December Dreamers 2010 mummies-keep in touch

Ailsa poos every other day usually and like Kelly we change her bum in the middle of every feed unless shes pooed then i change her straight away - well once i'm sure shes finished!!!

googily i think the sure start grant is still running and regarding the trust fund voucher mine just came through the post about a week ago, if u get it u don't need to do anything special it just seems to get sent out automatically to you.
Better night for me ladies, he wasn't screaming the whole time. Still waking up loads though, roughly every hour and a half. So by the time he's fallen asleep, and I've washed up the bottle etc i get about half hour to sleep :cry: I'm so so so so tired! He just gurgles and I think he wakes himself up with all the sounds and kicking he does :shrug: I'm really lost now I don't know what I'm supposed to do - I really feel totally disconnected from everything. I haven't been out, I'm tired, I'm hungry, there's no time for anything because I just want to sleep. Please tell me I'm normal :( I don't know what else I can do to help him sleep longer :shrug: Should I change formula? Hungry baby formula? One of my midwives said not to put him on that as it's unnecessary for a newborn...but when he's waking up screaming every hour and half and finishing off 3oz surely that's a good reason to give him more fulfilling milk??? One of the midwives is coming tomorrow so I'll ask her. The one that told me babies shouldn't have powdered milk is the one that said hungry baby milk isn't necessary, so let's hope that it's not her.

have you tried increasing to 4oz? if he's finishing off 3oz its time to increase it hun he might just be still hungry and not having enough for his needs. Just cos it says 3oz on the tin doesnt mean you cant increase it :flower: and you are normal I'm feeling totally at a loss half the time i dont know what to do its just a learning curve for all new mums :hugs:

I wish breastfedding had worked for me :/ Imogen just wouldnt latch on in hospital, and it was stressing her out and me, i cried so so much when we had to finally give in, i felt asthough i had failed her, but thankfully, i can exspress a few times a day and then give her whatever i get :) so that made me feel alot better :)

does anyone else know if the goverment have stopped the £500 grant thingy???

and for those of you who had your babies before the 31st of december, how do you apply for the voucher thingy to start a savings account for your LO...?

I thought the child trust fund had been stopped now?

I wish I could have breastfed too I feel totally robbed and like a failure, I HATE formla feeding with a passion and she has so many tummy upsets cos of the formula :cry: she doesnt even know how to latch on any more and cos I was in hospital 4 days and unable to pump and lost a litre of blood I couldnt encourage my flow til I got home.

Kelly - mines just pussing from one bit the swelling has gone down though thankfully so obviouly just the bad stuff coming out!
i change Ava middle of a feed usually to wake her up in the middle of it lol
mizze just text me to say she is having a c section tomorrow xxx
Better night for me ladies, he wasn't screaming the whole time. Still waking up loads though, roughly every hour and a half. So by the time he's fallen asleep, and I've washed up the bottle etc i get about half hour to sleep :cry: I'm so so so so tired! He just gurgles and I think he wakes himself up with all the sounds and kicking he does :shrug: I'm really lost now I don't know what I'm supposed to do - I really feel totally disconnected from everything. I haven't been out, I'm tired, I'm hungry, there's no time for anything because I just want to sleep. Please tell me I'm normal :( I don't know what else I can do to help him sleep longer :shrug: Should I change formula? Hungry baby formula? One of my midwives said not to put him on that as it's unnecessary for a newborn...but when he's waking up screaming every hour and half and finishing off 3oz surely that's a good reason to give him more fulfilling milk??? One of the midwives is coming tomorrow so I'll ask her. The one that told me babies shouldn't have powdered milk is the one that said hungry baby milk isn't necessary, so let's hope that it's not her.

have you tried increasing to 4oz? if he's finishing off 3oz its time to increase it hun he might just be still hungry and not having enough for his needs. Just cos it says 3oz on the tin doesnt mean you cant increase it :flower: and you are normal I'm feeling totally at a loss half the time i dont know what to do its just a learning curve for all new mums :hugs:

I wish breastfedding had worked for me :/ Imogen just wouldnt latch on in hospital, and it was stressing her out and me, i cried so so much when we had to finally give in, i felt asthough i had failed her, but thankfully, i can exspress a few times a day and then give her whatever i get :) so that made me feel alot better :)

does anyone else know if the goverment have stopped the £500 grant thingy???

and for those of you who had your babies before the 31st of december, how do you apply for the voucher thingy to start a savings account for your LO...?

I thought the child trust fund had been stopped now?

I wish I could have breastfed too I feel totally robbed and like a failure, I HATE formla feeding with a passion and she has so many tummy upsets cos of the formula :cry: she doesnt even know how to latch on any more and cos I was in hospital 4 days and unable to pump and lost a litre of blood I couldnt encourage my flow til I got home.

Kelly - mines just pussing from one bit the swelling has gone down though thankfully so obviouly just the bad stuff coming out!

Yeah I have :( I make him 4oz and he finishes 3 sometimes 3 and a bit, but he just wakes again awhile later. He managed to stay asleep from 12:30 to 3:30 today in the afternoon, so manage to get some sleep. I just feel totally lost and disconnected from everything...almost like Im just nervous about anything and everything :shrug:

What does everyone do after baby is done feeding? Do you cuddle LO to sleep or?
Aww poor mizze! They should have done that by now. She's been at this what 3 days now? :hugs: mizze.

Last couple days, Juliet just won't let me put her down during the day. She falls asleep and wakes just as soon as I put her down. I tried waiting varying amounts of time to make sure she's really out. Nope. The one way I can get her to sleep and get her to stay out is laying on the couch and nursing her to sleep. Then I wait a bit and get up.. I don't really like it tho, she's on the couch and not in her bed where there are 4 walls keeping her in. Not that she's rolling yet, but still.

DH asked me the other day why I eat so fast. LOL I told him it's become habit because I don't know how long I have without J calling out to me. I just had a quick lunch, now I'm going to try and get some cleaning done before the boss wakes and demands more boob.

I'm thinking of inviting my sister over to hold/play with J so I can get some cleaning done.
if Ailsa has dropped off or looks sleepy i'll put her down in her basket otherwise i put her down on her playmat in front of the tv and if i've not got anything i need to do then i'll sit with her while she has some tummy time! shes completely different to her bog brother he hated being on his front but she quite likes it and was giving the mat a good old lick yesterday!!!!
Ness if you want to stick with the BF, just keep pumping and trying to latch her on, have you tryed using the shields (im sure you said you had some) Its only been the past week and a bit Niamh has latched on and iv noticed a big increase in my supply in that time.
Aww poor mizze! They should have done that by now. She's been at this what 3 days now? :hugs: mizze.

Last couple days, Juliet just won't let me put her down during the day. She falls asleep and wakes just as soon as I put her down. I tried waiting varying amounts of time to make sure she's really out. Nope. The one way I can get her to sleep and get her to stay out is laying on the couch and nursing her to sleep. Then I wait a bit and get up.. I don't really like it tho, she's on the couch and not in her bed where there are 4 walls keeping her in. Not that she's rolling yet, but still.

DH asked me the other day why I eat so fast. LOL I told him it's become habit because I don't know how long I have without J calling out to me. I just had a quick lunch, now I'm going to try and get some cleaning done before the boss wakes and demands more boob.

I'm thinking of inviting my sister over to hold/play with J so I can get some cleaning done.

Ailsa decided yesterday morning that she was gonna cry for no reason, she was feed, clean, dry and winded and i had washing up and bottles to do so i just left her to it in her basket.
I allways put LO down awake to go to sleep and it may take her a while but she allways nods off.
How often do you change your LO's bum? I literally change Ava's nappy then she shits again straightaway....

I had a quadrupral nappy change two days ago...ugghh...first time he weed all over the clean nappy, then he pooed in the next, then another wee and I can't even remember why the last one. Each time he somehow got a substance on his clothes and they had to be changed too...he ended up in a longsleeve vest and socks :(
I rarely pick him up to find he's not smelly, and when I feed him if he's clean the nappy usually gets filled up *sigh*

Nat its hard enough with one I dnt knw how you're coping hun!!xx

I hate to moan that i have 2, i know im blessed, but its really tough to feel you cant enjoy them both as you only have one pair of hands. I feel im permnanently wishing for them to go to sleep. Its horrid as i feel that whole enjoyment of having a new baby has been taken away from me as its impossible to enjoy 2 at the same time, i feel i cant give myself fully to either of them :cry:

You must be super Mum Nat seriously, even with an extra pair of hands. I'm sure there will come a day when all of a sudden you are able to enjoy them completely - even if for a moment. Then they'll be more moments :D
I honestly never thought it'd be this hard - dunno what I was expecting! Just a huge well done, each day that passes is a day that won't come again (even if it seems like it).

Better night for me ladies, he wasn't screaming the whole time. Still waking up loads though, roughly every hour and a half. So by the time he's fallen asleep, and I've washed up the bottle etc i get about half hour to sleep :cry: I'm so so so so tired! He just gurgles and I think he wakes himself up with all the sounds and kicking he does :shrug: I'm really lost now I don't know what I'm supposed to do - I really feel totally disconnected from everything. I haven't been out, I'm tired, I'm hungry, there's no time for anything because I just want to sleep. Please tell me I'm normal :( I don't know what else I can do to help him sleep longer :shrug: Should I change formula? Hungry baby formula? One of my midwives said not to put him on that as it's unnecessary for a newborn...but when he's waking up screaming every hour and half and finishing off 3oz surely that's a good reason to give him more fulfilling milk??? One of the midwives is coming tomorrow so I'll ask her. The one that told me babies shouldn't have powdered milk is the one that said hungry baby milk isn't necessary, so let's hope that it's not her.

I had my first exprience of an awful night last night. I gave him his first feed at around 9pm and he didn't settle. Fed him again at 11pm and he still wasn't making any effort at sleeping - lots of grunting and 'feed me' noises. In the end he kept me up till 4am, with the light on crying for food. It was awful. I had nothing left so just had to keep trying to settle him, putting his covers back on...over and over...I gave him the 40mil I had frozen and eventually...he fell asleep.
I can't even grasp the despair of doing that night after night :(, I don't know how i'll cope if he does it again - I'm hoping my supply will catch up with him pretty darn quickly. It's fine all day, dunno why it's so bad at night.
Uggh. I've dosed throughout the day and still feel rotten. I know it's not as bad Sam, but you're still alive and he's a healthy little star and it WILL get easier and you CAN do this. You just have to keep reminding yourself of it, get your mum round as much as you can - and you know we'll all try and support you as best as we can. x

does anyone else know if the goverment have stopped the £500 grant thingy???

They have stopped it for any subsequent children but you still get it for your first x

Here's my piece. Is anyone else struggling with their bits? I have thrush and an increasingly bad UTI. It's just an added uncomfort that I could do without, if I get a course of antibotics that'll probably make the thrush worse, and a pessary for thrush is a no-go just on the thought of it. Best plan of action?
I had my first exprience of an awful night last night. I gave him his first feed at around 9pm and he didn't settle. Fed him again at 11pm and he still wasn't making any effort at sleeping - lots of grunting and 'feed me' noises. In the end he kept me up till 4am, with the light on crying for food. It was awful. I had nothing left so just had to keep trying to settle him, putting his covers back on...over and over...I gave him the 40mil I had frozen and eventually...he fell asleep.
I can't even grasp the despair of doing that night after night :(, I don't know how i'll cope if he does it again - I'm hoping my supply will catch up with him pretty darn quickly. It's fine all day, dunno why it's so bad at night.

Sounds like a growth spurt, if you can (and i know it is hard) feed between 1am - 4am as much as you can - the bf hormone is at its highest then and it will help your supply - i kept giving ebm at this time and it eventually took a few horrible nights of just hanging on in there and feeding and my supply caught up :flower:
Better night for me ladies, he wasn't screaming the whole time. Still waking up loads though, roughly every hour and a half. So by the time he's fallen asleep, and I've washed up the bottle etc i get about half hour to sleep :cry: I'm so so so so tired! He just gurgles and I think he wakes himself up with all the sounds and kicking he does :shrug: I'm really lost now I don't know what I'm supposed to do - I really feel totally disconnected from everything. I haven't been out, I'm tired, I'm hungry, there's no time for anything because I just want to sleep. Please tell me I'm normal :( I don't know what else I can do to help him sleep longer :shrug: Should I change formula? Hungry baby formula? One of my midwives said not to put him on that as it's unnecessary for a newborn...but when he's waking up screaming every hour and half and finishing off 3oz surely that's a good reason to give him more fulfilling milk??? One of the midwives is coming tomorrow so I'll ask her. The one that told me babies shouldn't have powdered milk is the one that said hungry baby milk isn't necessary, so let's hope that it's not her.

Bless you :hugs:

You are totally normal...I feel like that too sometimes, tiredness really does funny things to us :wacko:

Have you tried swaddling your LO? :baby: I have done it with Meadow since she was born & if I ever try & pop her in her basket without being swaddled, she wakes herself up with her own arms! :dohh:
I had my first exprience of an awful night last night. I gave him his first feed at around 9pm and he didn't settle. Fed him again at 11pm and he still wasn't making any effort at sleeping - lots of grunting and 'feed me' noises. In the end he kept me up till 4am, with the light on crying for food. It was awful. I had nothing left so just had to keep trying to settle him, putting his covers back on...over and over...I gave him the 40mil I had frozen and eventually...he fell asleep.
I can't even grasp the despair of doing that night after night :(, I don't know how i'll cope if he does it again - I'm hoping my supply will catch up with him pretty darn quickly. It's fine all day, dunno why it's so bad at night.

Sounds like a growth spurt, if you can (and i know it is hard) feed between 1am - 4am as much as you can - the bf hormone is at its highest then and it will help your supply - i kept giving ebm at this time and it eventually took a few horrible nights of just hanging on in there and feeding and my supply caught up :flower:

Thanks so much, a lot of this feels like you have to aim for 'hanging on in there'. He settles a lot better in his carrycot than the crib. Might try the sleeping bag he got for a pressy tonight but will not be surprised if I have to sleep through tomorrow day.
They did weigh him again today and he'd gained like another 4oz it he's definately growing good.
I had my first exprience of an awful night last night. I gave him his first feed at around 9pm and he didn't settle. Fed him again at 11pm and he still wasn't making any effort at sleeping - lots of grunting and 'feed me' noises. In the end he kept me up till 4am, with the light on crying for food. It was awful. I had nothing left so just had to keep trying to settle him, putting his covers back on...over and over...I gave him the 40mil I had frozen and eventually...he fell asleep.
I can't even grasp the despair of doing that night after night :(, I don't know how i'll cope if he does it again - I'm hoping my supply will catch up with him pretty darn quickly. It's fine all day, dunno why it's so bad at night.

Sounds like a growth spurt, if you can (and i know it is hard) feed between 1am - 4am as much as you can - the bf hormone is at its highest then and it will help your supply - i kept giving ebm at this time and it eventually took a few horrible nights of just hanging on in there and feeding and my supply caught up :flower:

Thanks so much, a lot of this feels like you have to aim for 'hanging on in there'. He settles a lot better in his carrycot than the crib. Might try the sleeping bag he got for a pressy tonight but will not be surprised if I have to sleep through tomorrow day.
They did weigh him again today and he'd gained like another 4oz it he's definately growing good.

You are doing really well, it is so hard - at 6 weeks now it finally feels like it might be getting a bit easier...maybe :wacko:
any one got any tips on dealing with reflux? Iv got one exhausted baby girl who cant settle
any one got any tips on dealing with reflux? Iv got one exhausted baby girl who cant settle

We think Oliver has reflux... which resulted in projectile vomit all over the floor in River Island!! We went to the Dr and have now got infant gaviscon to put in his bottles, so we'll see if that works. Keeping them upright for 20-30mins after every feed helps. And we find that a dummy helps settle him when he's uncomfortable and upset, it really comforts him. It's a difficult one because there aren't as many options to help them as there is colic. It's worth taking her to the doctors because there's a rare condition that is very similar to reflux that is worth ruling out. When I had reflux as a baby my mum was given sachets of stuff to thicken up my milk which helps apparently. Oliver is already on comfort milk as we thought he had colic and would help with his sickyness.

Hope she's ok... I know how hard it is when they won't settle.
Dr wont give me anything unless its affecting her weight which its not but its deffinatly affecting her sleep. Shes finaly asleep in my arms
Any one know anything about the coil? Im stuck as to what tipe to get

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