December Dreamers 2010 mummies-keep in touch

Awww I'm so happy for you hun! How are you finding being pregnant with a little baby?

Thankyou so much, in what has been a really tough, emotional year, with this past few weeks being the worst of my life....
This is something positive, if very exhausting! :sleep: Although I am very tired, I know thats nothing compared to the newborn days, so im making the most of being able to nap when Meadow naps & go to bed with Meadow at 6.30pm if im really tired :sleep:
Thankyou all for the good wishes :hugs:

The dating scan went well & the measurements all look good, just gotta wait for the blood results in 4-6 days to get my actual risk of a downs syndrome LO ~ But she said the measurement (behind the neck) looks positive :thumbup:

My due date is 1st March, but as im having a csection, LO should be here about a week before that :baby:

I cant even send anyone scan piccies via email :nope: as my scanner has broken :dohh:
Love the new pictures of Noah :cloud9: He looks so proud of himself....& rightly so :winkwink:
Im now child free for 5 nights:wacko: Were off to leeds festival tomorrow so MIL has Niamh untill monday morning. Im missing her allready.

Just got back from seeing the inbetweeners movie and i havent laughed so much in ages
Glad everything went well Kelly!! :) yes, get as much rest as you can when you can.
Lozzy have a great time!! Xx
Lozzy enjoy -is it V that you are going to? I went to the Northern one of that about 4 years ago and had a ball!

Kelly - glad the scan went well - I remember getting C's neck measurement and feeling loads of tension I didnt even know id been storing just melt away.

Life is hard at the moment honey I know but we are all still here for you. :hug: Would love pics when you have them but dont know if you have my email address.

Not a great night with C - I seem to get 1 good one followed by serveral not to bads then a couple of truly awful till im at teh end of my tether - then she gives me a good one again so I recover slightly

A friend emailed to say they are organising a girly night - nothing to big - in Sept and did I want to go - I almost bit her hand off to say yes! Need a bit of time with my friends even if its just a couple of hours.

Mizze xx
Silas rolled off the bed last night :(

He's fine but it was an awful experience for us both. My own fault, lesson learned.

FOB has just cleaned my oven. This makes me very happy :D

Noah is always gorgeous. Very photogenic baba!
Kelly - glad the scan went well - I remember getting C's neck measurement and feeling loads of tension I didnt even know id been storing just melt away.

Life is hard at the moment honey I know but we are all still here for you. :hug: Would love pics when you have them but dont know if you have my email address.

Mizze xx

Thankyou so much Mizzie :hugs:

Have a great time with your friends ~ It always makes you feel yourself after chatting with good mates :hugs:

Silas rolled off the bed last night :(

He's fine but it was an awful experience for us both. My own fault, lesson learned.

Aww ~ Poor Silas :hugs: Im finding it pretty stressful with Meadow on the move now ~ Darn wooden floors, she has bumped her head many times....I have 8 huge foam squares, but she doesnt stay on them now! :dohh::nope:
Silas rolled off the bed last night :(

He's fine but it was an awful experience for us both. My own fault, lesson learned.

FOB has just cleaned my oven. This makes me very happy :D

Noah is always gorgeous. Very photogenic baba!

Emy - Caitlyn fell of the bed last week - my fault - felt AWFUL but she was fine too. I think Lozzy said that Niamh did too - I think its a very common occurance

If DH cleaned my oven it would make me very happy too!

What is it with babies and stuff they arent supposed to touch - a lounge full of toys and she only wants to play with DH's expensive amplifier and the V+box!! :dohh:

We have the foam squares too but she still manages to crawl past them and bang her head on the wooden floor
Mizze xxx
Glad everything went well Kelly :hugs:

Ahh I have wooden floors too, Charlie has only bumped his head a couple of times though & he's been crawling since he was 6 months. I crawl around with him though lool, so I can grab him if he looks like he's gonna fall lol.

How's everyone's LO's sleeping patterns?

Do Ness & Nut Shake still come on?
Madden has learnt how to get himself off the sofa without falling off, yet to catch him in the act so I can see how he does it
Thats imressive sami, go Madden. sam i think nutshake comes on sometimes but ness doesnt anymore. will tell her you were asking after her. x Mizze x
Aw no worries Mizzie, just wanted to know how everyone is :)

Does anyone co sleep still?
Only if we are having a REALLY bad night - I just cant sleep if she is in the bed with me

Mizze x
Thanks guys :)

Yeah, I bought a rug in the living room and have a small mat but it isn't long before he's bumped himself and a fistful of wires is inches from his mouth :wacko:. We are at the crawling backwards stage and he is not pleased about it at ALL. Watching him go backwards whilst outstretched for the thing he wants in front of his face is really funny though :p

Wow Madden o_O and wow Charlie, cannot imagine Silas being anywhere NEAR crawling 2 months ago.

I FINALLY got a toybox today and it matches my new sofa :D very pleased. So nice to have them in a box rather than a pile in the corner. >.<

Last time he was in the bed for what I deem "Sneaky-Mummy-Lie-In" was agggges ago. He's too awake now and just laughs and grins and pulls my hair :( at the mo he's sleeping 7.30 till 7.30 with maybe 2 wakes when he settles himself and one where I give him a minute of milk and he's back out like a light. 4 weeks ago he was awful at sleeping (must be the teeth) waking every hour almost.
I'm SO so so so sorry I haven't been around. Is everyone ok?? Xxxx
Ah that's good, I read after a search on google that most people put their babies to bed really late, but I put Charlie to bed at 7:30ish! He gets up anywhere between 7-8, but wakes several times in the night. I'll give him a bottle if it's after 4am zzzzz. I'm running out of things to do with him though during the day!

Nut shake! How are you hun? How are your babies?

My skin is soooo terrible after having Charlie, I'm not sure if it's because I started the pill again and that specific one isn't for me. But I have sooo many spots! All over my chin! I need to start cleansing or whatever but I dont know what products are good & work, does anyone use any?
Hello!! All is fine here. Babies are sitting up really well, although Ayden has ants in his pants! He's crawling so much and doesn't stop, always climbing onto things. Inaya isn't crawling but gets on all fours and rocks constantly, she's always watching Ayden when he crawls and is trying so hard to move. She sits up so well though! They are having 3 meals a day and 3 bottles. They are in bed at about 7am and wake between 6 and 7am, they wake once or twice in the night for their dummies but go straight back to sleep. They are napping only twice in the day but for very short periods, maybe ten mins or half an hour each! I have a new nanny, she's not great tbh so am thinking to get I'd of her and just do it all myself! I'm so picky about how things are done that she's just frustrating me as she's not very clean or tidy and is lazy! Not like the other one who had initiative. I had Inayas ears pierced, she was so good bless her, she screamed for a a few seconds then was normal, I think she was shocked more than anything! I'm off to Tuscany for 3 days next week with hub, and also have my last job on the 16th September then will be a sahm! Am looking forward to just concentrating on the munchkins. Husband is away right now, he's been jet setting quite a lot with business so I've had my mum stay over a few nights and I've been staying there which has been really nice.

And that's my life right now! How is everyone doing?? Xxxxxxxx

And Samantha, St Ives do a great apricot scrub, it's a fantastic skin exfoliator, I swear by it. Nivea products are also really good. I'd recommend you get a toner as well as cleanser, it will clean deeper and help dry out the spots and excess oils in your skin so help with your spots xx
Im back!!!!

Mizze i went to leeds, it was amazing.

Niamh fell off the bed a few weeks ago, Id told OH she was there and went to the loo but he wasent awake enough so she decided to crawl off and bang her head on the cot on the way down.

Sam Niamh is still in our room and comes in our bed in the morning and goes back to sleep for a few hours.

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