He has an MRI of his brain on the 24th under GA which I'm not looking forward too. To finally see a year after it was discovered, whether or not he has this condition. They seem sure he does but will know more after the scan.
In essense there is possibily brain tissue in his nasal cavity, he may need an operation or they may just say it's ok.
Kelly how's things? X
Bleugh - rubbish night - C fed for HOURS (im not joking) - she is cutting her big top tooth bless her. Yawn, cough, yawn!
Mizze x
You should google and search for stores? How is the kiddies settling? And how's bumP coming along?
Ono iv no idea how iv gotten to 21wk so fast. I have my scan Tomoz we both agreed we would like to no gender but the hospital we use dosnt tell but we gonna ask anyway.
We have more pregnant dec dreamers did u no?
Kelly and Courtney -cant beleive how FAST these pregnancies are going - they are flying past!
Mizze xx