Has any one spent any time with out LO yet? I let MIL take her for a few hours yesterday and hated it, they hadent even pulled away and i wanted her back. She then txt later on asking when she can have her overnight, i just told her to ask again in a few months. Just cos i let you have her for 2 hours dosent mean im ready for that yet.
I dident even want her to go for the 2 hours but iv got to go back to work in 6 months and id rather she get used to being with others from the start rather than have her feel abandond when i do go.
Hey girlies, anyones LO seem really restless when they're in the Moses basket? He'll go in there fine but throughout his sleep he stretches, makes a funny face, sometimes squeaks, often grunts and makes a sound like he's drawn breath to hard...kind of like a grunt. Then with a bit of stroking his face, giving him his dummy, he's ok again but half an hour later it can start againI'm kind of worried because he does sound stuffy sometimes, and sounds a bit chesty? He'll go to cry when he does his little restless bit as well and snort loads ?
Hey girlies, anyones LO seem really restless when they're in the Moses basket? He'll go in there fine but throughout his sleep he stretches, makes a funny face, sometimes squeaks, often grunts and makes a sound like he's drawn breath to hard...kind of like a grunt. Then with a bit of stroking his face, giving him his dummy, he's ok again but half an hour later it can start againI'm kind of worried because he does sound stuffy sometimes, and sounds a bit chesty? He'll go to cry when he does his little restless bit as well and snort loads ?
Sounds like wind - Ailsa does it and will usually burp straight away when we pick her up.