December 2008 Mummies

Hello Dec Mums!
Here's the latest Simon report: he's systematically and very cheerfully tearing our house apart! :)
He crawls so fast I have to run to keep up with him and he's been "cruising" for awhile now. He usually pulls himself along bookshelves, chairs, couches, etc., pulling out everything as he goes. He has a box on wheels and a baby gym that he has turned into makeshift walkers for himself and he scoots around, pushing one or the other in front of him. Very fun to watch! :)
Lots of great babble language, but no words yet. And most toys get chewed, waved rapidly in the air, or tossed. He does love pulling out our pots and pans and measuring spoons and having a clanging and banging session. And if a cat happens to walk by, he drops everything and continues his ongoing mad and futile chase after them. If he manages to surprise one, they get drooled on and their fur pulled. Poor kitties - they are being very good about it all.
Glad to hear everyone is doing so well! :)
malpal - Byron was like that, his first three teeth were at the sides. He looked really goofy! Sounds like Lexie is making great progress in the movement department.

rafwife - is she really talking? Really really? Byron gave an enormously good impression of saying the dog's name, Jess, when she came to visit him in his door bouncer. It was so convincing DH reckons he did mean it (she definitely knows the dog's name) but isn't it too soon?

Glad Tyler's doing so well Nessa.

Tyff - we won't let them in here! rafwife you'd better rename the thread to 2008! Hope the bum problems clear up. Any idea why it is such an issue? Byron's not been constipated (and I only have about once when pregnant!), we're more the other way around :rofl:

Hey Sarahkka, how's work? Wow, sounds like Simon is going to be a runner! Not like Byron, I like to think he's more cognitive than physical but that's just because I'm a brain snob who has no ounce of physical ability herself! :rofl:
rafwife - is she really talking? Really really? Byron gave an enormously good impression of saying the dog's name, Jess, when she came to visit him in his door bouncer. It was so convincing DH reckons he did mean it (she definitely knows the dog's name) but isn't it too soon?

Noooo not talking :lol: Just saying Dada a bit better now, and with a bit more purpose than just saying it over and over and over again to make noise :lol: If you ask her where Daddy is she looks for him, and if she finds him claps and smiles but she's not doing that with Mummy yet :dohh:

I'll rename the thread now :rofl:
Hey everyone!! Sounds like everyone's LO's are doing soo well!!

How quick has time gone?!? It's scary!!! :(

Leo has his 3rd tooth cutting through at the minute and he's suffering really bad. His nose is constantly running and he's just not happy. Poor baby.

He's crawling and pulling him self up to everything!!

I honestly cannot believe our LO's are almost one!!
rafwife - is she really talking? Really really? Byron gave an enormously good impression of saying the dog's name, Jess, when she came to visit him in his door bouncer. It was so convincing DH reckons he did mean it (she definitely knows the dog's name) but isn't it too soon?

Noooo not talking :lol: Just saying Dada a bit better now, and with a bit more purpose than just saying it over and over and over again to make noise :lol: If you ask her where Daddy is she looks for him, and if she finds him claps and smiles but she's not doing that with Mummy yet :dohh:

I'll rename the thread now :rofl:

I wasn't sure if you meant it for real or tongue in cheek! But having asked around at the baby group today and also my mum it seems that any time from about 8 months they might say words! DH still thinks Byron said Jess but he's making "ssss" noises a lot when he's feeling jolly so I'm not convinced!
Simon is saying "du" when playing with his toy ducks in the tub, but I am in there saying duck over and over to him and I think he is just repeating what I am saying. I don't think he is intentionally using it as a word, you know?
I still get excited, though! :)
PB - I totally agree with you about Simon. He was the kickiest little thing in the womb and he is such a mover. His dad is quite a natural athlete (me, not so much - I'm all about the brainy stuff :)) and I think he got those genes. Which is great. I want him to be active and playful, but maybe a little more quiet time could be nice once in awhile? :dohh:
It is great being back at work. I really love it and I am really pleased at how well Simon adjusted to my daytime absence. It helps that he is with his dad, but he still had to deal with a certain amount of separation. I'm really pleased that he seems to take it in stride. Hopefully the transition to a dayhome goes as nicely.
I thought that I would want to stay home with Simon until he was ready for school. In my head, that seemed ideal, but I cannot begin to describe how fulfilled I am now that I am working again. I don't think being a stay at home mum quite works for me. I find I am spending much better quality time with Simon now and that I am getting way more done in my day than when I was home with him full-time. I was surprised by how much better I felt by working again. I felt almost a little guilty about how good it felt to get some of my adult life back, but now I am unapologetic about it. It's great for Simon to have parents that have a heathy work and home balance. I want him to see us both enjoying our careers and coming home to share our day and to hear about his and to connect as a family every day. That seems like a great fit for who we are. And for those of you who are dreading back to work, maybe it will be a pleasant surprise? I'd be interested to hear how many others have felt the same.
I'm so pleased you're doing so well Sarahkka, it's brilliant that you've all adjusted and are enjoying life this way. It's also good to hear as I go back to work in a month and am quite scared about it if I'm honest. I'm not really worried about Byron going to nursery, he'll take a while to settle in as he's slow to adjust to things (got that from me!) but he's very sociable so will enjoy it when it's used to it. I'm worried for me. I'm really enjoying being at home and volunteering with marine stuff and I so want a new job if I must go to work (which I must!). I'm just hoping that my volunteering will lead me to something new soon. When it took us 9 months to move house and I was driving across the other side of the country every week for work I got weird ill guts, I guess a sort of IBS thing, which was essentially hormonal but as a consequence of the stress of it all and I realised a few days ago that I am suffering with it again. I took some Sepia (a homeopathic remedy good for hormonal stuff which fixed me last time) and it has helped a little but I'm struggling to take it regularly so I'm still not great. Anyway I'm sure it's because of stress as it's only started quite recently. I so hope it won't be as bad as it feels it will be.

On the talking front, I chatted with my Mum and HV and they both said any time from 8 months for talking so I've been paying more attention to teh sounds Byron makes. The past few days he's really starting to be very diverse in his syllables and then on Friday while he and I wer eint eh car waiting for DH he was chattering and playing with his toys. As DH opened the car door Byron stopped, looked up at him and said "da-de. Da... da-de" in an extremely convincing way! I am not certain but it was totally directed at DH and sounds an awful lot more like daddy than his usual da-da-das. We're keeping our ears open for more of the same!
PB - a huge part of the new fulfillment for me has to do with the fact that I do have a new job which I absolutely love and am very passionate about. I doubt I would be feeling the same way if I were going back to something that I felt sort of blah about. And I think you are right to listen to your body. Stress totally affects the gut in very unpleasant ways. It's funny, but sometimes your whole body gives you really strong signals that something needs to change. If you've identified that as your job, I think you are totally right in starting the search for something new. I really hope you find something that is satisfying and pays the bills! :)
:hugs: PB, I'm in the same boat as you are... I'm dreading having to find something to go back to once my maternity leave is over. Never thought for a million years that I'd WANT to stay at home with the baby, but now it is all that I think about.

I can't even be passionate about my job, as I don't have one! :lol: My company closed its doors while I was on Mat Leave.
Oh Tyff, that's rubbish. I hope lots of interesting looking doors open for you. And thanks Sarahkka. I just wish there was some choice but my line of work is limited (both that which I'm in and that which I wish to return to) and mostly isn't where I live but we can't move any time soon.
Helloooo december Mum's. how is everyone doing? Can you believe how close we are to december already?!?! Hope everyone is doing well :hugs: xx
It certainly is close, and we are in Nov! lol Trying to plan for his parties (one with each geographical set of family and friends) and what presents to get especially when he'll get loads of stuff from everyone else and also already has loads of stuff!
Hello strangers
Not been on here for AGES....very busy now back at work.
How is everyone? And all the babies?

May is good, crawling everwhere and learning a new trick every day. She has been a nightmare teether though, she has 6 already and is a grump who doesn't sleep when she's getting a new one. We have the happy version back now, till the next one!!

What is everyone planning for first birtdays?
Hey Vanessa! When did you go back to work? I start back in November. :(

Byron's been a nightmare teether too. Also has 6 and now his molars are up to something too early. He had us up most of last night. He even had two lots of calpol (previously unheard of), the first only saw him through until about 1am.

Byron's birthday plans are going a bit awry. We had it all sorted to visit DH's family on the day as DH is off work that day and have a party at MIL's. Only she has a whole house rennovation thing that means she won't do it. Then we were going to stay with Byron's Godmother but last night she emailed to say she's been put on work that weekend even though she requested not to and she's also anxious about having a lot of people round for a party so now it doesn't look like it will happen at all. We're going to haev to spend some time thinking about it.
Hey girls :)

Are you girls planning parties for your LOs? I don't know what to do as Niamh is the 23rd of December.

Niamh has been staying at my Mums for a week now and I am SO looking forward to her coming home today. I miss her so much, and I bet she's changed loads.

She's crawling everywhere now, and is pretty fast! In laws are bringing stair gates up with them today.
My oldest nephew is 23rd of December, I hadn't noticed Niamh's birthday before. He has parties, don't let Christmas get in the way of celebrating Niamh.

I'm not surprised you've been missing her. Everything must be so hard for you at the moment. :hugs:

We're definitely having a party at home just not sure when it'll be now.
Hi Vanessa :hi:

Glad to hear May is doing well!! Im back in work too :( sucks dont it :cry:

For tylers bday im just having a small gathering in the house with family and friends, sandwhiches, cake etc... i was thinking about a party but with christmas being 2 days after we coldnt afford to hire a hall, buffet etc...

Tyler is doing great, he has 4 teeth, crawling at 100 miles per hour, pulling himself up onto the furniture, walks from one end of the settee to the other holding on, says mamamama and dadadada :cloud9:
Great to catch up with everyone!
We are having a little party at home for Lexie. Have just ordered all her b'day decorations!!!! It will probably be mainly family and friends with their children, but it will be lovely to make a fuss over her. Dh and I were planning to take her out for the day, but not sure if we will do that at the weekend as i don't want her to be grumpy and tired at her party!!
Lexie is now walking very confidently around the furniture and i can see that she desperately wants to walk through the gaps but is still chicken at the mo! She walks great with her zimmer thing, so who knows it may not be too long.
We're just over another bout of teething so all is calm at the minute.
I've been back at work since middle of September and it's actually a lovely release. The thought was far far worse than the actual going. Only have until April and then i will be of again so that's a lovely thought.

Lovely to hear from you all xxx
Hey Vanessa! When did you go back to work? I start back in November. :(

Byron's been a nightmare teether too. Also has 6 and now his molars are up to something too early. He had us up most of last night. He even had two lots of calpol (previously unheard of), the first only saw him through until about 1am.

Byron's birthday plans are going a bit awry. We had it all sorted to visit DH's family on the day as DH is off work that day and have a party at MIL's. Only she has a whole house rennovation thing that means she won't do it. Then we were going to stay with Byron's Godmother but last night she emailed to say she's been put on work that weekend even though she requested not to and she's also anxious about having a lot of people round for a party so now it doesn't look like it will happen at all. We're going to haev to spend some time thinking about it.

Hey PB - I have been back at work since early August, getting used to it but its hard to juggle everything.
Teething comes along just when you think you've got sleeping cracked doesn't it?? May is the same, her 7th broke the gums this weekend and her molars are there in the gums already - I can see them if you know what I mean?!
Is anyone planning to have loads of babies at their LOs birthday party??
Hi Vanessa :hi:

Glad to hear May is doing well!! Im back in work too :( sucks dont it :cry:

For tylers bday im just having a small gathering in the house with family and friends, sandwhiches, cake etc... i was thinking about a party but with christmas being 2 days after we coldnt afford to hire a hall, buffet etc...

Tyler is doing great, he has 4 teeth, crawling at 100 miles per hour, pulling himself up onto the furniture, walks from one end of the settee to the other holding on, says mamamama and dadadada :cloud9:

Hiya hun!
Small gathering sounds good to me!
Tyler looks so grown up in your pic! May has just started pulling herself up too, the fun will start now! xx

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