Ahhh! Kelly! So exciting! How is it being pg with Meadow being so young?
I'm also rather excited!!
So awesome Kelly ...oh! And was your DS1 born 31st of december? :O just noticed the ticker. What do the boys think about you being pregnant again? Or are you waiting till after the scan
Any idea on names x
Yey for scan
Caitlyn slept for 6+hours straight last night = woohoo!
Mizze xx
Kelly it will hit you once you get the scan and your givin your scan pics, are you going to find out what he/she is?
Yea go Caitlyn! im sure your enjoying the extra sleep aswell.
Kelly it will hit you once you get the scan and your givin your scan pics, are you going to find out what he/she is?
Has anyone heard from Samantha havnt seen her post ina long time, i remember the last time i looked she split from her partner?x