Lozzy- I am so jealous that your baby will lay in bed without being asleep and be content. Mine has to be asleep before he will go down. It is so very tiring.
Is it bad i cant bring myself to watch OBEM? Iv gone from applying to do an access course to be a midwife to not being able to watch anything to do with birth
if ailsa is unsettled and showing signs of wind we pick her up and she usually burps straight away and then settles back down to sleep when we put her back in her bed.
kerrie they say 6 weeks to 3 months u can epect yr first period if yr not bf. i had mine start a few days before 6 weeks.
so sorry to hear about yr nan lozzy hope she improves with physio and support
ailsa is normally awake when we put her down after her last feed ans will get herself off to sleep within 10 mins normally.
He won't settle since around 11 last night, wakes up if he falls asleep after 30 minutes, he won't stop crying, I haven't slept in 12 hrs and am just sitting here crying I don't know what im suppose to do. He's changed, fed, warm, cuddled
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