December Dreamers 2010 mummies-keep in touch

wil is off now with his dad till the day after boxing day so just dh me and ailsa at home this year! We cant afford to go down south to visit either lot of parents and they cant come up due to elderly grandparents. So a nice quiet one this year as it'll b bedlam next with a 7 year old 2 year old and 4 month old all here!
How are the other pregnant Mummies doing? :kiss:

I literally cannot believe how fast my due date is coming around! :argh::haha:
How are the other pregnant Mummies doing? :kiss:

I literally cannot believe how fast my due date is coming around! :argh::haha:

Wow happy 30 weeks Kelly :happydance: Have you got a section date booked?

I am very jealous of all you pregnant girlies, I am still waiting on AF to come back :nope:

We are :sex: all the time but it isnt quite the same when you dont have anything to aim at!

We are planning on night weaning Ivy over Christmas because she still tends to have boob at 11pm and 4am so I am hoping that might kick start my system again. I am suprised nothing has hapenned now I am back at work to be honest because she only has that feed at 4am and then a 7pm one before bedtime :shrug:
How are the other pregnant Mummies doing? :kiss:

I literally cannot believe how fast my due date is coming around! :argh::haha:

I can't believe how quick its gone either!!! Wow!

All is well here apart from I have a cold and have lost my voice atm!
Wow happy 30 weeks Kelly :happydance: Have you got a section date booked?

Not yet...Havent seen a consultant here in Australia yet, in fact havent even seen a midwife! :dohh:

Have my first appointment on 9th January ~ Hope to get a consultant appointment soon though, want to know what date i'll get? :baby:

Good luck with weaning Ivy & hope your AF returns soon for you :flower:
How are the other pregnant Mummies doing? :kiss:

I literally cannot believe how fast my due date is coming around! :argh::haha:

Wow happy 30 weeks Kelly :happydance: Have you got a section date booked?

I am very jealous of all you pregnant girlies, I am still waiting on AF to come back :nope:

We are :sex: all the time but it isnt quite the same when you dont have anything to aim at!

We are planning on night weaning Ivy over Christmas because she still tends to have boob at 11pm and 4am so I am hoping that might kick start my system again. I am suprised nothing has hapenned now I am back at work to be honest because she only has that feed at 4am and then a 7pm one before bedtime :shrug:

Hope that works :nope: :(

Silas feeds two or three times a night usually (about the same times are Ivy but it varies)...although OH can rock him to sleep sometimes he'll wake up in 30mins looking for a feed. I would love to night wean him but the idea of it feels me with must let me know how you get on.

Can't remember what unbroken sleep is. Now when he sleeps 5 hours in a go (rare) I get worried and have to check on him :dohh:
How are the other pregnant Mummies doing? :kiss:

I literally cannot believe how fast my due date is coming around! :argh::haha:

Wow happy 30 weeks Kelly :happydance: Have you got a section date booked?

I am very jealous of all you pregnant girlies, I am still waiting on AF to come back :nope:

We are :sex: all the time but it isnt quite the same when you dont have anything to aim at!

We are planning on night weaning Ivy over Christmas because she still tends to have boob at 11pm and 4am so I am hoping that might kick start my system again. I am suprised nothing has hapenned now I am back at work to be honest because she only has that feed at 4am and then a 7pm one before bedtime :shrug:

Hope that works :nope: :(

Silas feeds two or three times a night usually (about the same times are Ivy but it varies)...although OH can rock him to sleep sometimes he'll wake up in 30mins looking for a feed. I would love to night wean him but the idea of it feels me with must let me know how you get on.

Can't remember what unbroken sleep is. Now when he sleeps 5 hours in a go (rare) I get worried and have to check on him :dohh:

Ivy is exactly the same in the sense that DH can sometimes get her back down to sleep.

The night weaning fills me with dread too :wacko: I wish it didnt have to come to this but the problem we have is her night time milk habits are really curbing her daytime food consumption.

The constant need for boob feels like it is habit now rather than hunger and I don't want to resent bf'ing her and I think if she was weaned at night it would really help because at the moment I feel quite run down with it tbh :nope:

Also I know it sounds silly but I really would love for me and my DH to have an evening out together and for my parents to babysit her, I kind of feel after a year we are entitled to one night off.
I could have written that post myself Amelie - apart from the bit about DH being able to rock her to sleep. Its either the boob or the car or nothing. Now im back in work and C does without milk for hours and hours in the day she is feeding at least 3 times a night and more in the days im not working - I can feed her up t 8 or 9 times in 24hours and tbh im not sure I want to do it anymore. :( We need to night wean soon too.

Mizze xx
OMG Kelly - Ive just realised - 30 weeks!!!! :)

Mizze x
I could have written that post myself Amelie - apart from the bit about DH being able to rock her to sleep. Its either the boob or the car or nothing. Now im back in work and C does without milk for hours and hours in the day she is feeding at least 3 times a night and more in the days im not working - I can feed her up t 8 or 9 times in 24hours and tbh im not sure I want to do it anymore. :( We need to night wean soon too.

Mizze xx

The way I am unfortunately looking at it is the it isnt true CC or CIO (which I don't have the stomach for) because she is going to be in the arms of one of her parents and we are going to intially offer her drinks from her sippy cup when we go in to her. She isnt going to like it of course and there will be crying but it is for her benefit. She gets tired in the day because of the disrupted nights and as much as I have now adapted to the night feeding it is pretty tough with being back at work now.

I have a couple of friends who have just night weaned - one with her 8 month old and it took 9 nights of hell and one with a 14 month old and it was about 3 nights of fuss.

Operation night weaning starts the day after Boxing Day...wish us luck :wacko:
I think we will be doing the same sort of thing Amelie - id like in a way to last longer but with work and with her feeding so erratically day and night we have to do something soon. I think DH would like to get her off the boob completely but I think that would start a meltdown. She had a bad day at nursery today and cried on and off all day - I just dont think we can do too much to her at once - she is having a huge shock not being with me all day every day as it is. WAS thinking January for us to night wean - DH is off, we are having a holiday over her birthday BUT because of Christmas and then our holiday C wont be back in nursery properly until mid/late Jan and I think she will be upset enough over that without adding night weaning to the equasion but its so tiring!

There is never a right time is there - what with teeth, illness, change in routine.

That is why we are just going for it over Christmas because I have 12 days off work and DH has 10.

:hugs: I really really sympethise, I sometimes think I am being punished for bf'ing to be honest as it seems to be at the root of so many of our issues!
:hugs: I really really sympethise, I sometimes think I am being punished for bf'ing to be honest as it seems to be at the root of so many of our issues!

Oh god YES! I thought it was just me (and DH) who thought this! I KNOW that bottle feeding a baby doesnt make everything easy - my SIL, for example had one of her children who woke every 1-2 hours EVERY NIGHT for 18 months and he was ff from the start- BUT sometimes it seems everything stems if not from the BF itself then from a habit we have fallen into because of it.
1) Feeding to sleep means DH cant settle her at all and neither can anyone else without really struggling (she will car nap and sometimes pram nap)
2) Feeding on demand meant I never left her with anyone on a regular basis even for a couple of hours which means she expects me to be there and is upset when im not.
3) Night feeding & keeping her in bed with me
4) not eating enough because she is filling up on her milk and she just isnt dropping any feeds at all.
5) Not having any time for myself or being able to eat (say over Xmas) what I want or have more than a small glass of wine etc.

Now many of these could have been avoided if we had gotten the bottle feeding with EBM sorted early - I think the advice not to start too early means that many women try too late and C just wouldnt have it. Its caused serious arguments with me and DH as he felt really pushed out because he couldnt feed her or look after her for any length of time without me.

Ive loved feeding her but im ready to stop and get my body back but Caitlyn simply isnt. :nope: And I dont know what to do about it.

Mizze xx
:hugs: Mizzie

Have you talked to your health visitor? :flower: Seems you could do with support & advice
Yes I do need to speak to her Kelly. Once Christmas is over I will make an appt - Caitlyn's tummy still isnt right after her tummy bug at the beginning of Nov - her poos are still very loose poor thing and she seems to have quite loose ones very soon after a feed from me. I just dont know how, without a battle for the bottle again, we get her to reduce her milk or take some formula. I thought when she went to nursery she would be hungry enough to take the formula but she just refuses and waits until she sees me - then she spends the evening, night and following days making up for lost time

On a plus note we are off to Tenerife in January -:wohoo: :)

Mizze x
Caitlyn's tummy still isnt right after her tummy bug at the beginning of Nov - her poos are still very loose poor thing and she seems to have quite loose ones very soon after a feed from me.
Mizze x

Breastmilk does contain a natural laxative, Ivy poo's nearly always happen directly after a big feed!

Had her poos really firmed up once she started eating food and then only got loose after the tummy bug? I didnt know if maybe if she really wasnt eat much in the way of food if she had almost reverted back to exclusive bf'ing poo?

Ivy is prone to constipation to be honest so I dont have that much experience with things going the other way!

I would agree that talking to your HV is a good first step, do you know if your HV knows much about bf'ing? My HV is a lovely lady but she doesnt know very much about bf'ing at all so I have tended to use my local Baby Cafe for help and advice about feeding issues. If you have a local bf'ing group near you in my experience they are really good and an excellent source of specialist advice.

As much as I am resenting feeding a little bit at the moment it sounds like you are having it much tougher than me :hugs: In our case I feel like just some structure and boundaries need to come into the feeding now, on demand feeding for 12+ months has worn me out a bit.

You have done so well Mizze, it isnt anything you have done that have caused the tricky situation you are in now. You just have a very strong willed and clever little girl who loves her Mummy and milk! I really hope you get to a happier place with it all soon xxx
Well done girls, I'm guiltily glad it's not just me whose still having to give several night feeds but without having my OH live with me I can't even begin to think about how i'll start night weaning.

He stayed over last night and as a result Silas was only fed in the morning, when he went to bed and once in the night. My boobs were bursting when I woke up.
He'll easily settle with Kev hugging and rocking him but if it's me he'll smell the milk and that's all he'll want. We are trying to build up funds for him to move in but it'll probably be around August before that happens (it's a case of me losing all my benefits, so essentially we lose 12k a year).

The biggest difference I suppose, is that I'm not working so the tiredness during the day is very doable. Because I'm with him all day everyday he isn't too bothered about his day feeds, I'd say 3 a day and then 3 at night.
You're right about there never being a good time, he's got a nasty ear and chest infection atm so is up a LOT.

Just good luck to you both. It's really hard. I think I'll just wait and see how it goes, and see how you guys go.

And I also agree that FF doesn't make it easier. Silas has one uncle that was FF and he didn't STTN until he was 3...
Merry Christmas Kelly xxxxxx Lots of love to you and yours and I hope you are having a lovely day xxxx:drunk::wohoo::xmas6::xmas4::xmas9::xmas16::xmas13::xmas9:

Mizze xx

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