A DNA Test?? I think i must have missed something
me to! can you fill us in hun

I'm with you girls and have missed something as well!!!!
Short version:
I lived with my ex (Alastair) for 2 years, wasn't happy, sleeping in different rooms etc etc. My previous ex's of another 2 years, Matthew (and a close friend) had got into his first serious relationship since we broke up but the gf was returning to her home country of Australia.
So we met up for a drink...and a film...and a meal...and well, ended up staying in a hotel >.< not my proudest moment.
6 weeks later I find out i'm pregnant but I had once again had a futile attempt at rebuilding my failing relationship (or through guilt) which meant there wasn't enough time between to really tell who was the father

- may also add I was on the Pill and don't think I missed one. Around the time of conception my period was already two weeks late so clearly it didnt agree with me anyway)
So told Alastair and managed to get him to move out eventually (after 3 months or so) because he refused to leave me despite me cheating. I found the house, knew the landlord personally and it was basically next to my work so it made more sense that I stayed.
Like the Jeremy Kyle show, but far more sospicated.
If Matthew is the father then he wants to be involved and give me his full support, and that's great cause we get on really well and I think he'd be a great Dad. (He's still with said girlfriend btw even though she knows everything) Also I really like his parents and get on with them so that'll be lovely.
If he's Alastair's I don't want and he doesn't want any involvement with each other. He'd be a very negative influence over my Son and he doesn't have his life in any sort of order or a proper job (anymore) despite being 35. I dislike his parents (well step mum and Dad) and they all hate me anyway. He hasn't spoken to his own mother in more than 10 years (neither have his siblings) since she's a really horrible person and an alcoholic.
And yeah. That's the short version. Matthew's parents are paying for the test because it's expensive, but hey better than going on Jeremy Kyle.