December 2008 Mummies

Vanessa - 2 teeth already :shock: well done May!

Tylers sleep pattern is brill, cant fault it !! he goes from 7pmish till 6-8am :)

Malpal i know what you mean with pinning them down tyler is a nightmare!! he either is rolling around, slamming his feet down or arching his back :dohh: xx
Claire WAS sleeping through the night, not anymore now though! :hissy: We tried giving her more formula but it's not doing it!

So....tired..... :cry:

Going to try rice cereal again to see if it helps!
Aidan he getting so big. He loves rolling over especially when im doing his bum, he thinks its hilarious. He is trying to crawl as well be every time he gets his bum up he front end flops down, we have had a few tear where he has head butted the floor :dohh:. When he is tired he rubs his eyes its soooo cute.

PP i know what you mean about weaning everything has rules
Hey Heather, long time no see! :hugs: How's it going? How's the little man?

I'm still trying to figure out this weaning thing. I've been giving her cereal but not constant or anything like that. Everything I've read says that for the first bit it's cereal plus the normal bottle intake.

So confusing :hissy:
Everything is great thanks. And Aidan is just great, getting cheeky lol. What about claire

Well when i started to wean Aidan, i gave him cereal and mixed it in with his forumula milk and i gave him so baby rice just before he went to bed and he started to sleep through again
How is everyone doing? Where are you Peanutbean et al?

We are doing much better but it's been bloody difficult. I've had to go on a mega bland diet for ages to try to see if that was what was bothering Oscar (food sensitivity) and its pants for me because I am constantly hungry and tired and cant even have chocolate... but I am feeling soooooooooooooo much happier.

Oscar seems to have settled down with his night wakings now and considering we are still bfing I think his routine is pretty good

7-8 am wakes up for a feed, which we have in bed then if we are lucky he goes back to sleep until 9 ish
9.30 porridge
11ish boob followed by a long nap if we are lucky
2ish lunch (he has had carrot, sweet potato, potato, butternut squash and zuchinni - still more to try but going easy)
3ish boob and if he didn't nap at 11 he usually does after this
6ish tea (rice and fruit)
7ish boob
then the bedtime routine wind down
between 9/10pm he has a very drowsy boob feed and then down in his crib. He wakes up for a short feed in the middle around 3-4 am but I think that is more of a thirst thing

He's coming on in leaps and bounds. Almost crawling (tucking his knees under and trying to push up with his arms) calls me mamma (usually in a loud demanding voice)
laughs like crazy and is an absolute yummy delight. I'm loving it.

Still knackered most of the time though.
And we are moving very soon, just before we go on holiday so a bit stressed out.

As for the bland diet - well I reckon he is sensitive to soya - which over here is in practically everything. The odd thing seems to make him really windy and grumpy and interferes with his sleep but since cutting out the soy - well after about 3 weeks of cutting it out he seems to have settled down loads and is much much more happy.

Am loving bfing now too - have finally gotten the hang of it (took long enough!) but I'm not liking having massive heavy boobs which are a bit droopy. I am trying to visualize them bouncing back nicely once we are done with bfing! hmmm....

hope everyone is doing alright.
Niamh was 5 months this weekend :cloud9: No proper rolling over yet, but she rolls onto her side lots, so I imagine we're about a week away or so.

We're still BFing, but I don't know if we'll ever get back to exclusive BFing as I'm trying to build up my supply again. Still, as long as she's getting some feeds I'm happy.

No weaning for us yet, as we're following baby led weaning.

Niamh's cut a couple of teeth too. She's more agitated and grabbing at her mouth lots, but no crying. It's making her wake up through the night too, so on bad nights she's getting a little calpol and she'll sleep through.

We're doing baby signing too, and although it will be a long time until she signs back she knows Mum, Dad, outside, Bath, Milk, All Gone and Dog atm.

Glad to hear everyone is doing ok :hugs:
I shouldn't have posted that about May sleeping so well..........
its gone down hill since.
She's not waking for feeds, just randomly waking up and playing in her cot, slamming her feet down etc......
Oh, and she thinks 5.30am is the morning now too........
Hi All,

Glad to see you and the babies are doing well !

Update frome me and Logan -

Logan was 12lb 11oz today when he got weighed so still slowly getting there ! he is now on 3 meals a day and LOVING his solids , he has finger foods aswell as chuckles and gurgles like mad when he has them.
His check up will the doctor was all good and he has signed us off for 3 months as his head is closing up nicely , fingers crossed it will be closed by time he is 2 !

He is rolling and spends so much time whizzing everywhere in his walker.Still waking every 3 hours through the night for feeds so im about ready to drop ! But i love every minute of being his mommy !
I shouldn't have posted that about May sleeping so well..........
its gone down hill since.
She's not waking for feeds, just randomly waking up and playing in her cot, slamming her feet down etc......
Oh, and she thinks 5.30am is the morning now too........

I swear our girls are the exact same! No sooner did I post on how she's sleeping through the night she went back to waking up, and doing the same thing... babbling and playing in her crib. :dohh:

She gets up at 5am-ish for a bottle, but thankfully goes back to sleep until about 6 or 7am-ish. Argh!
I shouldn't have posted that about May sleeping so well..........
its gone down hill since.
She's not waking for feeds, just randomly waking up and playing in her cot, slamming her feet down etc......
Oh, and she thinks 5.30am is the morning now too........

I swear our girls are the exact same! No sooner did I post on how she's sleeping through the night she went back to waking up, and doing the same thing... babbling and playing in her crib. :dohh:

She gets up at 5am-ish for a bottle, but thankfully goes back to sleep until about 6 or 7am-ish. Argh!

Hm, these 2 are having words with each other behind our backs!!
I'm suspicious about these babies, too.
I have noticed a similar pattern with Simon. Whenever I gush about what a great sleeper he is, he gives me a night full of wake-ups.
Aidan does the same. I think i might just keep my mouth shut now lol
Same here. I don't dare say anything. Intact he is stirring now ad I write! LOL!
I shouldn't have posted that about May sleeping so well..........
its gone down hill since.
She's not waking for feeds, just randomly waking up and playing in her cot, slamming her feet down etc......
Oh, and she thinks 5.30am is the morning now too........

I swear our girls are the exact same! No sooner did I post on how she's sleeping through the night she went back to waking up, and doing the same thing... babbling and playing in her crib. :dohh:

She gets up at 5am-ish for a bottle, but thankfully goes back to sleep until about 6 or 7am-ish. Argh!

Hm, these 2 are having words with each other behind our backs!!

I concur!

I've actually resorted to telling people when they ask about her sleeping habits that I don't say anything anymore, as when I do she does the exact opposite the next night. LOL!
hey ladies!

sounds like your all doing well and babies are growing up fast :cry:

we are doing great, Fred weighs 16lb 9oz this week, he is rolling too and ends up in some funny positions xx trying to get up onto his knees when on his tum and is constantly trying to sit up and gets mad that he can't quite do it yet!

i started weaning him couple of weeks ago he loves food! done lots of different veggies and going to try fruit next week, tho i give him a piece of bannana most days to suck which he loves xx

know what u mean about sleeping, just as you say yep he sleeps 12 hours thru the night he throws in a 2am feed! he is so good generally tho xx

i love being a mum and can't wait for the next baba! anyone else thinking about having more babies?!

I swore never again but Claire is so awesome that I might consider it now. :cloud9: Although at the moment I'm still in the mindframe that I wouldn't be able to love another baby as much as I love her, so I definitely don't think the time is right!
I swore never again but Claire is so awesome that I might consider it now. :cloud9: Although at the moment I'm still in the mindframe that I wouldn't be able to love another baby as much as I love her, so I definitely don't think the time is right!

same here, after late pregnancy and labour i swore NEVER again....just starting to change my mind....damn hormones!!
any babies sitting yet? May is trying really hard bless her but just wobbles over!
I also have baby#2 on the brain.
I won't try until the new year, but I am already trying to plan with the husband about finances and work and everything else.
I am looking into childcare and realizing that going back to work full-time in December will really make a difference for our next year of mat leave. We'll have savings and EI and everything in place. Then I think about putting Simon in daycare and I am way more emotional about it than I thought I would be.
Simon is not sitting on his own yet, at least not for very long. He is doing really well at stabilizing himself with his arms, but as soon as he reaches for something, over he goes! He tries mightily to sit up from a reclining position - you can see all the little ab muscles working furiously.

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