December 2008 Mummies

just found this group! will read through in the morning and see how everyones los are doing
Hello! I've just found this thread again. I's assumed it had died a death!

Hope you're all doing well, Mums and babies.
Back at 'cha, PB! :hugs:

How's Byron these days?
December Mummies!!! Omg Ive just sat and read through our december mums thread from 3rd tri and bawled my eyes out :cry: still a bit teary now :blush:

I miss being pregnant SOO much and I desperately want to be pregnant again. Its all I think about all day everyday.

Can I just thank all of the december mums for how lovely and supportive you were when I/We were pregnant :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I miss chatting to you ladies.

Sorry just feeling very emotional right now! xxxxxxxxx:flower:
December Mummies!!! Omg Ive just sat and read through our december mums thread from 3rd tri and bawled my eyes out :cry: still a bit teary now :blush:

I miss being pregnant SOO much and I desperately want to be pregnant again. Its all I think about all day everyday.

Can I just thank all of the december mums for how lovely and supportive you were when I/We were pregnant :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I miss chatting to you ladies.

Sorry just feeling very emotional right now! xxxxxxxxx:flower:

Awww, I went through it too the other day and was like :shock: :cry: When all we'd do is talk about food, and wonder who the next "lucky" mom was going to be!!! :hugs:

I got a little misty eyed when I read the post I did right before I went in to get induced! Great support system we had/have here!
December Mummies!!! Omg Ive just sat and read through our december mums thread from 3rd tri and bawled my eyes out :cry: still a bit teary now :blush:

I miss being pregnant SOO much and I desperately want to be pregnant again. Its all I think about all day everyday.

Can I just thank all of the december mums for how lovely and supportive you were when I/We were pregnant :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I miss chatting to you ladies.

Sorry just feeling very emotional right now! xxxxxxxxx:flower:

Awww, I went through it too the other day and was like :shock: :cry: When all we'd do is talk about food, and wonder who the next "lucky" mom was going to be!!! :hugs:

I got a little misty eyed when I read the post I did right before I went in to get induced! Great support system we had/have here!

Me too!! I was reading what I had posted like an hour before I went into labour. I was moaning and moaning that I was gonna go 2 weeks overdue and an hour after I logged out I went into labour :dohh:

I missss it so much. I loved our chats about whats for tea and xfactor etc...

Its weird because were getting closer to winter (and the xfactor is back on haha) its reminding me of this time last year :cry:

And yeah Tyff it is a great support system!!! xxx
Back at 'cha, PB! :hugs:

How's Byron these days?

Byron's good thanks! How's Claire?

I've been gone ages. I didn't realise this thread was here and I don't get on as much as I did though I'm having a bit of a binge at the moment!

Aw Sophie, I can't believe you read through that whole thread! We're all still here to chat to if intermittently!

You girls are making me wanna read it now... I was unlucky as I was one of the very first to go from our lot so missed out on some of it from being too busy!

Byron's got three teeth now, bottom middle left, top two second teeth - no middle ones but I think they won't be long, right at the edge of the gum but can't be felt at the bottom yet. Byron's not interested much in crawling but the past couple of days has got a bit into pulling himself up on us and has been standing with our support for a while now. Hoping crawling won't be long as he's beginning to get very impatient not being able to reach things!
Lol PB but at the time we were all secretly jealous you went before us hehe!!

Aww sounds like Byron is doing really well! Leo is SO close to crawling, hes taken like a few crawling "steps" but hes constantly up on his knees rocking back and forth and then pushing up onto his feet. He looks so funny when he does it.

Hi all,

Gosh can you belive we are nearly into september !! we will be organising 1st birthdays soon :shock:

Logan is a real little monster now , he has 2 teeth , crawling and now walking sround the furniture !! He is still wearing 0-3 baby grows but we have gone up to 3-6 in tops so he is still very dinky !!

Hope you and babies are all well xxxx
Is anyone having a first birthday party and if so what are you doing and who are you inviting? I'm not sure I'm much bothered about it but then I wonder if I'm mean!
I think we might be a bit OTT for Claire's first birthday.

I was in foster care until I was 21 months old... so I don't have anything from my first birthday, or any of my firsts... so it is super important for me to do it for Claire!

I think the biggest thing is we're hiring a photographer. That way we can enjoy the day plus hopefully get some great professional candid shots (I love those so much more than posed pictures). I had wanted to get professional pictures at her 1 year mark anyways, and thought that this would be a great way to do it!

It'll probably just be family and a few close friends. We're starting to buy her presents now as Christmas is 6 days after her birthday. I am adamant that I don't want people to combine the two on her.

What were you thinking of doing? :)
Aw Tyff, that sounds lovely and I can totally appreciate your reasons!

For us we've got a couple of baby friends (plus parents) that we met through our group we could invite. Obviously there's family on both sides but DH's family are on the other side of the country and I don't know if it would work out them all coming at once (separated parents plus new families: last time they all met was at our wedding). I can't see my siblings coming with their many many kids (well, one sibling is in Australia anyway). I don't remember going to any birthday parties for their kids! Dunno if they had any though and I was on the other side of the country for most of them.

Hmmm... We wouldn't pay for anything like an entertainer or whatever. God I have no idea what to do... Byron's birthday's a Saturday so that helps. I'll make a fancy cake. They can't play outside in November, well, unless it snows and Byron's walking already (unlikely!).

DH has just said maybe we could take Byron over to his family and have a party there organised by my MIL! Haha! She'd like it though.

What can you do with a bunch or 1 year olds, short of hiring our baby sensory?
Claire's bday is on a Saturday as well this year!

Hmm... short of breaking out a bunch of bowls with wooden spoons I don't know! :rofl:
Leo's birthday is on a saturday too :)

Think were just gonna have a small party at our house with mainly family and a few baby friends.

OMG how quick has time gone?! Its just over 3 months untill our LO's 1st birthdays :cry: think Im gonna cry all day on his birthday lol

:rofl: Tyff

Well we talked it over last night after this thread. DH is going to see if his Mum will do a party and as he's not working that weekend we'll probably go up to his family for the weekend. Then we won't need to go up at Christmas! We'll get his Dad's side down a couple of weeks after if we're able to get Placebo tickets and my family and friends here can party with him the week before or after, or even an evening. Still don't know what we'll do at our gathering! lol
Come on ladies, where are you all?

DH and I have fitted new blinds in our utility today and this morning we did a beach clean for the Marine Conservation Society with Byron in our new back carrier we got off my SIL. It's a Little Life one and it's so so comfortable! We're going to try and sell our old one. It's been a fairly jolly day despite Byron having a stinking cold and none of us getting much sleep last night!

Tomorrow I'm hoping to finish painting his toy box that will be his birthday present. I'll take some pics when it's done and assembled.

What are you all up to? How are your babeis? Byron has 6 teeth now with the most recent cutting yesterday. He's still not crawling but throws himself forwards a lot head first into things! He's not got great balance so I don't see him walking next week either. lol He's such a little Buddha.
Hi guys!!!

I agree where have all the December Mums gone????

Peanutbean- Wow 6 teeth!!! Lexie has only 4 at the minute and none at the front!

Lexie is crawling around and pulling herself up. Last week she climb 2 of the steps of our stairs!!! Yesterday she took her first steps with the aid of her zimmer style walker!! Couldn't believe it she's way too little to be walking! She was a bit unsteady but it was very exciting.
As some may know we have just found out that number 2 is on it's way in May, so we are super excited. Was a bit of shock but a very lovely surprise.
I'm busy at the minute buying every toy that exists for her birthday and christmas.
Not sure at the minute what we will do about a party but we will definately be doing something, i only have the cake organised at the mo!
Look forward to hearing of everyone else xxx
Hey girls! Can't believe our LOs are fast approaching one :shock: Doesn't seem like it was 9 months ago we were all huffing and puffing and trying to get our babies out!! This time last year we were just in 3rd tri for a few weeks :wacko:

Niamh's still not crawling. Now she knows how to sit herself up from lying down, and has started pulling herself up she doesn't seem interested. :shrug: Ah well, I'm not bothered!

We have three teeth now. She's clapping, calling Dada properly (not just making noise :lol:), stretches her arms out to be cuddled or lifted and she's working out toys after being shown a couple of times. Its nice to see her using her toys properly :lol:
Nice to hear all your LOs are doing well :) Soon there will be a new bunch of december mums making a thread in here :shock: were has the time gone!!!

Tyler is doing great, 2 teeth, crawling, pulling himself, climbing the stairs ( have a stair gate now) likes everything he shouldnt and doesnt pay any attention to toys!! Much prefers remotes, wires & mobile phones :rofl: xx
:cry: I'm going to be a bit sad when the new December Moms/Mums take over!!!!! :cry:

Claire is great! She's been properly crawling for about 2 weeks now, I didn't think she'd actually do it! She rocked back and forth on all fours for probably 2 and a half months! After a week of crawling she's taken to try and pull herself up on stuff. It certainly doesn't take long.

She has crazy problems with constipation, it's kinda hindering me with getting her off purees and onto actual food (I don't want to do the Stage 2 jar foods, they're gross to me :sick: and I like making her food) but she gets really blocked up so quickly!

I gave her a half small container of the Mini-go's Yoghurt and she didn't poop for 3 days. It took glycerine suppositories after a day and a half of nothing but prunes to get her to go. :shock: Even then it was two really hard ping-pong sized poops.

Poor girl. :lol:

No teeth yet either! I think Claire and Brooke are the only December babes to not have any yet?

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