December 2014 Due Dates - Join me :)

Hi ladies! So, the appointment went very well...we were back in our city by mid afternoon as opposed to 8:30pm last time, and i was smiling the whole train ride basically :) They did the NT scan, and even though i know its not super accurate, they said everything looks good. The heart rate was 144. And they also told me that I'm measuring a full week ahead...not sure what to think about that one since I know when I ovulated (and I O a couple days later than the average, so if anything, I though I'd be a little shy of 13 weeks when they measured) but just so, so happy baby is growing!!! It was a near perfect day, but one not so good thing...they kept my weird little Chinese medical book (which had my first US pic tucked into it) and I meant to get it back from the nurse before we left, but totally forgot. I'm thinking of asking them to mail the stuff to me. I was planning to make a little scrapbook of our baby's international adventure, so I really wanted to include it!

hope&faith, great to see you back posting on this thread! It's when I feel really tired or sick that I'm not on here either. I love coming on and chatting, but I just end up being so darn tired that I can barely do the basics around the house before curling up in bed! Hope the fatigue and dizziness go away soon for you!

Oh, and I know this a long post, but one more thing...because it's pretty cute, IMO :) I told my kindergarten students about the baby a couple days ago (some parents had somehow figured it out, so I wanted the news to just come directly from me, instead of through school gossip). I found a story called "Our Teacher's Having a Baby" and in it, a student puts a sticker on the teacher's belly (lol, over the shirt) as a gift for the baby and the rest of the class follows suit. So I let my kids do it, and they all came up one by one and very gently put a sticker on my tummy and gave me the sweetest, most careful hug (I had told them that the baby is about the size of a peach, and they were blown away by that!) I put the stickers on a piece of paper when I got home, and will add it to the scrapbook. We also had them vote on whether they thought it would be a boy or girl...15 said girl, 4 said boy, and they were all very adamant that their guess was the right one! I promised I would send an email and a picture from Canada to let them know in December. Then they all drew a picture of me (and some made me with a see-through tummy and a baby showing inside, which cracked me up!) and then they also drew what they thought the baby would look like. The pictures are equal parts adorable and hilarious! My students this year have been a bit of a handful a lot of the time, but they melted my heart this week. I had a hard time not crying, and I realized just how much I'll miss them when I move home. Anyway, I'm really being a chatterbox today! :flower:
Sorry about you ladies that aren't feeling well. I remember with my first that the ms got really bad at end of first tri, then started getting better. There's a hormone shift at the end of first tri, so that could be why you ladies have slipped back into blah-ness. Hang's coming to end you ladies hopefully. Then you can sit back and watch your bellies grow in peace!

Randa, I was measuring 5 days ahead and I know when I O too. Babies grow at different rates, so I wouldn't worry about it much. I would call and ask them to send it to me as well. Your scrapbook sounds like such a wonderful don't want to not have that pic if you can help it. And your kids sound so cute! What a wonderful memory you'll have!

AFM, not much going on here. It's a busy time for us with ds b'day and all, but we also had a plumber come last night to unclog our tub...the stopper broke off. So now we have to go buy the part which will be easy for us and cheap! Today we are having the carpets cleaned and the dogs groomed and tomorrow our new couch is being delived, hubbs and I have an appt, and my family is arriving for ds b'day. And we have to buy a microwave cause the handle broke off of ours a couple months back and we've been really lazy and just opening the door with a knife, lol. I ridiculous, but whatever. Once all of that's done, we'll be calmed down again and I can have my sanity back, lol.

Next appt is June 10, my peanut has his one year check up on the same day. At this appt they'll give me the script for my gender scan. Though we're not finding out I'm definitely excited about seeing my little Eggy!
randa - Glad all is well :) Baby may be ahead now but end up right on schedule at the next scan. They say the ultrasounds are can be out by 7 days ahead or behind. What a cute way to tell your kids! I was tearing up just reading!

nodoubt - Busy, Busy! I bet you'll be happy once things have quieted down next week?! I hope your DS has the most amazing birthday. 1st birthdays are my favourite! Will you be doing a cake smash photo shoot type thing? We tried to do a one but my DS was kind of freak out by his cake...once the icing touched his hands he started crying and wouldn't even eat it! It was pretty cute :)
hope - that is so exciting that your daughter will be with you guys when you find out! Is your DH hoping for a boy after 2 girls? My brother in law has 5 girls!

Nina - I'm sure you'll be seeing a little tummy soon enough. Amazingly it can happen overnight!

AFM - Feeling nervous....Went to my sister in laws appointment yesterday (she is 6 weeks ahead of me) and asked her midwife to try and hear baby's heartbeat again and still could not find it. I was 11+6 and figured we'd be hear it no problem. Anyway, now I'm freaking out that something might be wrong. Trying to remain calm....just hoping that they call to book my ultrasound soon....
Aww...cute! I actually decided on a cupcake cake. I figured ita easier than transporting utensils to cut the cake and then actually having to deal with it. I'm sure he'll have absolutely no problem with it, lol, greedy boy that he is. Plus he can have his own little cupcake for himself. It will look like a cake, but be cupcakes underneath. I'm excited and can't wait! I'm also tired and exhausted, lol. I want a nap, but have errands to run.
Don't worry hun. I went in maybe 3 days before my u/s and she couldn't get the hb, and she was in the perfect location too. My u/s was fine and I was 12+1. Sometimes they just can't find it and sometimes baby runs from it. When are they suppose to schedule your u/s?
Hey Randa! Great news on your scan!
And that is so cute about your kids! Sorry for this question, are they Chinese? Or do you teach American children who are in China? I bet you're just counting down the days aren't you! :)
I would definitely ask for the scan to be sent back to you. I'm sorry it was left there!
I also wouldn't worry much abut the dates. They're more accurate later on, or more important later on. right now they're just growing, and as long as there within 1 week here or there it's fine.
I think it's funny sometimes how some people freak out if there baby measures one day behind or 1 day ahead and immediately huge babies come into their mind and they're worried about delivery.
It's still early! Babies grow as they please :)

TMB, try not to worry abut the HB, sometimes the MW can't find it for a while, and the baby does try to turn from it, they're tiny little things now :)
When is your scan supposed to be?

Nodoubt, aw, cute bump! Cupcakes are awesome! I wanted them for our wedding instead of a cake but it turned out to be SO much more expensive! Pictures! Pictures!
How was the party and weekend?
Party was good...only lost my mind once, though I seriously lost it, lol. I'll post pics probably mid to late this week...busy yet while my mom is in town.

We announced on FB tonight so the cats out of the bag!
Cute bump NoDoubt! Is say by evening time, I'm about the same size :) I seem to swell slightly throughout the day!

I'm kinda freaking out.....I had spotting on Saturday and it's back again today and I've had low, mild cramping all week. I called my MW to see if she can push to get me in for my US. DH will be home this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon and I don't want to go alone so I'm hoping they squeeze me in. I spotted in my last pregnancy but each time it was shortly after doing the deed....this time it's been over a week since we've last done anything, so I can't blame it in that. Argh! I just want to see/hear a heartbeat and I'll feel so much better!
That could be stretching know how things will stretch and make you cramp a bit, but also because of that you can bleed a bit too. Hope you can get in early with the u/s for reassurance.
Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a nice weekend and is feeling great :)

NoDoubt- such a cute bump!! How exciting that you have the first birthday party coming up. I love cupcake cakes too- my friend runs a cupcake food truck and they are her biggest catering seller. Not sure if you have food trucks as an option, but they are usually a lot less than traditional bakers/caterers!

Tmb0047- Hope the spotting has stopped and the cramping has eased up a bit. I am sure everything is okay, but maybe you can check in with your midwife for extra reassurance? I am still having a lot of mild cramping as well, which feels a lot like things stretching down there.

Rhanda- great news on the scan!! :thumbup:

As I mentioned earlier, I have been on and off crampy, and it seems my workouts are triggering some of the cramping, so I'm wondering if maybe I'm not drinking enough water? I try and always have a water bottle filled but sometimes it's hard to remember to drink when chasing my little guy. Other than that, still having some nausea that comes and goes. And we have been telling more and more friends and family now that we are finishing up the first tri!
I don't know if we have food trucks that do cakes, but I'll have to check.
Hey ladies....spotting picked back up yesterday. I can now almost call it bleeding as I have to change my liner every time I pee. I am also having cramps. Feels like period cramps. They hurt enough that I want to heat up my hot bag and lay it on my belly. I'm going to drop the kids off at school and head to the hospital to see if we can find a heartbeat. Maybe they will send me for an ultrasound. I'll update later.
Good luck hun. Hopefully everything will be ok. Let us know what they say.
(( hugs)) to you Tmb, I hope they can squeeze you in and everything is OK.
Hey ladies....

I went to emerg. My small town does not have ultrasound so I didn't get to see anything. They drew bloods for an HCG count and will draw again in 48 hours to look for a rise. They tried the doppler again and had no luck finding the heartbeat. I was told if bleeding gets worse then I should head in to Winnipeg to the woman's hospital.

Bleeding has been fairly light all day but tonight it's bright red with tiny peices of tissue or something....sorry girls, hate to share all the gross information. I'm going to keep off my feet as much as possible tonight and tomorrow and hope for the best.

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