December Dreamers 2010 mummies-keep in touch

Imogens Birth Story :)

taken me all day instead of just a sec lol, we have had so much to do :')

does anyone know how long you have to wait before you can er.. dtd again after a c-section?

as soon as you feel ready and comfortable hun - we dtd as soon as my bleeding stopped after my c-section. But do mkae sure u use contraception as u can be really really fertile just after having a baby and it can be really dangerous for you if you fall pregnant too soon after having a section - i think the nhs recommend waiting at least 6 months before ttc after having one.
Lozzy did you say you were 22 days late!!

Yikes - you will give her ideas!!

Wouldnt be so bad If I wasnt the last I think. She is only really a week over - just feels much longer :)

Mizze xx
Well Eloise suprised us last night and went nearly 6 hours in the night between feeds :)
Health Visitor and midwife have said thats fine at night, but should be 4 - 5 hours between during the day - which she is ;) (she is Formula fed)

Ooh and she was 9lb at the last weigh in on thursday - so she has put on 2lb in just over 4 weeks :happydance:

Hope everyone had a great new year!!
Did anyone have really bad cracked bleeding sore nipples when they started breastfeeding? im really struggling at the moment ive started tio use nipple shields but tmi this morning it was like lo was drinking blood from me and i lost a small clot is this normal does this go? my milks at the changing stage at the moment but my boobs are really sore and tender and have hard lumps in them does this disappear once your proper milk comes in? Im so tempted to switch to formula but want to be sure before i do


I have the hard plastic shells for my nips. in the evenings and sometimes thru the night, I put them on and slather my nips with lansinoh. the shells keep my clothes off the nips and lets them rest a bit. not sure how i'd have made it without the shells and the cream.
yep i was 22 days late, they were convinced they had messed the dates up so stopped her labour saying she wasent due for another 5 weeks. In the end my grandad who worked for the local council went in and thretend to get her doctor struck of the medical register if he dident do something. I was born later that day. Mum said i looked like an alien lol my skin was realy dry and flaky and the MW said to her that the placenta showed visible sign's of it stopping working and if they had left it another few days id have probibly died. Great or what lol
Have any of you ladies had issues with your tailbone since giving birth? Mine hurts like heck and hasnt really got any better since about a week after having her - sitting on a hard chair is agony and I have to stand up like an old woman!

I mentioned it to HV and MW and they just said it was 'one of those things' and didnt really give me any time scale about how long it should feel like this :wacko:
How do you ladies deal with projectile vomit...

Immy did it for her last feed, she brought the whole lot up, was calm for a while in my arms and now wants feeding again but i am worried about giving it to her incase she does it again.

UPDATE on that - OH has been giving her little bits, but she stops and messes around with it, or drinking it super fast :s

on a night she has been really awkward, messing around with feeds and not settling, then through the day she is fine :s

were struggling through the night now :/
How do you ladies deal with projectile vomit...

Immy did it for her last feed, she brought the whole lot up, was calm for a while in my arms and now wants feeding again but i am worried about giving it to her incase she does it again.

UPDATE on that - OH has been giving her little bits, but she stops and messes around with it, or drinking it super fast :s

on a night she has been really awkward, messing around with feeds and not settling, then through the day she is fine :s

were struggling through the night now :/

Sounds like wind, maybe try to burp her more often
I was dealing with a lot of vomiting recently. My pediatrician took a bit of water in her hand and then threw it down on a paper towel. It was amazing how much bigger the spill looked then it was. She said it was about an ounce. She said he was just over eating. He could handle 4 ounces but was taking 5 and throwing up the extra. As long as she is gaining weight, she is probably fine. Also, new babies tend to confuse their days and nights.

As Lozzy said, try burping her more. I burped my little guy every 5 minutes or so and that seemed to make a difference. He has just recently the last few days been able to handle a longer feed with fewer burps.

Anyone else's babies getting baby acne? I feel so bad for my little man. It looks so irritated.
Awk callie Eva dosnt have anything like that YET, but wouldnt be nice cant they give him anything? Eva got abit of gooy eyes but i just keep wiping them with .luk warm water
I read to lay off of lotions on the head and to try a gentle cleanser twice a day. Most websites just say that it is very common and it goes away on its own.:shrug:
Hi girls just on my phone checking in for the first time really since Ava was born wide awake after a really unsettled night!

Hope everyone is ok?

I'm doing well after my section and the transfusion etc still sore but numb at the same time! I'm having the hormone crash at the moment can't stop crying and Me n OH are snappy and off with each other all the time.

Ava is amazin so in love with her!

I'm struggling with my conscience at the moment feel like I gave up on BF too soon but it was agony and all she did was scream with hunger all the time but shes a big baby and with the section etc wondering if it's all affected my milk. Been squeezing daily and trying to grin and bear the pain and have her latch on to encourage my milk but there's hardly anything there.

Been giving her 2fl oz every 3 hours with a top up of 1fl oz if needed but she seems to be sick all the time were winding her constantly too. I'm scared to sleep at night after she's had a feed in case she's sick and she chokes on it - the sounds they make are worrying enough!

Her poo looks like broccoli bits too the tree bits is that normal??
i don't really understand what u mean re broccoli poo hun and i didn't change ailsa till after her poo changed but she did get a bit constipated when it changed from the black sticyfirst poo to normal poo and the first poo she had dh said was hard like rabbit poo, we just had to give her an etra oz of water in her feeds for 24 hrs to loosen her up and after that she was fine and has mustard yellow normal consistency poo now!

and dnt beat yrself up over the bf, i would say from what mws told me in hosp that the section and everything really has messed up yr supply and coming from someone who struggled to bf for 4 months with Wil i can say that it really wasn't worth all the stress it upset me and him and until i gave up he was a really unsettled baby but as soon as that weight was lifted from me and i was happier he was like a different baby. you have to do what works for you and yr baby and as long as you are happy and relaxed and stress free then baby will be happy and content as well and there really is nothing worse than a hungry screaming baby!
Thanks Anouska OH was puttin a bit of pressure on me too he's been a bit of a nightmare since I got home! I keep latching her on to try and break through the pain and encourage my milk to come in.

When you cook broccoli and the little tree bits at the end are soft it's like you've chopped those bits off and put them in her nappy
Nice to hear from you ness! Don't feel bad about bfing, the important thing is that she is being fed, not where it's from ;) the texture in the poo is normal.

HV is coming today and I think Lyra has reflux :( poor darling can't keep any milk down. As OH has now quit smoking Lyra has ended up in our bed because all the going back and forth in the night was killing me. If she only woke once a night it would be ok but if she's up 3+ times I feel like dying. She seems much more settled in our bed though. Just hoping we will be able to get her out again when she's a bit bigger :wacko: xx
Thanks Anouska OH was puttin a bit of pressure on me too he's been a bit of a nightmare since I got home! I keep latching her on to try and break through the pain and encourage my milk to come in.

When you cook broccoli and the little tree bits at the end are soft it's like you've chopped those bits off and put them in her nappy

I had a nightmare with Wil - he was latching fine and seemed to be feeding fine but he was really unsettled would scream constantly and just wanted to be at the breast all the time, the first 2 weeks were awful cause he just didn't sleep and he lost his 10% of birth weeight and then kept losing weight, we were on the brink of having him readmitted when the mw suggested trying formula as well. Both the mw and hv were very pro combine feeding (bf first and then topping up with formula after) but I personally couldn;t see the point cause by this stage I was pretty sure I wasn't producing hardly any milk (I'd tried expressing and literally got a drip!) but because everyone else (mw, hv and Wils Dad) was so adament and insistent on the combine feeding I felt pressured into carry on which I did and this really wasn't the best option for me, I got very depressed and had a very hard time bonding with Wil and I literally just went through everyday on autopilot. I just wish I'd known then what I know now and mayb then i would have been more inistent and pushed more what I wanted and what was right for me.

You really do need to trust yr own instincts hun as oonly you know what is right for you and yr baby and ultimately you need to be happy with what yr doing and if yr happy then baby will be happy. I'm lucky that I had the full support of my DH this time and after trying with bf in hosp and her obviously not getting enough from me I swtiched to ff and shes now a very happy very content baby, completely opposite to how William was. And I know I made the right decision cause I didn't need to use a single breast pad as I didn't leak at all so obviously didn't have anywhere near enough milk for her.
Aw poor you Ness!
It is really hard and if you don't have the real commitment to do it its just not worth it. BUT it does get easier! Especially if its stressing you out, if formula is going to make you both happier then go for it!

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