December 2008 Mummies

I dunno, sounds like she is really getting into sleeping at night. We have the HV coming shortly and mum and baby group tomorrow. We didn't make it last week as it was after a totally sleepless night so I was catching up in the morning. It'll be nice to be out of the house again! Byron is never going to be awake at our group, it's 2-4pm and that's totally his afternoon sleep tiem!
It is nice to get out of the house. When Niamh had a bad night and I missed a group I felt a bit bad that I'd not been out the house all day. I go for walks but it's not the same as actually getting out and talking to other people. Breaks up the day a bit too. :)

Hope you have a better night tonight :hugs:
im here, glad your all getting sleep, callums gone in revese past 2 nights hes been up every few hours but ive been laying down and feeding him in bed so nodded back off while he was still latched on haha
I fished this thread out of Page 3!!
These wee babies are keeping us hopping, it seems!
to those of you who have routines - I am impressed! Simon and I are still sussing each other out on that one. He really prefers to fall asleep while on the boob and then to have me hold him for hours while he wakes and sleeps as he pleases. And although it is very lovely and sweet that he is so cuddly, it is a little maddening that I can't use his nap time to get a few things done. I'm getting better at being really efficient when I do get two free hands, though. and I'm also slowly introducing him to the idea of sitting independently in the same room as me. This is making progress.
According to the Baby Whisperer, I am the worst sort of "accidental parent" and will have no end of problems if I carry on this way. I just took one of her books out of the library and felt like the world's worst parent by the time I was half-finished it. I hated her tone - very self-righteous and blamey, I thought. And I was reminded why it's best not to read preggo or childrearing books while one is hormonal and oversensitive. I took her method as a personal attack and raged about it to my poor husband for several days. He finally just looked at me and sighed and asked me to "please stop reading that book".
Poor man.
Well, back to life as a dairy cow.
Cheers everyone!
Keep surviving!
By the way, Simon achieved a modified version of the yoga "cobra" pose in tummy time yesterday. Between that and his spectacular pooping, I feel confident that he is a very talented and precocious child! :)
Hey girls glad your all doing ok, sounds like the LO's are pretty much behaving too.

Brooke is doing fine apart from her ear infection which is making her super grumpy and whiney :cry:

She's sleeping a bit better, going anything from 3 to 5 hours between feeds and sleeps. Last night she slept from midnight until 6am and only woke inbetween for a little whinge :happydance:
Ugh, Claire's gone reverse in her sleeping patterns. She'd go 4-5 hours at least once throughout the night, the past couple of nights I'm lucky if she makes it past 3 hours. I don't know if it's part of that "6 week growth spurt", but maaaan is she ever cranky and needy! I used to be able to put her down after she fed for a bit, but the second she's laying down she's freaking out and wanting to be held again. I don't want to get into this pattern, but at the same time I'm not wanting her to screech her poor little vocal cords to shreds.

Le sigh.

She's taken to sleeping in the early evenings, so by 3am she's wide awake. I could not get her to go back down after the fact. So alert and wanting to look around and whatnot. I'm like a zombie today. :(

Glad to hear your LOs are all doing well, although I'm sorry Brooke isn't feeling so great Holly. Poor little girl! I hope she gets over her ear infection soon!!!
I don't think i will ever keep up with this thread. I have lost track already. Hopefully everybody is doing well. Mummies at getting some decent sleep and LO's are in their best form.
Hi everyone!
Simon has something to say to everyone:
It's that kind of day, already.
Time to go stick a boob in his mouth. Another day in the life of the Marathon Milkmaid.
He's really very sweet when he's not being peevish! :)
Poor baby. Must be his rotten mother not figuring out what the screaming means. It's almost always boob, but there are plenty of times when I haven't a clue.
I'll pay for the therapy, Simon. Sorry!
Hello all! Well Byron's nighttime sleep is generally improved but not great in that sometimes I still get upset and have to pass him over to DH and I still don't get more than 5 hours however anybody else sleeps. He has been poorly since yesterday lunchtime. Dunno what with. No temp and not colic but he has tummy ache. His poos are normal though. He is sleeping all the time. All day nearly and most of the night. I think he's making up for lost time.

Interesting you got a book Sarahkka. DH brought one home from the library after all our bad weeks with Byron recently. 'Sleeping like a baby' it's called. I started to read it and it is my kind of thing, lots of nurturing and cuddling and not leaving to cry etc. I know what you mean, even this gentle book not far removed from what I've been doing and totally non-judgemental still had me almost in tears about my parenting! It was interesting though as I realised I haven't read any parenting advice at all (save what people type on here). I only heard about controlled crying through BnB. I'm quite happy to go on not reading books to be honest! In the opening pages there is a quote from someone saying how they'd be ashamed to tell (I think) Indian women about how western women don't feel they can parent until they've read a book written by a man. Haha!
Tyler sleeps really well atm he sleeping for 4/5 periods and last night he slept through the night 10.30pm till 6am!! hes done that twice now :D
Hi ladies

Well done to all those with a rountine. We have kind of got one but nothing set in stone yet

Holly- I hope brooke is feeling better soon bless her

Aidan is just getting over a cold and a throat infection bless him. and he had his injections yesterday. So it wasn't his day bless him.

I've been diagnosed with PND. OH thought i was attention seeking but when the doc confirmed i had PND he has become a lot more supportive, so feeling a little better.

Aidan weighs 11lb 11oz's now. He is so big bless him

Aidan is alseep now. Night night little ones
and mummy's i hope you all get a good night sleep
How comes everyones babies are so good and sleep well?

Did i get the broken december baby or what lol?
PB -
I read sooo many books on pregnancy and labour and delivery, but I really didn't give much thought to the childcare part at all. I guess I figured that I had a decent amount of experience with kidlets, or that it would just all be a magical combination of instinct and timely sage advice from someone!
In retrospect, the pregnancy and delivery are a very small part of parenting. In fact, they are hands down the easy part. Never thought I'd use the word easy when talking about gestating and birthing a nearly-nine-pound baby, but it's true. It's all relative.
Having said that, I'm not sure that reading a whole bunch on parenting would have helped all that much. This seems to be all about learning on your feet... very quickly. Not easily done when sleep-deprived and fed up.
I have perused one sleep solutions book that was decent because it was all about presenting a no-guilt, whatever-works-for-you approach of every possible method and idea on the subject, along with a whole bunch of suggestions and tips from parents. Not from self-styled gurus. From real people. That one was a lot easier to swallow. Bloody Baby Whisperer!
Hello all
I've bloody missed you all so much!
For all of you that have had difficulties with babies with colic or not liking to sleep much or general fussy fussikins... I am here to make you feel better because my little Oscar, while being the absolute treasure and joy of my life is a complete CRAZY MAKER!!!

As some of you will know we saw the new year in in the pediatric intensive care and since then we are still continually bamboozled. Whether it is just his personality or the reflux or colic or what , we don't know but Oscar does seem to be perfectly healthy and happy otherwise. I, however, am a complete wreck.

I get maybe 4 hours sleep a night (non consecutive) on a good night. He just will not sleep and his latest thing is having us pace around with him in our arms almost constantly. So I was getting terrible terrible back ache and carpal tunnel from holding him all the time. Went to the chiropracter who has scared me by showing me how awful everything looks on my xray.

Honestly we have tried everything to get a routine going but Ozzy defies everything. In between he is a very smiley, cooing and chatting little chap but it's been so bloody difficult.

I got really depressed (PND perhaps) but I seem to be managing to get through that without using the prescription I was given. A couple of nights Oscar has done a 4 hour stretch between feeds and we have been able to sleep. Except, I have not because by then I am so sore that the pain keeps me awake.

The whole thing has been a vicious circle and to top it all we still can't get the blinking breastfeeding latch right so my boobs are totally mashed and complete agony. Bleeding, blistered and oh, just awful.

Then after every feed I am supposed to keep him upright for at least 30 minutes because of the one feed pretty much merges into the next and I cannot remember when I last so much as brushed my hair. I scrape it back into a pony tail and go from one day to the next in a sort of blur. If Oscar is happy to be in his chair or on a play mat for a while ,then I grab that time to eat something other than cereal and when he DOES actually nap or sleep, I lie down and try to sleep too ...but I think he is tuned in somehow because the moment I drift off finally, he starts up again.

Seriously it is like being tortured. I keep going only because I love him so much and am so grateful to have him safe and sound but honestly I am blinking going out of my mind with exhaustion and pain.

anyway... on some occasions I have managed to read a couple of posts on my phone but it's gonna take forever to try to catch up with what is going on for everyone so I'm not even going to try and just going to dive back in instead.

Having had this massive moan (crying as I type) I have to say that Oscar is the best thing since sliced bread. We ADORE him and those moments when he is looking at me and smiling and we play, or he is blissing out at bath time (even though my back is killing me) totally keep me going. I do wonder when it will get easier though. People said 'around 6 weeks' but that came and went and we are still going mad.

He does seem to be happier though, so I hope it is because he is getting more comfortable. We have to give him zantac which I hate doing, but it does seem to help and non of the alternative remedies did anything.

I HIGHLY suspect that the morphine allergy I had after the c-section set off all these weird problems for us. For me it was hideous (think feeling like being buried alive and having visions of snakes crawling the walls, even days afterwards) but for Oscar it meant he didn't get all the things I wanted to give him in his first few hours of being here. Instead he had to hang out in the hospital nursery alone (no skin to skin time) and got given silly old formula and those first moments when I got to meet him and he did latch on properly seem like a dream.

I also wonder if the reflux thing is more prevalent among c-section babies because a friend of mine has had a very similar experience with her little girl (reflux and sleep issues) and she also had a c-section.

Not that speculation helps much.

I've put away ALL the books and only look up things like how to tell if your baby is feeling unwell type things. All the theories and stuff were driving me mad because Oscar thwarted every single system we tried ( although we never did, nor would do the CIO) ...

OH and I basically take it in shifts. And to my extreme dismay I am even thinking about giving up Bfing as it is so hard and painful. I don't want to, but I'm so exhausted that I'm getting to the point where all my idealisms are breaking down. :cry:

Anyway - I want to end on a sweet note so attaching some pics of my little BOSSY PANTS for you to see.
He absolutely rocks my world - in more ways than I can describe.


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Oh honey, big hugs :hugs: My heart goes out to you it really does. Those pictures of Oscar are absolutly gorgeous! He's so lovely :cloud9:

If you're having problems BFing, but don't want to give up then how about expressing for a week to give you a break? Then you could get someone (OH?) to help with the feeds, and you'll be giving yourself a little break while still giving him breastmilk.

I really hope things get easier for you :hugs:
Oh honey, big hugs :hugs: My heart goes out to you it really does. Those pictures of Oscar are absolutly gorgeous! He's so lovely :cloud9:

If you're having problems BFing, but don't want to give up then how about expressing for a week to give you a break? Then you could get someone (OH?) to help with the feeds, and you'll be giving yourself a little break while still giving him breastmilk.

I really hope things get easier for you :hugs:

ay I have been hiring a pump and doing that but the trouble is its a real faff
but more importantly it doesnt help with the latch issues. nipple confusion and all that. we have tried EVERYTHING...
he just won't latch correctly and we suspect that it's just because of the discomfort he had with the reflux and then he got into the habit of 'sipping' on me. We have had his mouth checked and everything is normal - so it's a mystery.
shri i am sorry your having a hard time with things at the moment but oscar is gorgeous and i can see why you are so in love with him.
i hope you can overcome the breastfeeding issues, its probably just because you have had so much going on, maybe as things have settled down the breast feeding will also improve, dont feel bad though if you have to give up with it as you have done it for a long time if its causing you so much pain.

hope everyone is doing ok

Annabelle had her jabs on wednesday and has been a little grizzle pants since, she isnt doing it for attention as she wont settle when held either, she is very dribbly, rosey cheeks and wont settle to sleep and crying lots, i thought maybe start of teething but maybe just affects of injections

Shri I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time sweetie. It sounds so hard, i feel for you i really do. Have you talked to your health visitor??

And i know the feeling of being depressed. I didn't want to go on pills either but they have helped me so much and i found i am coping better and actually happy.

I hope he sorts a routine out soon hunni

He is so adorable. A very handsome little man :D
xx :hugs:

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