Ducky l think Oliver and Dara could be as old, what is his birthday?
Were using infacol, it really does work, we have found giving it about 5/10 mins before works much much better.
just thinking today, when do you change the teats on bottles, and how do you know what to get next.. was looking at them in boots today as they were on offer, i then thought to myself, how on earth do you know when to change them or what to change them to lol
also been offered a tommie tippee nappy wrapper.. are they any good?
3week old immy wide awake in her moses basket, just started cooing and things.. dead cute![]()
How baby caitlyn doing Mizzie?
When MW came out for the 2nd visit she notcied a red blotch on Eva's back and showed me it to keep an eye on. I been checking it every time i bath her and its gotten biger and redder, im pretty sure its one of those brown mole things but its really red, but aint sure if it just hasnt turned brown yet, im going to show it tp the HV on friday and its playing on my mins abit.
LO is terrible at nightI don't think he likes our bedroom - he settles lovely in the living room with the telly on. I've given in this morning and set up camp on the sofa at 5, he's just finished feeding & hopefully will sleep for a bit. I've had 4.5 hrs sleep in two days
Has anyones LO been terrible at night & unsettled at thus age? Did they eventually get nights & days right? Or did you have to do something to help them?
I've started patting him for awhile before picking him up when he's crying because I know nothing's wrong with him. Hopefully he learns that he can settle himself & sleep without mummy holding him all the time![]()
Feeling much better in myself now. Did my makeup yesterday & went for a walk! Got to use my pram finallyit's a dream to push n I can't wait for longer walks
I feel a bit mire in control now & less anxious about slowly but surely
Glad you're doing so well Mizzieouchie regarding the nips! Do you use lansinoh? When I breastfed for awhile I used it & it helped quite a bit.
Right LO is conked outgonna try and get some sleep...even if it's on my uncomfortable sofa!!!
Yes I have one and think it's great. Currently on offer in the asda baby event tooWere using infacol, it really does work, we have found giving it about 5/10 mins before works much much better.
just thinking today, when do you change the teats on bottles, and how do you know what to get next.. was looking at them in boots today as they were on offer, i then thought to myself, how on earth do you know when to change them or what to change them to lol
also been offered a tommie tippee nappy wrapper.. are they any good?
3week old immy wide awake in her moses basket, just started cooing and things.. dead cute![]()
You could always try domperidone - if your doctor won't prescribe it you can get it from the pharmacywow, thanks im struggling to get him to be full at the moment so shall see if this makes a difference!
Hows it going with your weening Niamh off the formula?
Aww Mizze that is so lovely. I didn't get a fecking thing! LOL My DH is very hands on though and settles Rosie after night feeds so should be thankful for that!! LOLYes I thought it was 6 weeks - DH bless him is just so desperate to take her out and about -
I had a lovely card from him today and a Thank you one from Caitlyn for carrying her and bringing her safely into the world - que bawling Mummy![]()
t'was lovely!
Mizze xx
Hope all is ok hunHow baby caitlyn doing Mizzie?
When MW came out for the 2nd visit she notcied a red blotch on Eva's back and showed me it to keep an eye on. I been checking it every time i bath her and its gotten biger and redder, im pretty sure its one of those brown mole things but its really red, but aint sure if it just hasnt turned brown yet, im going to show it tp the HV on friday and its playing on my mins abit.
Yippee for sleep!!I can't believe it! My boy slept 11 hours last night!!! He went to bed at 9:30, woke at 2:00. Back to sleep by 3:00, up at 6:30 and then went back to sleep from 8:15 till 11:15!!!He just went down for a nap too. I actually feel human. I even was up before him today and worked out for an hour. I feel good. I hope he can sleep for me tonight too. One can hope, right?
Aww a bath together sounds lovelyI had my lil man in bed and asleep for 9pm tonightwahoo!
We had our first bath together tonight toowas so lovely! I was a bit chilly sat in a warm, shallow bath but it was nice to play with him in the water, he was kicking away and gurgling at me
so cute!
We play a CD of womb sounds - rosie settles really well to thatLO is terrible at nightI don't think he likes our bedroom - he settles lovely in the living room with the telly on. I've given in this morning and set up camp on the sofa at 5, he's just finished feeding & hopefully will sleep for a bit. I've had 4.5 hrs sleep in two days
Has anyones LO been terrible at night & unsettled at thus age? Did they eventually get nights & days right? Or did you have to do something to help them?
I've started patting him for awhile before picking him up when he's crying because I know nothing's wrong with him. Hopefully he learns that he can settle himself & sleep without mummy holding him all the time![]()
Feeling much better in myself now. Did my makeup yesterday & went for a walk! Got to use my pram finallyit's a dream to push n I can't wait for longer walks
I feel a bit mire in control now & less anxious about slowly but surely
Glad you're doing so well Mizzieouchie regarding the nips! Do you use lansinoh? When I breastfed for awhile I used it & it helped quite a bit.
Right LO is conked outgonna try and get some sleep...even if it's on my uncomfortable sofa!!!
i had a nappy wrapper with Wil - it was great and really handy but i did find the cartridge refils rather expensive - with Ailsa i'm just using asda value nappy sacks!
Hi guys sorry Im not on much I'm struggling to keep up with all the posts plus by the time I get chance to get on a visitor comes round or Ava wakes up and needs feeding or changing!
Mizze yeah hun I got abut 2 or three drops from each boob despite expressing 4 times a day and Ava screamed for ages and got hysterical whenever I tried to latch her on, I tried before during and after a bottle but no joy. Tried to see a bf counsellor but they expected me to get on a bus with Ava and her pram to go to the hospital 2 weeks after a c sec!
Hope you're managing to take it easy and not exerting yourself - I found the first week the hardest and after that I forgot I'd had major surgery and had to keep reminding myself not to do anything. It felt tight when I went to the toilet for about 2 weeks but thats gone, I just get sensitive patches now my infection has cleared up and its still bulgy.
speaking of c secs when does the bulge around yur scar go down? How long til it looks normal again and when can I get a bath? just having showers at the moment!
sam Ava was like that too she still has nights like it where she just wont settle - the health visitor told me that babies have a chemical in their brain thats not released til around 6-8 weeks that tells them the difference between night and day until then thogh you just have to persevere with the long nights hun. I've noticed a big change in Ava since changing to Aptamil Comfort, shes much more settled and seems to be getting trumps and poos out much easier than before as well.
I've just had my caesarean belt delivered its ace! Ava is always kicking me in my scar so hopefully itll protect it from her strong little feet!!
how do you guys measure your water for formula? By ounce or ml?
Do any of you formula feeding ever manage to get a bottle to your LO before they start screaming? I dont know how anyone would manage it!
I go and put the bottle on to warm as soon as she starts stirring or making little noises, but shes usually crying before its warmed up enough - how on earth they expect you to make each feed fresh is beyond me! The baby would be screaming for 15 minutes!!
Awwww i love you new avatars Ness and Anouska!
I can't change mine![]()