Hey! How is everyone? I hope all mummies & babies are doing well
It's hard to get on here lately, been so busy

Charlies sleeping from 2am-8:30am Woohooo! So I'm getting decent sleep

don't know why he seems to think 2am is his bedtime lol.
How does everyone administer gripe water? The one I bought doesn't come with a dropper, so I've been using the infacol one but I'm supposed to give 5ml of gripe water n the dropper is only 0.5 so in having to do 10 drops lol...luckily Charlie likes gripe water! It's the first day of using normal aptimil & gripe water, but I only used the gripe water on the last feed - all the other bottles without n they gave him tummy ache n he was back to his horrible screams. It seems to have worked now though, but will try throughout the day tomorrow. Have back up comfort milk just incase lol.
Packed away all his newborn clothes today

my little boy is almost 7 weeks! He got weighed recently - 10lb8! Chunky Charles

how much is everyones babies weighing now?
Anyone got some nice websites where I can buy some sleepsuits that aren't all baby blue? Charlie looks great in colour, n black as well but mothercare n mamas & papas have limited selection. Getting bored of baby blue :/