December 2008 Mummies

Errrgh clingy ... dont talk to me about that!!

Last night i went to pick up our chinese take out, i was gone 15-20 mins in total, in the car on the way home i had a text saying she wont stop crying, followed by a phonecall saying she was screaming so badly she was choking and holding her breath :hissy::hissy:

Suprise suprise as soon as i walked through the door and took her from OH she stopped :lol:

He was in a freaking mood for the whole nigght :rofl:
Welcome DMA! Gorgeous little girl you have there! :hugs:

PP, I totally know what you mean!!! :hissy:

The other night Claire would NOT go to Phil at all! I'd be holding her, and she'd be all smiles for him and whatever, the second I let him take her she'd start screaming her head off. I'd take her back, and she'd be right back to the cooing and gooing. He'd take her again and right back to the screeching. And when I say screaching, I mean the nails-down-a-chalkboad-oh-my-god-I-can't-take-it type of shrieks.

It was like someone was torturing her. Please please please say this phase passes quickly??? :hissy: :hissy:
Gosh Daisy is the opposite - loves being with her Daddy more than me :( I'm just a milk machine to her lol!
I think Lexie may be secretly in love with her daddy! She looks at him as if her heart was melting!!! When i am feeding her and she can see him, she can't take her eyes of him. If he looks at her then she stops sucking and just beams. Me thinks she is learning the art of wrapping daddy around her atm very little finger!!!

DMA- welcome aboard!!! xx
Daisy is definitley going to be a Daddy's girl (already is!), he gets the most smiles/giggles by a long way!!

I think it started when she was in the womb still and in bed she would always lie on the side he was at!!
I wonder if Simon will go through that stage of making strange. He is pretty chummy with just about anyone who looks at him. And with his dad...well, those two have their own little giggle club. Simon absolutely lights up when he sees his daddy. It's so lovely. I am more of the quiet play/comfort/nursing/sleepytime presence and my husband is the good time guy. Simon loves all the silly voices and tickling and general goofiness of dad. God help me when he's old enough to talk. He'll be joining his dad in reciting Monty Python movies and guffawing away.
Awww, I love Monty Python!

You guys can do the Killer rabbits... with FANGS!!! :rofl:
I love Monty Python, too. Else I probably wouldn't still be married to the guy! :) But you have to admit that there is something about boys and Monty Python - they'll repeat those scenes over and over and over and just keep killing themselves laughing. Sigh.
hi girls

well i gave Freddie some baby rice yesterday for his tea and he bloody loved it!! was only a few spoonfulls but he got so excited it was great!

he has not seemed happy with just milk for a few weeks now and started waking in the night again so thought i would try it, was so much fun, he kept grabbing the spoon off me!

so will see how we go for a week on that then will try some veggies :happydance:

he has grown up soooooo much in this last few weeks its amazing xxx

how many of you guys have or are thinking of weaning before 6 months?x
hi girls

how many of you guys have or are thinking of weaning before 6 months?x

We just started a week ago. Daisy has slept through the night from 7weeks but suddenly stopped a few weeks ago and seemes constantly hungry. She's double her birthweight has good head control and was launching herself at any food I had so I thought I'd go for it! Skipped the baby rice as I had a free packet and it looked/smelled horrible so went straight for the pureed fruit/veg. So far she's has parsnip, carrot, pear, plum, broccoli and banana. She loves them all, took to it straight away and tries to grab the spoon herself to put in her mouth. She's started sleeping a lot better and is more settled during the day so I think I've done the right thing. You can never tell though!

Not sure now though when to try and move to 2 meals a day??
Annabelle is a daddys girls so badly like lexie she stares at him like he is her whole world yet when he has got hold of her she looks for me but isnt bothered if i go anywhere.

we are on 3 meals a day, i introduced a meal a week, it was going really well until she has been sick since friday with a bug so i have dropped solids to get as much milk in her as possible. which hasnt been much so gonna have another day without food today as im feeding her 2-3oz every 2-3 hours as i cat get her to take fluids.

I was wondering about solids myself. I wasn't planning to introduce them before 6 months, but Simon is over 16 lbs and is a big strong boy. Maybe I'll wait until he's five months, then think about it. That should be a lot of fun!
Okay, am I a bad mother?
I just put a frozen strawberry in a special mesh feeding pouch for Simon because he's grizzling and pulling at his mouth like crazy and I read that frozen fruit is good for teething. He freaking loved it!!!
But I went online and it said that he probably shouldn't try strawberries until after he's one year due to higher incidence of allergic reactions.
Is Simon going to survive my mothering?
Hi girls. Hope everyone is doing well. And I hope the babies are doing good too. :)

Lexie's growing up so fast. She can stand against the couch by herself. (For about 1-2minutes) She can sit up for 15 -20 seconds all by herself. She holds her own bottle (when she can be bothered) lol. She's still teething but there isn't any peggys showing yet. She's on foods - Baby cereal in the mornings with a bottle. Half a pot of food at Dinner with a bottle. And the other half at Tea time with a bottle. And 5oz of juice everyday. She's coming along nicely. Really chubbing up. :D And she's generally a happy baby - Always making noises, squeeling, cooing, gurgling. :p

Brockie - I have just started Lexie on foods, like 2 weeks ago now. :) You'll know when he needs weaning. I was told not to start her on foods until 6months, but it's your baby, you do what you think is right. I didnt listen to the Nurse lol. And Lexie is perfectly fine. 8)
I also have to add that feeding LOs new foods is the most fun ever! I can't wait to start it in earnest!
I think I am going to continue with frozen fruit for Simon as a teething aid, but I am going to stick to organic blueberries and possibly banana slices. No more strawberries for awhile.

Poor baby - his next shots are on Saturday.
Lexie - Simon supported himself standing with a chair yesterday. No unsupported sitting yet, though. That standing reflex is crazy!
Well done Simon :D

Lol, the feeding is very very messy. Lexie grabs the spoon when I put it to her mouth and it's everywhere but in her mouth ha ha. It's a task and half. :lol:
Happy tooth day to you
Happy tooth day to you
Happy tooth day, dear Simon
Happy tooth day to you!

Simon was drooling and I noticed there was a funny pink tinge to the drool, so I checked and sure enough, there was the first tiny white ridge poking through his gums.
Breastfeeding suddenly seems more dangerous.... :)
Can you believe our Lo's are going to be 5 months old this month :shock:

Hope LO's are all doing well!!

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