December Dreamers 2010 mummies-keep in touch

Hmmm must of been something in the air lst night. As ive managed to get about 1 - 2 hours sleep spread out over the whole night. James just wouldnt settle and fed all night. He went down at 5.50am and alarm went off at 6am!!!
I left him home with his dad, while i took car to the garage and while ive been gone, he has taken 5oz of formula. Just dont see how he could possibly be hungry
Chloe, they have a growth spurt around 6 weeks so he will be feeding more.
:wohoo: Baby Caitlyn just got upgraded to star baby status for waking only twice in the night for a feed and allowing her Mummy to feel like a human being again. :happydance:

My milk came in - dear god, my breasts are MASSIVE!! But Caitlyn and I are getting on better with the latching now that the real stuff is here!

Mizze xx
hi girls! so sorry I've not been around to catch up but firstly Mizze congratulations on baby Caitlyn! So glad shes here for you now! Glad your milk came in hun - mine never did after I lost so much blood after my section so was never able to breastfeed so I'm glad yours did hun :hugs:

I'm considering getting some fenugreek but dont know whether its worth it as she just screams if I put my nipple near her mouth and the only milk that is there is about 5 or 6 droplets of it whn i squeeze.

Ava is now on comfort milk as shes had colic and bad wind and her tummy seems to be settling slowly but surely. I just cant understand that if babies are known to struggle to digest lactose why dont they make all formulas with reduced lactose and also a bit thicker like the comfort milk if it stops them taking in as many air bubbles its bizarre!

Shes a really good baby though she sleeps practically all day, awake in the evenings a bit more now though recently its been filled with screaming lol and she wakes twice in the night for feeds and nappy changes.

How often do you all change your LO's bum except the changes before/after feeds? I can never tell when shes wet and I worry shes had her nappy on too long but its never longer than 2 hours or so between changes
Hi girls!

Firstly CONGRATS MIZZE! So happy for you xxxx

I only managed to scroll back a few pages. My god this no sleep is a killer. They feed every 3 hours, and at seperate times, and refuse to sleep in the day. I am a bloody mess!!

Mine have also been stupidly hungry over the past couple of days, my lordy this is the toughest job EVER!!

:wohoo: Baby Caitlyn just got upgraded to star baby status for waking only twice in the night for a feed and allowing her Mummy to feel like a human being again. :happydance:

My milk came in - dear god, my breasts are MASSIVE!! But Caitlyn and I are getting on better with the latching now that the real stuff is here!

Mizze xx
Mizze that's fantastic news about the sleep!! Congrats again hun - so happy for you. xxxx

Ness - re the nappy thing. You can smell if it's a poo - to know if it's wet - you pinch the nappy from the outside if it doesn't slip between your fingers then it's dry - if it needs changing then it will slip/slide between your fingers. Hope that makes sense.

Anyone help me with FENUGREEK - how many do you take and how often? Thanks. Considering it as Rosie seems to be fussy at the breast and I'm worried about my supply.

i only change Ailsa in the middle of each feed unless she poos - shes going 10-11 hrs without a nappy change overnight so changing her every 2 hours or so hun is more than regularly enough!
:wohoo: Baby Caitlyn just got upgraded to star baby status for waking only twice in the night for a feed and allowing her Mummy to feel like a human being again. :happydance:

My milk came in - dear god, my breasts are MASSIVE!! But Caitlyn and I are getting on better with the latching now that the real stuff is here!

Mizze xx

Welcome to milk-land. He drains my breasts well most of the time now but I used to wake up covered in milk more or less every morning at the start. Every surface and item of clothing we both wore just got covered in milk. My breasts are the exact same size, how disappointing :p, but it seems they are mainly made of milk ducts rather than fat I guess?

Sooo glad Caitlyn is here, big cuddles to you both and so glad she's being good and letting you catch up on sleep. I don't know about your induction process (will when your birth story is out) went but mine was just awful, I didn't really get sleep in the 3 days before Silas was born so took me about 5 or 6 days before I had managed to catch up to a human amount. He's brilliant now, usually feeds somwehere between 12 and 1am then around 4am then somewhere between 8 and 7. That's fine for me to sleep inbetween, then every 3 days or so I need a nap in the day of a few hours just to keep me sane/healthy.

Also - I know it must be hard when OHs don't pull their weight, but I can only think that if I had someone else do just one change a day it would make a difference to me or to reassure me every now and again when I felt I needed it.

I think we just get used to what we get through - so I'm not saying your complaints are unjustified, I'd probably be the same. I'm just a bit jealous, it gets so lonely with you LO on your own sometimes x

Ness - I know what you mean with the nappies. I can smell the poop but unless the nappy leaks a bit Im not sure of the wet ones. He's basically had nappy rash from day one in a little patch and although I make sure he's dry and have been using a little sudocrem it's still there.
Only about 1 in 6 of his nappies is actually wet though. He saves his wee for when I change him regardless of whether his willy is covered. He also wees religiously after bathtime whilst I am drying him in his towel. My Grandma says she wants to get him a potty hahaha
thanks girls!! I change her usually in the middle of her feed to wake her up unless she already has a poo in her nappy which i can of course smell ha ha :haha: but she poos when shes had a feed too so I end up having t hange her again. I worry about the amonia and her getting a sore tuppy and bum - the newborn size 1 nappies are crap though I've just put her a number 2 on given shes nearly 10lb now! they seem more absorbant.

Butterfly you tke 3 fenugreek 3 times a day from what I've read online but sure someone will correct that if its wrong - the guideline I read was that if you dont smell like maple syrup you're not taking enough lol!

Ava has scratched her face loads, I dont like putting scratch mits on her though as she likes to suck her fingers but the scratches have left little pieces of dry skin, is there anything I can put on them perhaps a tiny bit of olive oil?
re OH's mine is so insensitive about my upset about the traumatic birth, he cant understand why I keep talking about it and he says te most mean things apparently as a joke but hey idiot guess what, I hvent slept properly since Ava was born, I had major surgery 3 weeks ago and an infection.....calling me a whale no matter how funny you think it is it really isnt!!

Hes good round the house but he doesnt do night feeds in the week and is always trying to contradict me when it comes to caring for her but Ive read up on how to look after her and been to all the classes and appts and carried her for 10 months I'm sorry but I knw best!
Oh hello everyone, this is where you were hiding!

As you can see in the signature, our Miss - Dara Tea Maria was born on the 11th of December and was 7.4 lbs, 3 weeks early.

We had not only a bad birth experience (both of us) but a bumpy ride with a baby who was constipated to the point that she had to go into hospital as she was shutting down and became non responsive. They eventually decided she was lactose intolerant and has been on soy since.

She's not 110%, seems the soy makes her gassy and colicky and she's projectile vomited but for now her poo situation seems better so we're hopeful in particular as she's put on weight and is now 1 month and 6 days and exactly 10 lbs today :happydance:

I'm looking forward to talking to all of you wonderful new mummies although I will say I am not the one staying home with her as I've returned to work two weeks ago but her daddy is and he is probably more knowledgeable about these things than I am :dohh:

i only change Ailsa in the middle of each feed unless she poos - shes going 10-11 hrs without a nappy change overnight so changing her every 2 hours or so hun is more than regularly enough!

Does that mean start her with a bit of food so that she doesn't scream but not let her finish so that it's safer to lay her down without vomiting? That's what I do.
Yep for fenugreek you take 3, 3 times a day, you ether need to smell like maple syrup of curry.
Mothers milk tea is also a good supplement for helping aid in lactation. It doesn't taste too bad either.:thumbup:
My baby has been against sleep last two nights. No more than1.5-2 hours at a time. I am a wreck. We cried together last night.:cry:
Ness - You are doing really well, you went through a hell of a lot and I'm not sure I could've coped with a traumatic birth and then the despair of being unable to breastfeed. I don't think i've said that yet but each time you mention it I feel it. I'm sure everyone just tells you to be thankfull that she's here safe, but I know that's the last thing you probably want to hear.
You are doing really well x

Mothers milk tea is also a good supplement for helping aid in lactation. It doesn't taste too bad either.:thumbup:

Waaaah?! I don't fancy that. First bottle I expressed I just lost all interest in the taste of my milk, it just looked seriously unappealing. It's less yellow now and to be honest I still don't fancy it, I think I'd rather try someone else's than my own.
Oh hello everyone, this is where you were hiding!

As you can see in the signature, our Miss - Dara Tea Maria was born on the 11th of December and was 7.4 lbs, 3 weeks early.

We had not only a bad birth experience (both of us) but a bumpy ride with a baby who was constipated to the point that she had to go into hospital as she was shutting down and became non responsive. They eventually decided she was lactose intolerant and has been on soy since.

She's not 110%, seems the soy makes her gassy and colicky and she's projectile vomited but for now her poo situation seems better so we're hopeful in particular as she's put on weight and is now 1 month and 6 days and exactly 10 lbs today :happydance:

I'm looking forward to talking to all of you wonderful new mummies although I will say I am not the one staying home with her as I've returned to work two weeks ago but her daddy is and he is probably more knowledgeable about these things than I am :dohh:

i only change Ailsa in the middle of each feed unless she poos - shes going 10-11 hrs without a nappy change overnight so changing her every 2 hours or so hun is more than regularly enough!

Does that mean start her with a bit of food so that she doesn't scream but not let her finish so that it's safer to lay her down without vomiting? That's what I do.

Ailsa usually falls asleep while shes feeding so when shes about halfwat rhough and burped i change her bum to wake her up so then she finishes her bottle (more or less!)
Hi girls!

Firstly CONGRATS MIZZE! So happy for you xxxx

I only managed to scroll back a few pages. My god this no sleep is a killer. They feed every 3 hours, and at seperate times, and refuse to sleep in the day. I am a bloody mess!!

Mine have also been stupidly hungry over the past couple of days, my lordy this is the toughest job EVER!!

Nat I bow in awe, managing to feed both at once is an incredible feat! How did you deal with the latching on to start with - Caitlyn and I are better at it now but my poor nipples are definately sore and would be cracked if they werent covered in vasiline all the time.

hi girls! so sorry I've not been around to catch up but firstly Mizze congratulations on baby Caitlyn! So glad shes here for you now! Glad your milk came in hun - mine never did after I lost so much blood after my section so was never able to breastfeed so I'm glad yours did hun :hugs:

Oh Ness I didnt realise your milk never came in. :hugs: A C-section is hard enough an emergency one must have been really traumatic.

Welcome to milk-land. He drains my breasts well most of the time now but I used to wake up covered in milk more or less every morning at the start. Every surface and item of clothing we both wore just got covered in milk. My breasts are the exact same size, how disappointing :p, but it seems they are mainly made of milk ducts rather than fat I guess?

Sooo glad Caitlyn is here, big cuddles to you both and so glad she's being good and letting you catch up on sleep. I don't know about your induction process (will when your birth story is out) went but mine was just awful, I didn't really get sleep in the 3 days before Silas was born so took me about 5 or 6 days before I had managed to catch up to a human amount. He's brilliant now, usually feeds somwehere between 12 and 1am then around 4am then somewhere between 8 and 7. That's fine for me to sleep inbetween, then every 3 days or so I need a nap in the day of a few hours just to keep me sane/healthy.

Emy - thanks, I have a thread on my induction process - basically 5 days and no response - so by the time Caitlyn was born Id had not much sleep for 5 nights so 3 nights on top of it without sleep almost finished me for feeding. Thankfully one decent night's sleep has helped immensely.

So now my boobs are seriously sore and tender - not the nipples the boobs -I assume its normal -its only been 24 hours but just in case - what does mastitus feel like?

Mizze xx
My boobs were a bit sore when my milk came in coz they got HUGE!!
It goes down in a few days tho :)
yes mizze boobs feel hard and sore when the milk comes in. It will be better in a couple of days xx

Thanks for the advice re fenugreek xx
Mizze - they def had some issues with latching at first, and still do struggle sometimes tbh. The first week or so i would SCREAM in toe curling agony from the pain of them feeding. I expressed for 2 days and that break did my boobs the world of good. If you push your finger in under your areola with space for babies lips this shape of the boob makes it easier for the little ones to latch. I also found that me laying back with babies body vertically on top of me was the best position for them to feed.

And with that i am now weaning myself off of breastfeeding! I honestly cant do it anymore. I'm a sty, i cry all the time, i have so much leakage that i constantly smell and am soaked, i have to change my bras 3 times a day, and im just fed up fed up fed up. I dont feel like a human being anymore and dont know who the hell i am these days. I feel im going to sink into PND so feel this will be best for me, as guilty as i feel about it. I know i shouldnt but feel ive been brainwashed by the whole 'breast is best' mantra.

My boy had his circumcision on saturday, he was so brave! He cried when they gave him the anaesthetic to numb the area, but apart from that he was so good, my little monkey!

Also, both babies, Ayden especially, really does sick up quite a bit when i feed him so may be a bit refluxy. I got some gaviscon sachets after the peadiatrition told me it may help. Has anyone else used these? I've used them for the past couple of days, i think hes doing better but not sure, hes still a little sicky but is it normal for babies to sick up a little bit after every feed?


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