Oh my gosh! I haven't been on in AGES! Like over a month! How is everyone & their babies? So much has happened!
I'm officially a single mum, my OH didn't move back in after I threw him out in Feb because I found that living alone was so much better! I'm less stressed out, havent gotta cook for anyone but me, less cleaning, less junk laying around! We officially split a few days ago! I absolutly LOVE being a single mummy! It's so much better than being in a shite relationship with an abusive manipulative bloke! I find it quite easy as well, I have a routine that suits me and Charlie and isn't disturbed by a smelly man lol.
Charlie is doing wonderful! He's exactly 3 months old today, and is such a joy! Last time he was weighed at 2ish months he was 13lb lol, & I got HV visiting Thursday so will update how big he is after (I'm pretty sure he's pushing 15 lol!) The thing is that he isn't a chubby baby, he's just tall but he's recently started to get rolls on his thighs and his wrists are starting to look a bit chubbier lol.
Yeah so I lost my job and everything, and my housing benefit and council tax benefit all got sorted, so that's a massive stress off of my head! I get to live in my amazing flat with my little boy

soooo happy, much happier than I've felt in a long time
Charlie is still on comfort milk, currently guzzling around 6oz...it hasn't changed much in the past month. Sometimes he takes 3, sometimes 4 etc. And PROUD MUMMY RIGHT HERE !!! --- he sleeps from about 12:30 until 8:30

so I get amazing sleeps at night! He'll go back to bed from 8:30 until 11 as well

He's been doing it for the past month, so I've had great sleeps. The only touble is that he thinks his bedtime is midnight lol...but it suits us, and he's content so I wont change it until needs be!
Life is great! And I hope everyone is doing well

Here are a few pictures -