youngNImum , when he slept I had no idea what to do lol - I had some lunch, did some washing and sync'd my blackberry with my laptop lol which fried my brain xxx
Hope yu ladies have a good night- i am off to bed xxx
Freddie has 3 meals usually and some snacky things x
Freddie has 3 meals usually and some snacky things x
Caitlyn is having 1 little meal of fruit puree just as a sort of taster - she had some baby rice last week, the last 4-5 days its been pear which is giving her lots of dirty nappies! She seems to like it though.
I didnt give her anything yesterday as she had a lot of dirty nappies in the last couple of days and a BF baby isnt used to that! I thought I might do apple and cinnamon today -there is a recipe in my Annabel Karmel book.
The HV told me I will need to give her additional vitamins after 6 months as she is a BF baby - FF babies get it in their milk anyway. So I will need to look into drops.
Im kind of doing the food as a taste and addtion to milk not as an alternative until she is 6 months so Im not upping the amount of food yet until 26 weeks.
Mizze xx
We are doing BLW with Ivy so I don't really know how much she eats, she pretty much gets offered 3 meals a day though. Breakfast she isnt really interested by lunch and dinner she seems to really enjoy.
I always carry around breadsticks and organix snacks now to offer her too
We are doing BLW with Ivy so I don't really know how much she eats, she pretty much gets offered 3 meals a day though. Breakfast she isnt really interested by lunch and dinner she seems to really enjoy.
I always carry around breadsticks and organix snacks now to offer her too
Hon did your HV tell you about Vitamin drops - I got a leaflet from mine about how all BF babies should have Vits A,C,D till 5yrs old - slightly confused by that to be honest!
Mizze xx
bugger - should i be worried about this?