December 2008 Mummies

thanks Peanutbean!
really helpful. I'm going to try Oscar on some from a cup with his meals and see how we go from there. He still wants to bf at night which is killing me along with the teething - but I don't think he really needs it, just wants to....
And one of my big problems is that he is sensitive to soya (which is in nearly every formula!) and other beans too so I'm a bit concerned about protein...but he doesn't seem to be lacking in energy or anything so he must be doing ok!
Hi ladies ,

Lovely to see everyone is doing so well !!

I carnt believe the babies are nearly 1 this year has flown by !!

Well logan is now walking he took his first steps a few weeks ago and now there is no stopping him ! He doesnt sleep any longer than about 3-4 hours in a block at night and only has about 20 mins all day , im knackered :dohh:

He has just started to sign after a couple of months of classes so im really pleased its paying off.

Shri - can he have egg? We give it Byron almost every night! Till the no-eating-because-of-teething thing it was his favourite with spinach and some cheese. Cheese is protein of course. But then so is cow's milk!

Congrats on Logan's walking! I can't believe how much everyone else's babies are walking and crawling and talking and Byron doesn't do any of it. Well, he's getting going with the talking a little, but not much movement.
Shri - can he have egg? We give it Byron almost every night! Till the no-eating-because-of-teething thing it was his favourite with spinach and some cheese. Cheese is protein of course. But then so is cow's milk!

Congrats on Logan's walking! I can't believe how much everyone else's babies are walking and crawling and talking and Byron doesn't do any of it. Well, he's getting going with the talking a little, but not much movement.

YAY LOGAN!!! :happydance:

Peanutbean - i keep trying him with egg but not had much luck so far...he is super fussy these days - he has yogurt though and I thought I could trick him into having some cottage cheese if I mix it in with something. The feeding has become a bit of a nightmare recently - he went from eating anything I offered him to being really particular and chucking stuff onto the floor constantly and having a paddy in his highchair for reasons I can't seem to fathom. I keep telling myself not to make too much of it and it will pass but it's rather crazy-making. I blame teething too - it seems like he doesn't know what he wants to satisfy the sore gums or whatever is bothering him and he is constantly chewing his fingers. bless.
Way to go, Logan!
Simon is standing on his own and likes walking when he is holding onto our hands. And he has recently figured out how to dangle a cat toy for our cat. She loves it and will bat at it and play with it while he watches, fascinated. He is quite solemn about it. Very funny to watch.
:hugs: Shri! When babies get fussy about food it can be just maddening. Simon eats everything, but he generally gets halfway through the meal and decides to amuse himself by blowing raspberries while his mouth is full. We pretty much have to wrap ourselves in full-length body smocks to stay clean. Sigh.
Claire's doing the walking when holding on to her hands too! :happydance:

I took down the jumperoo yesterday. :cry: It was one of the better purchases, she used it pretty much steady from 4 months to 10 months. Ever since she's gotten better with crawling she hasn't wanted to be confined in it anymore. I was sad to take it down, I remember being so excited to get it for her!

She's finally being more accepting of textures in food... for awhile I was worried I'd have to puree everything for her! We left it for a bit and would go back and try every so often. Glad we did! Makes life quite a bit easier! :lol: She can say "Mum-ma" and mean me, "Dah-da" and mean my OH. If you ask where "Mum-ma" is she'll look directly at me! :cloud9:

She can drink out of a sippy like a pro, even knows to tilt it upwards to get stuff out of the bottom of it. She still loves to give kisses, its one of the cutest things I've seen her do to date.

Still no teeth! :rofl: No signs of them either, as far as I can tell. She also is totally into watching Blues Clues. She goes into this weird TV Trance when we play it for her. She definitely doesn't gap out like that with any other program. Its been a godsend actually, when I need to get some stuff done I'll pop in the DVD and she's good to go.

Glad to hear everyone's LOs are doing great! :hugs:
I cannot believe how well our babies are doing! Walking, wow!!! Well done! :happydance:

Niamh is still at the crawling and pulling herself up stage. She is into everything :shock:

She's doing well though. She can use her shape sorter now, and when you say 'clap hands' she'll clap. She's saying 'ta' and 'ya' now too. (ya when you call her name :lol:)She has one of those hammer benches and she tries to hammer most of it, but can't quite get it all the way through, but when she's done she puts the hammer away properly :cloud9:

She just started using a sippy cup properly last week as she was a bit iffy with it before now.
Sarahkka - Byron's the king of respberries, he does with cups of milk too which is pretty funny but somewhat messy!

Aw Tyff, she's growing up! What's Blues Clues? Byron loves Waybuloo and In The Night Garden best, keeps him out of trouble.

At lunch time I'm pretty sure when Byron was saying "mumumumumum" he was talking about me as he looked at me and grinned when I turned round to respond to him. He's been saying "dadadadadadad" a while too and it does seem to mean Daddy most of the time. We've thought for a while he's saying Jess and Dog. He also gave me the best kisses yesterday. Having been at work this week I think he's appreciating me more now and yesterday we were on the floor reading "That's the Way I Love You" and every time I said a new bit on a new page he leant over and gave me a hug and a big kiss. :cloud9:

rafwife - very cute with the hammer, I love it when they are careful and neat!
PB - This is Blues Clues! I swear it is like the children's cocaine equivalent for Claire. I have to monitor how much she watches, she'd go all day all night if I let her!
PB - This is Blues Clues! I swear it is like the children's cocaine equivalent for Claire. I have to monitor how much she watches, she'd go all day all night if I let her!

DOH! it's taken me months to get that blues clues song out of my head - now its back :dohh: LoL

OH and I just last night had a friend over, and he was like "Well, it's time for so long" and immediately P and I were like "but we'll sing just one more song!" and our friend was like " :neutral: Um, okaaaaay..."


OH and I just last night had a friend over, and he was like "Well, it's time for so long" and immediately P and I were like "but we'll sing just one more song!" and our friend was like " :neutral: Um, okaaaaay..."


its funny how many guests (grown adults) we have had singing 'wheels on the bus' in our house since Oscar's gotten into it.
I cant believe December is just weeks away now :shock:

Still no teeth here, im waiting and waiting on them and checking each day for signs but ZERO :lol:

I dont think it'll be too long before Brooke is walking now, she will walk holding onto my hands and she is starting to catch her balance and be a little more flat footed, though she will not let go of my hands, and if i manage to prise them away for her to stand on her own she will sit straight down :rofl:

Ive just got the house move to deal with this weekend, she's a tempermental little thing so i just know she's going to be a nightmare for a few days?

How is everyone doing weight wise coming up for a year? Birth weight and current weight?

Brooke was 6lb 13oz @ birth and at 11 months she's now 18lb 6oz
Claire was 7lbs, 9oz. She's 24lbs now. :rofl:
Byron's not been weighed in weeks, he was about 23lb I think but it was yonks ago. Haven't had a Tuesday morning free to get him weighed in ages.

I can't believe it but the nursery gave him fish today. I'm really angry and upset about it!

He's starting to catch his balance too PP, he can stand a few seconds really well before he begins to go. He's walking a bit on the furniture now and hardly puts any weight on our hands when we walk with him. Hopefully not long!
one month today and my baby will be 1 :shock::shock::shock:

This year has flown by !!!

Logan was 6lb born and i had him weighed yesterday and he was 16lb 11oz so still just a dinky !! at least we are getting the wear out of his clothes he is just about to go into 6-9 months :rofl:
Bless little Logan! Byron is constantly told what a big boy he is, what a very big boy, with slightly worried and startled looks! I don't know what people think I'm going to say, perhaps they think I should be anxious he is so healthy!

he's back to vomiting and not eating today after a week maybe of being quite good again. Breakfast was a series of attempts and vomiting and half the house ended up soaking in soapy water. I had to do two loads of washing for all the sicky clothes. I'm wondering if this is now his last bottom front tooth on its way as his cheek is pink. He's hardly coughing now, much less phlegm than he's had before.
Claire has always been at the top/over her percentiles too PB. :hugs: I'm telling you, when she was so tiny and wasn't thriving when I was trying to BF was so much more scary than her being the size she is now.

She's really starting to thin out now that she's crawling/walking, but she's still quite the porkchop! :cloud9:
I agree Tyff, Byron was jandiced and wouldn't feed off me and it was so awful! Luckily I don't care a jot what people think. They are just so strange!

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