I'm not offended, I have been asked before since this has happened so many times.
Can you provide any links to anything explaining hpts detecting an LH surge? Because when I Google it, all I find is that pregnancy tests are specific to hCG and won't detect LH. But OPKs can detect hCG. I have used OPKs when I had positive tests and there's usually faint lines on my OPKs at any given time during my cycle which isn't uncommon, but they aren't positive unless I'm about to ovulate, or have just ovulated, or I'm close to af in which case they aren't positive but dark.
I had a beta after my hpts one cycle kept going light then darker despite having af, but obviously hCG disappears faster out of blood than urine and sure enough my hpts were negative soon after. My blood came back as below 1.
I don't have PCOS, or a history of it.
This cycle I didn't get a very early positive, it was 10dpo which is quite common. I did ovulate earlier though at CD9, so perhaps that's what you read? That's unusual for me, I usually ovulate CD11 or CD12.
I have had earlier positives before, 7dpo. One cycle Fertilty Friend put me at 5dpo when I had a clear positive on ICs, but when I used the research detector it put me at 7dpo which would be more realistic. I was sceptical about when I ovulated that cycle so I think I probably did ovulate earlier than it put me at and I just had a slower increase in temps this cycle, which can happen sometimes.
I don't have any obvious reason for a hpt to be positive other than pregnancy. I have tested throughout my cycle at different times and I don't see a hint of a positive unless I'm in my lp and we conceived. This is now our 19th cycle (CD2) and out of those so far ten of them I have had positive tests, and I test every single cycle and the other cycles I didn't have any positives, so I honestly can't see any other reason why I would have positive tests unless we conceived. I think it's more likely there's a reason why I can't keep hold of them, rather than anything else. I haven't had any fertilty issues before, I have three children which were all regular, uncomplicated pregnancies and births. The only real differences now are I'm four years older, I was on implanon which caused me to bleed for a year, I had some real problems with eating for a while, and I started showing signs of low progesterone. Oh, and this cycle I passed a partial decidual cast at 9dpo, so this could possibly have been contributing as I read of someone else who had the same thing but then successfully got pregnant a couple of months after passing the cast