December Dreamers 2010 mummies-keep in touch

I had awful experiences with SMA Ness! Aimee was so I'll with it, poorly tummy, constipation & really smelly poo when she managed it! I hate SMA!! Glad Ava is better on aptamil! :)
When did you guys have your first outing with baby? I'm really nervous about going out, knowing what to take, what to dress Charlie in, what blankets to use, taking a bottle out etc. My changing bag has an insulated bottle holder, so before I go out just make a bottle and pop it in there? What about it being sterile? :dohh:

Eva was a week old when we took her out for the first time, mainly because it was to cold to take her out any sooner plus id prob would have been dogdy pushing the pain in the icy paths.AS for the bottles i just bought a few cartons of c&g ang poured it into the bottle as she wanted it :thumbup:

I have dissolvable stitches and have showered since day 3 I'm just careful not to get any/ much soap etc near it I just let the water trickle over it.

I'm still bleeding though not much at the moment then all of a sudden I'll get more.

I think my milk is finally coming in my breastpads are drenched and everytime I touch them they leak, the milk is really sticky lol, not got loads but it's getting there, boobs feel hot and tingly and a bit achy!

Question: how long did you leave your newborn in their Moses basket during the day? Ava is in hers a lot cos she sleeps all day lol but that's ok to put her in her Moses basket when sleeping isn't it? Daft question lol :blush: feel like a bad mum for not holding her all the time!

Eva sleeps most of the day in her moses basket, altho the past week she has been staying awake for longer after her feeds, which i dont mind gives me more time for cuddles before she nods of :happydance:
Iv got really bad tooth ache had it for from friday night, i could just rip it ou :( I can feel my cheek has swollen abit and i can feel the pressure buliding up around my eye, going to ring the dentist tomoz, but was just wonder do i have to have my NHS card before i can get free dentil care, or do i just say im just after having a baby an will they put it on my file?
Does anyone have a bedtime routine for LO yet? If you do what is it?

We're trying to get Lyra into one that starts at 9.30pm and goes bath, change into pjs, into sleeping bag, feed and cuddles and she will go to bed about 11pm. She cries so much when we take her out of the bath though I'm wondering if it's doing more harm than good? She really hates being naked :wacko: xx
They get better with bein bathed hun! I don't bath Alex everynight but we go to bed after his last feed m get in pjs then bottle n bed
Eva isnt keen on being stripped, so when she is getting a bath iv to have everything ready to try and get her dryed powered and dressed as quickly as i can manage. As for bedtime routine erm we kinda try to feed her around 10-11 then she will wake about 1 and if she hasnt woke for 1 oclock feed we wake her then she sleeps till about 3 or 4 the feed the she sleeps till about 7 it worke well for me cause it means iv only 2 feeds during the night id im normally up for her next feed after the 7ish one.
Pixxie once she out of the bath, put her nappy on and give her a massage, it might chill her out and make her feel better about having no clothes on.

Iv had no problems with Niamh on SMA.

I stopped bleeding at 4 weeks pp and am still waiting for a period.

Niamh went in up to bed at 8 and dident fall asleep untill 9.45 and shes just woken up for her next feed :dohh: Im going to start a propper routeen tomorrow of story,massage, upstairs for a feed and then bed.
For a few weeks now, we have been doing a loose night time routine. More because I was afraid she'd get her days/nights confused. After DH and I are in bed for the ngiht, I only feed her laying down in the dark. No playing no chatting. Just food and sleep.

DH has had some great daddy time this weekend. Lots of snuggles and he got to take a nap with her yesterday. They are so very adorable together. He sets her on his legs and she just hangs out there until she wants his attention... then she kicks at him and grunts at him :) It's super cute.
You have all inspired me to use my moby wrap. He just fell asleep in it. I love it!!!
Lozzy I tried massage with her but she just screams :(

Wish OH would make his mind up about her being in our bed, now he's saying he's ok with it as long as she doesn't wake him up :dohh: oh well more cuddles for mummy :) xx
we've had a bedtime routine with Ailsa since pretty much day 1! At around 7/8pm feed she'll have a bath (every other day) and a bottle and a cuddle then up to her crib in our bedroom and atm we usually go up to bed at the same time but now shes starting to sleep longer and longer i epect we'll get to the point where we'll feed her and put her in her bed and have an hour or 2 downstairs before we go up. I have a moses basket for her downstairs and the crib upstairs for night time and she seems to know the difference cause she will just get herself off to sleep in her crib without playing like she does in her moses basket during the day sometimes and then will sleep for 8-9 hours. if she doesn't have a bath routine is the same just change her into pjs when we changer her bum.

Ailsa would scream the place down when ever we changed her clothes, bum ir bathed her for the first few weeks - shes muchbetter now and usually only crys a little bit when she gets out the bath and she soon calms down after a cuddle and bottle.
Oh and I don't really cuddle Ailsa much during the day - just when I'm feeding her really or if she gets a but antsy about half hour before shes due a feed, otherwise shes either in her moses basket or on her playmat, I was really careful not to cuddle her loads during the day cause I didn't want her to get used to it and then never be able to put her down during the day which is what happened to me with DS for the first 4 months!!!
oh good i was worried i was neglecting her by sitting on my laptop having a brew while shes sleeping :haha: she's slept nearly all day shes been so good! I keep having to check her to see if shes to warm in case shes ill or somethig cos shes sleeping loads! I worry even more now shes out of my belly lol suppose thats being a mum though hey?!

she seems so much better on aptamil too, no sick or anything and no crying and pulling up of knees! Bloody SMA should come with a warning!

Just reading back, still catching up and i read this lol,

so it is SMA that makes them like this? My immy gets really constipated, pulls her knees right up and shes been projectile sicky with it too...

maybe its worth a change for us aswell?


I cannot remeber who mentioned it earlier, but about there poopy being like brocolli..? like the little bits on the top..? its what Immys poopys have started to look like, and its also got a little darker in colour, like its got a little blacky tinge to it... its not for all of it just for some of it, should i be worried?

we sorta have a routine, her last feed on a day is about 11pm, so the feed before which is about half 7/8ish shes undressed and ready for bed right after the 11pm feed :)
Oh and I don't really cuddle Ailsa much during the day - just when I'm feeding her really or if she gets a but antsy about half hour before shes due a feed, otherwise shes either in her moses basket or on her playmat, I was really careful not to cuddle her loads during the day cause I didn't want her to get used to it and then never be able to put her down during the day which is what happened to me with DS for the first 4 months!!!

This has been my approach really, that and the fact that he spends most of the time asleep. He wakes, he feeds, I change him and usually before I can get round to cuddling/chatting he's dozing off :wacko:, last couple od days he's been very awake in the morning once i've drawn the curtains - but the 4x nappy change and outfit change seemed to use up all the energy he had today.

Maybe later :)
i want my moby wrap noooow :brat: emily want settle untill i picked her up and now shes fast asleep onn me :cry:
Oh and I don't really cuddle Ailsa much during the day - just when I'm feeding her really or if she gets a but antsy about half hour before shes due a feed, otherwise shes either in her moses basket or on her playmat, I was really careful not to cuddle her loads during the day cause I didn't want her to get used to it and then never be able to put her down during the day which is what happened to me with DS for the first 4 months!!!

This has been my approach really, that and the fact that he spends most of the time asleep. He wakes, he feeds, I change him and usually before I can get round to cuddling/chatting he's dozing off :wacko:, last couple od days he's been very awake in the morning once i've drawn the curtains - but the 4x nappy change and outfit change seemed to use up all the energy he had today.

Maybe later :)

he'll have more and more awake time as he gets older - Ailsa is 7 weeks today and she still sleeps more than she is awake. She generally feeds and sleeps in the morning and then after lunch will have some awake time on her playmat kicking about and watching the lights on the tv and then generally around our dinner time shes back to feeding and sleeping again!

i want my moby wrap noooow :brat: emily want settle untill i picked her up and now shes fast asleep onn me :cry:

I feel yr pain hun William was like that until he was about 4 months old - constantly needing cuddles or attention, it was exhausting and i really struggled with him and my emotions, i wish i'd know about the wraps back then!
Has any one spent any time with out LO yet? I let MIL take her for a few hours yesterday and hated it, they hadent even pulled away and i wanted her back. She then txt later on asking when she can have her overnight, i just told her to ask again in a few months. Just cos i let you have her for 2 hours dosent mean im ready for that yet.

I dident even want her to go for the 2 hours but iv got to go back to work in 6 months and id rather she get used to being with others from the start rather than have her feel abandond when i do go.
I can't really leave him at the moment, with the breast feeding and not having much EBM. Don't think i would like it either, think i will wait till he is at least 3 months or so! :)
Has any one spent any time with out LO yet? I let MIL take her for a few hours yesterday and hated it, they hadent even pulled away and i wanted her back. She then txt later on asking when she can have her overnight, i just told her to ask again in a few months. Just cos i let you have her for 2 hours dosent mean im ready for that yet.

I dident even want her to go for the 2 hours but iv got to go back to work in 6 months and id rather she get used to being with others from the start rather than have her feel abandond when i do go.

I've let DH take her a couple times and New Years eve we left her with my 20 year old cousin. I was a wreck the first time DH took her out alone and on New years I think I sent my cousin 4 texts while at dinner...she laughed at me and told me the baby had taken her bottle and was sleeping so I should jst enjoy myself.
i've not left Ailsa yet and with family all so far away i expect it'll be a long time before i have any significant time away from her! DS was 13 months old before i left him for any significant time!!!!!!

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