December 2008 Mummies

Great to catch up with everyone!
We are having a little party at home for Lexie. Have just ordered all her b'day decorations!!!! It will probably be mainly family and friends with their children, but it will be lovely to make a fuss over her. Dh and I were planning to take her out for the day, but not sure if we will do that at the weekend as i don't want her to be grumpy and tired at her party!!
Lexie is now walking very confidently around the furniture and i can see that she desperately wants to walk through the gaps but is still chicken at the mo! She walks great with her zimmer thing, so who knows it may not be too long.
We're just over another bout of teething so all is calm at the minute.
I've been back at work since middle of September and it's actually a lovely release. The thought was far far worse than the actual going. Only have until April and then i will be of again so that's a lovely thought.

Lovely to hear from you all xxx

Hi Malpal
Of course, I read that you were expecting again - congratulations!
Lexie seems to be really quick with walking.
Hope the pregnancy is going well? x
Vanessa I do know what you mean. I can feel the whole contour of the first molars at the bottom in Byron's mouth. We are having a really bad time of it with him. Just coming to the end of his cold but still with a lot of teething pain we've had a string of sleepless nights. He won't even settle when he comes in with us. Unless we're holding his hands he just wakes and cries, even when he's lying right next to us. We're both really run down as a consequence. I hope these molars cut or ease off before I'm back at work.

malpal, I'm very jealous, congratulations!

We have just made some sort of plans for the party. On 6th Dec at 2pm we are having my family (being grandparents, two sets of uncles/aunts and 6 cousins) and 3 baby friends and their parents round as well as my best mate and her fiance. We're going to do some food and put out a play area with toys in the sitting room and that's about it. We'll have some balloons too.

The weekend of his birthday: the Friday we're visiting DH's grandparents and Dad's side of the family then Sat we'll see his Mum's side. Sunday we're going to have lunch somewhere and invite friends with any kids so we can see unrelated stragglers. We hoped to have a party in the NE instead of this packed weekend but we can't find anywhere to do it and there are issues of mixing DH's mum and dad's families. :wacko: We're going to take his prezzies with us for the Sat morning in his toy box that I have nearly finished painting so he still gets his birthday morning with us.
Thanks guys. But i can secretly admit that i'm struggling a little this time. Feel very guilty about not being able to give Lexie 100%. She is thriving though and i just hope it will be good for her.
Where has this year gone?????
Hi all,

Its lovely to see so many of you still around !!!

A little update on us , logan is up and about still very cautious about letting go but hes getting there , he still only has the bottom 2 teeth and only wearing 3-6 clothes so very tiny.

Im very luckly as im going to be staying at home with him until he goes to school so we have very busy days with different playgroups (i think i would go mad staying in !! ) .

As for his birthday we have booked a party for the 12th dec, his little playgroup pals and family will be comimng and i am hiring a few toys from our local toy library. I am being very brave and attempting to make his birthday cake so if all fails it will be a mad dash to sainsburys on the morning of the party !!! :dohh:
Hey m&p, long time no see! Glad he's doing well, little cutie. Party sounds fab, what a good idea renting toys! I want to make Byron's cake too but I think it will be rubbish!
:hi: M&P, glad you and Logan are well :hugs:

Havent been on this thread for AGES!! Cant believe the "new" Dec mummies will be here to take our place in a few weeks *sniff*

Brookes ... well Brooke, still no teeth :lol: she is walking around holding onto stuff but will not let go, she's caught her balance once or twice but i think it was a fluke. Her new word this week is "Gaaa" :shrug: not sure what thats all about but hey its a new word :lol:

I dont think we are going to be having a party for her, i just think that a week before christmas is too close, theres so much going on, so we will just have some nibbles and family and friends will visit throughout the day, it will work out much easier for us
hey girls

So good to see all the LO's thriving

Can anyone get their head round that this time last year we were all waiting for our LO's to arrive and swapping tips on how to get them out :D
hey girls

So good to see all the LO's thriving

Can anyone get their head round that this time last year we were all waiting for our LO's to arrive and swapping tips on how to get them out :D
:rofl: Or extensively discussing what the next meal was going to be!

Claire's doing great! She's standing on her own now, the longest she went is 4 or 5 mins, then she really started realizing what she was doing and down she went! Ha ha ha. Still no teeth, not sure when they are going to come. Not sure if they are on their way, I have NO clue what to be looking for!

She crawls like a champ now, is super fast. She's cruising now too, and it's adorable to watch her 'walk' from one couch to the other... although if I try to encourage her to come over and "see" me, she'll stop and crawl over as it is faster! :lol: She also will give kisses if you ask her, OH had a great time this morning holding up her toys and asking for a 'kiss' and sure enoough, she'd kiss the toy he was holding! :cloud9:

Time flies so quickly!
Last night when I was bathing Byron I stood him up in the bath and he was just so tall and at that moment I felt sort of stunned and knocked back that in one month he will be a whole year old and he's so big! He's just not my little baby anymore.

We're having a bad time of it at the moment though. Last two nights we've barely slept as he's had fevers reading 39 in his armpit so I guess approaching 40 in his core. It's just teething but he's been on calpol since 6pm two days ago and ibuprofen too since yesterday. If he's bad again tonight he's going to the doctor tomorrow as the medicines say not to use for more than 3 days. It's been so tough seeing him this way, and combined with settle sessions at nursery and my return to work next week it's all been a bit much. :(
Oh peanutbean i know how you feel. We suffered like this about 2 weeks ago. Lexie had 2 teeth coming at the same time poor girl. Hope the little man feels better soon xx
We have Niamh's first word :cloud9:

She started saying it a little bit ago but I thought it was a fluke. Am convinced now! She says 'Ta' when you give her something. :cloud9:
We have Niamh's first word :cloud9:

She started saying it a little bit ago but I thought it was a fluke. Am convinced now! She says 'Ta' when you give her something. :cloud9:
Last night when I was bathing Byron I stood him up in the bath and he was just so tall and at that moment I felt sort of stunned and knocked back that in one month he will be a whole year old and he's so big! He's just not my little baby anymore.

We're having a bad time of it at the moment though. Last two nights we've barely slept as he's had fevers reading 39 in his armpit so I guess approaching 40 in his core. It's just teething but he's been on calpol since 6pm two days ago and ibuprofen too since yesterday. If he's bad again tonight he's going to the doctor tomorrow as the medicines say not to use for more than 3 days. It's been so tough seeing him this way, and combined with settle sessions at nursery and my return to work next week it's all been a bit much. :(

Oh hun, big :hugs: What an utter nightmare, and poor Byron! I hope he feels better soon and keep us updated. Does he have a teething necklace at all?
Well done Niamh! :cloud9:

I hope Byron feels better soon!!! :( It is so stressful when our LOs aren't feeling well. :hugs:
Hey everyone is so nice to see you all about,

Sorry your having a rough time at the mo PB i hope that Byrons teeth come soon for you, good luck with taster sessions and returning to work ill give u a text to see how your getting on!
Everyone seems to be doing so well
For us
Annabelle is doing great, she is quite a poorly baby suffers a lot with temps and colds etc but the doc keeps saying its best to get tem now to build up her immunity!!
touch wood over the past few weeks we have had a bit of teething but nothing to bad so things have started to look up!
She is crawling everywhere really fast and into everything and can find the smallest bits to pick up and try and put in her mouth, u have to have eyes like a hawk lol.
She over the past 2 weeks has started to pull herself to standing at te settee and is slowly moving around it but isnt confident at all, she says mama and ba and og lol have no idea what the last 2 are though
As for birthday plans we have booked a family meal at the local pub it has play area and stuff so we are doing that on the sunday then on her actual birthday just me, OH and Annabelle are doing something together just not decided what yet
anyway im waffling on, its great to hear from u all and your little ones sound like they are doing excellent

My daughter is putting me to shame, her first proper word was 'dirty'!!!! Obvioulsy goes to show how many times a day i say it!!!
Lou- we to are taking our daughter to the pub for her birthday!!! Her birthday is the Thursday so we are having a little family gathering at our house and then the Sunday we are of to the pub!!!
We are taking Lexie to Drayton Manor on her birthday. It's still open throughout Nov/Dec and they are doing a christmas wonderland. It snows twice a day!!!! The zoo is open and some of the little rides. The admission is only £11 per adult and then obvioulsy Lexie is free. Maybe an idea for you as your close to it as well. xx

Have just ordered Lexie's party decorations, have to pick them up on Saturday! Other than the fruit cake part of her birthday cake done nothing much is organised!

Hope everyone is well xx
Thanks for the kind thoughts, he was improved yesterday and slept right through the night from 8.30pm-7.30am without so much as a peep. Amazing! He's at nursery now, he cried a lot again when I left so I'm hoping he's been ok.

Congrats on all you with words! Byron has been trying Jess and Dog for a while now but hasn't quite mastered them so I'm not sure when they start to count! There has also been more than one occasion when daddy has sounded plausible but we're just not sure.

Byron still doesn't crawl, lol, it's never going to happen! Makes life a little easier not chasing him about but harder as he is still demanding because he can't entertain himself so well.

What are you all getting your babies for their first birthday? We've been adding things to a pile for yonks and have so far:
A (hopefully) lovely toybox I've been painting for about two months on and off and isn't quite finished
A few books
A wheely cart thing with wooden bricks we got an age ago for £2.50
Just ordered some 12m+ clothes so they will be presents
We've ordered a new foam playmat for our hard floor so we'll call that one too

We've just ordered this little rucksack for nursery:
Oh and yes we have the amber necklace rafwife, not sure it's helped much this time.

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