December Dreamers 2010 mummies-keep in touch

all good here although its Bloomin cold and i have a hyper almost 7 year old dormi my head in all day! Got my mum coming tomorrow a meeting with the accountant on Tuesday Wils party Wednesday mum goes home Thursday an the van goes to b sign written i think Fri and sat are quiet days atm Sunday is Wils birthday and then Monday he's off to his dads for a week and Tuesday dh starts work again!
Oh and excuse the typo's I'm on my phone and its a nightmare! I can't c half wot I'm typing!
Hello everyone :) long time no post on here.

:wave: Yes....too long ~ Ive missed you :flower:

Many Congrats on your pregnancy :thumbup:

I'm sick of two faced annoying women so not sure why it's brought me back here?! bnb bitchfest lol
Miss some of you non fb girls though. I'm not on the fb group but will be onhere to check up! :hug:
Welcome back Zoe xx

Oh dear.....Not again! :nope::hugs:

Glad your coming back on here though ~ We have a fab group & I love that we all keep in touch :friends:
Are your LOs talking yet? :shrug:

My little princess isnt talking still ~ she can babble words, but its like she doesnt want to talk! :dohh:
Freddie babbles loads still sounds like es talking japanese most of the Time!
He can say quite a few words now though, some of his faves are; cat, bum and tumble!
I'm still in bed at nearly 9!! Never happened before :D
Lucky me!
God chloe just noticed your ticker your wedding is looming :D

An Zoe loving your new tickers :)

Kelly: me and OH don't like 3wheelers so wasn't much choice for a side by side 4wheeler tbh altho we both are happy with the hauck hoping it's delivered tomorrow :) Eva is a good talker her new word for the past few days is Courtney lol but she isn't walking yet, x
Niamh never shuts up, she has a vocab of about 30 words.
Silas randomly repeats words but rarely uses them constructivly.

He Does Byebye, Hello, Hi, Hiya, boobies and Book with the meaning. He pointed at me and said 'Mama' yesterday. His first word was 'Silas' (very clear). He's also said upstairs, downstairs, kiss, owl, light. Probably a few more, he say saying 'Grandad' when I stayed with my grandparents too.

We think he is just building up his vocab before he commits to talking. :haha:

Yesterday he used a spoon 100% properly for the first time, shovelled the food on and put it in his mouth. Even put the spoon down to get his water and picked it up again :)

Taking 10-20 steps at a time now too so we are nearly walking.
God chloe just noticed your ticker your wedding is looming :D

An Zoe loving your new tickers :)

Kelly: me and OH don't like 3wheelers so wasn't much choice for a side by side 4wheeler tbh altho we both are happy with the hauck hoping it's delivered tomorrow :) Eva is a good talker her new word for the past few days is Courtney lol but she isn't walking yet, x

My pram has 4 wheels! :winkwink: Isnt a side by side though
Hi ladies, thanks for asking after me kelly :hugs: my internet is really playing up so i dont get on much, about 10 mins a day at the moment :-( Anyway hope your ok, how are your gorgeous girls doing? Im 29 weeks this week! Going too fast though, weve just started a loft conversion which needs to be done before little man arrives!! Stressed is a huge understatement of how i am lol xx
Madden doesn't talk really apart from look, what or sit although we did hiya the other day
Awww it's nice to see u kelly :) thanks for the congrats. Still sinking in.

Hope to pop on more now I'm preggo and checking out the tri's.
Hi Ladies
How are you all?
Noah isn't talking yet. And the words he says are his own version of them haha :) He says 'gum' for no...'plulealease' for please, 'bap bap' for backpack, 'be be bay' for breakfast time, 'dye dye' for bye bye (it used to be guy guy), 'goom' if he wants something, 'mmm-goon' for penguin.... but he understands loads. he can point at lots of things you say lol (tv, ball, light, Dora, Mickeymouse, Barney etc). And understand command quite well ( even though he doesnt listen most times;)) He is walking at the speed of light now! And still won't eat by himself- he usually stuffs everything in then gags/ vomits, so everything has to be really tiny still. But he loves to dance and watch tv ;)
How are everyone's pregnanies going? We won't be having another one I don't think. I am busying studying now at snail pace , so hopefully I can manage to finish before I'm a grandma :haha:
Hope you all have a lovely Easter :flower:

I can't find the baby and bump FB page :( Could someone add me to it? My name on FB is Lucy Phillips :) I've got red hair in the picture!

Can't believe it's been so long already... it was just five minutes ago I was joining B&B... hands trembling, because I'd just had a positive pregnancy test! What a couple of years!! :) :cloud9:

Aww Kelly I like you too :hugs: Thank you so much for your message. I'm now 10 weeks pregnant and have CVS on 19th April and will get the results the following week. My Rosie is a cheeky little monkey and I'm sure her big sister does whisper naughty things to her!! lol

Can't quite believe you have another baby already!! You work fast!! :happydance::happydance: How are you coping? How did you cope with the section this time? xx Sorry firing loads of questions at you xx
Hello lovelies - how are we all doing?

Hi Wishing :wave: :hugs: Noah sounds so adorable - Caitlyn is much the same although we do get a proper bye bye but everything else is her own version

Kelly - how is life in oz and how are your girls? (and boys!)

We stopped BF last night at exactly 15 months - for me it went well she went down intially after 1hr 15 mins and had a 5 hour stretch in the middle of the night of solid sleep - she and DH are still sleeping - he did all the hard work but it wasnt as appallingly awful as I thought it might be

Mizze xxx

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