighed 17ib4.5oz. She is so in proportion butjust doesn't look like a 4.5 month old. TBH i would rather her be like that than smaller as now she's unwell she has gone off her food, so can maybe use up some of that food store!
Tyff, Lexie is almost there with the rolling too! She is good on her legs and wil stand whilst holding onto something. She loves doing it with the sofa but then forgets what she's doing and her legs go to jelly!
Sarah, that's the classes i've been looking into, i'm sure there soooo different to the pregnancy one i went to! All calm and relaxed!
I was just browsing through the forums... can you believe the next group of December Moms are already 10 weeks? That was us, last year! I never thought I'd say this as I hated being pregnant but it really makes me broody!

Awww me to Tyff, I wanted to pm all the ladies due on 16th december to tell them that i was also due on that day!! Oh god they would have thought i was a weirdo!!! xx
Hi I'm a newcomer but I had my baby Dec 2008 so wondered if I could join your club??
:hi: DMA and welcome!! Theres always room for a little one :)

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