December Dreamers 2010 mummies-keep in touch

Not sure if this is related but I read something regarding silent reflux - screwing face up as if tasting something bad during feeds. LO does this - I burp him often (every oz or so) and then when I put the teat back to his mouth he'll pull a funny face :shrug:

I didnt know this was a symptom, but yes, Meadow does this also! :baby:
LO is terrible at night :( I don't think he likes our bedroom - he settles lovely in the living room with the telly on. I've given in this morning and set up camp on the sofa at 5, he's just finished feeding & hopefully will sleep for a bit. I've had 4.5 hrs sleep in two days :thumbup:

Has anyones LO been terrible at night & unsettled at thus age? Did they eventually get nights & days right? Or did you have to do something to help them?

I've started patting him for awhile before picking him up when he's crying because I know nothing's wrong with him. Hopefully he learns that he can settle himself & sleep without mummy holding him all the time :thumbup:

Feeling much better in myself now. Did my makeup yesterday & went for a walk! Got to use my pram finally :cloud9: it's a dream to push n I can't wait for longer walks :D I feel a bit mire in control now & less anxious about slowly but surely :thumbup:

Glad you're doing so well Mizzie :thumbup: ouchie regarding the nips! Do you use lansinoh? When I breastfed for awhile I used it & it helped quite a bit.

Right LO is conked out :happydance: gonna try and get some sleep...even if it's on my uncomfortable sofa!!!

Eva used to sleep all day and then wake all night crying for feeds for the first week, until we started feeding her every 3 hours during the day, then she was content at night, that if she did wake up it wasnt because she was hungry., altho we only did this the first week until she started getting it right that she stays awake durin the day then sleeps at night.
Last night she slept for 5 hours between her night time feed.

Were using infacol, it really does work, we have found giving it about 5/10 mins before works much much better.

just thinking today, when do you change the teats on bottles, and how do you know what to get next.. was looking at them in boots today as they were on offer, i then thought to myself, how on earth do you know when to change them or what to change them to lol

also been offered a tommie tippee nappy wrapper.. are they any good?

3week old immy wide awake in her moses basket, just started cooing and things.. dead cute <3

i think yr ment to replace terats every 2 months as they start to deteriorate. I've just changed Ailsa onto variflow teats.

How baby caitlyn doing Mizzie?

When MW came out for the 2nd visit she notcied a red blotch on Eva's back and showed me it to keep an eye on. I been checking it every time i bath her and its gotten biger and redder, im pretty sure its one of those brown mole things but its really red, but aint sure if it just hasnt turned brown yet, im going to show it tp the HV on friday and its playing on my mins abit.

it sounds like a strawberry birthmark to me, Ailsa has a little one on her forehead, they do get bigger but then they tend to shrink/disappear by the time they're a year old.

LO is terrible at night :( I don't think he likes our bedroom - he settles lovely in the living room with the telly on. I've given in this morning and set up camp on the sofa at 5, he's just finished feeding & hopefully will sleep for a bit. I've had 4.5 hrs sleep in two days :thumbup:

Has anyones LO been terrible at night & unsettled at thus age? Did they eventually get nights & days right? Or did you have to do something to help them?

I've started patting him for awhile before picking him up when he's crying because I know nothing's wrong with him. Hopefully he learns that he can settle himself & sleep without mummy holding him all the time :thumbup:

Feeling much better in myself now. Did my makeup yesterday & went for a walk! Got to use my pram finally :cloud9: it's a dream to push n I can't wait for longer walks :D I feel a bit mire in control now & less anxious about slowly but surely :thumbup:

Glad you're doing so well Mizzie :thumbup: ouchie regarding the nips! Do you use lansinoh? When I breastfed for awhile I used it & it helped quite a bit.

Right LO is conked out :happydance: gonna try and get some sleep...even if it's on my uncomfortable sofa!!!

having a bedtime routine for lo will help to distinguish between night and day. With A we start at about 7pm and bath her and put her in pjs then she has a bottle with the lights and tv turned down and then when shes finished straight into her bed and then thats her asleep till 6am in the morning!

Well im glad to read this, i guess a strawberry birthmark is the best word for it. It kinda comes out of her skni alittle tho like a hump?

Do any of you formula feeding ever manage to get a bottle to your LO before they start screaming? I dont know how anyone would manage it!

I go and put the bottle on to warm as soon as she starts stirring or making little noises, but shes usually crying before its warmed up enough - how on earth they expect you to make each feed fresh is beyond me! The baby would be screaming for 15 minutes!!

Eva Normally is crying by the time iv her bottle ready, Its hard trying to judge when she is going to wake an i prefer to make every bottle freshly, She dosnt have to wait long for it tho, and i normally change her bum whie im waiting for the bottle to cool.
Im hoping to not go back! I don't know how i would cope :cry:

Well it's not easy but needs must. I do have a live camera on her all the time and have my laptop screen split so I essentially see her most of the day and spend as much time as I can with her in the mornings and evenings and all weekend.

MissAma you can just about see Ailsas little strawberry birth mark on her forehead in my avatar pic - it has grown a bit since she was, it started out quite small and just a skin pigmentation but now its raised kinda like a spot and has gotten a bit bigger

I'm attaching a picture of Dara where it's evident, right between her eyes and pink-ish. So relieved to hear it will go away eventually.

I read this before and was rather alarmed....


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Every single midwife ive had has said not to put LO on comfort milk :shrug: the HV even said it as well. Apparently it's like having a cake for lunch for them :wacko: she said it's really startchy. Theyre all so against it and I don't know why...surely it's good if it helps with wind poos etc. Ness, how often does your LO feed on the comfort milk? I find it impossible to get a feed to him before he starts crying as well. He stirs for a bit which gives me time to put the kettle on boil to warm up a bottle but then he starts crying while it's warming up. I used to make every feed fresh and he'd be crying for 20 minutes or so on and off (OH cuddles and dummy). So glad I premake feeds now as he's only crying for 10 minutes max.

LO fed at 9 and took 4oz and then about half an hour/45 minutes later took another 3oz :wacko: surely that's way too much! :dohh:

My HV said not to change Ava's milk but I'm glad I did shes much better on it. I dont know why they're so against it though. But shes my daughter and they're there to advise but you dont have to follow it hun :flower: try him on some it might help.

re feeding I feed Ava on demand, I dont wake her if shes not ready for it as it makes her throw up, she'll tell me when shes's hungry and the health visitor agreed with this, sometimes she'll wake every 2 hours during the day an take 2 oz and then she'll go 4 hours and take 4 oz cos she'll be really hungry, it just depends how shes feeling but long as they're putting on weight it doesnt matter - the cake comment is a bit silly as they need to put on weight :flower:

Do any of you formula feeding ever manage to get a bottle to your LO before they start screaming? I dont know how anyone would manage it!

Don't you feed every 3 or 4 hours? We have it done and hot for her before she screams sometimes, especially in the night, she is still sleepy when her 3 hours are up.

BTW, how many people are on every 4 hours vs. every 3 hours? We can't seem to extend her to 4 as she starts screaming bloody murder after 3 and a half.

No hun as she might not be hungry so cant force her :flower: I wait for her to tell me when shes hungry or she gets distressed if I come at her with a big teat :haha:

Im hoping to not go back! I don't know how i would cope :cry:

Ive no choice unfortunately but to go back - would give anything to be a SAHM but OH doesnt earn enough

Not sure if this is related but I read something regarding silent reflux - screwing face up as if tasting something bad during feeds. LO does this - I burp him often (every oz or so) and then when I put the teat back to his mouth he'll pull a funny face :shrug:

I don't understand why HV was talking about comfort milk as if it were evil yesterday :shrug: All midwives and HV have said not to put him on it ??

Ava does that screwing up of her face sometimes too and she'll get really fussy and start crying and be a little bit sick then be ok might that be silent reflux?
If i want to stay in my flat with some nice things i will have to go back...but if we moved somewhere smaller etc i might be able to just scrape staying at home!
I just really don't want to miss anything :(
There is so many things i didn't realise we were entitled to that i need to apply for...funny they don't tell you when you qualify for something!
I need to apply for child tax credits but need to register her birth first, I hvent left the house since November ecept to have Ava :cry: I'm so fed up of beig stuck in
def need to register her birth hun cause until u do that u can't claim child benefit or tax credits and every little extra help!!!
Yep! I find it difficult to go out because of Bfing, its starting to depress me a bit tbh!
Im tired, fed up, grumpy and feel ugly all the time!
Just part of being a mum i suppose! :haha:
Yes I find it tough to go out too as definitely don't feel confident in bf in public yet.
I don't think i ever could BF in public...not that i don't agree with it and i do at my familys houses. I am just not confident enough!
Its pretty depressing seeing people who go out shopping and get 9hrs sleep and heres me unable to do any of those things :(
Oooh and hows Lil Rosie doing??
Yep! I find it difficult to go out because of Bfing, its starting to depress me a bit tbh!
Im tired, fed up, grumpy and feel ugly all the time!
Just part of being a mum i suppose! :haha:

Really? I've bf in public almost from the beginning. I decided I wasn't going to be chained to my house. I keep a safety pin on my shirt to pin a blanket up as a cover and I go for it. pinning the blanket is good because it's like having a spare hand.
Were registering Lyra on Friday, we've left it a bit late though! I thought I'd be worried about feeding in public but no one has even noticed I'm feeding her yet! Once they are latched on no one can see anything. Do it sooner rather than later because the longer you leave it the more worked up you will get about it :thumbup:

Lyras started fussing on the boob really badly, she will grunt and squirm like mad but not come off, sometimes it really hurts too. She gums me to death :haha: xx
Where do you do it? I have no idea how i would do it :shrug:
I have to plan my days around his 3hr feeding schedule! So i can pop out for an hour but i feel really rushed all the time :(
I have a moby wrap so mayb i will try in that :)
Just find somewhere you can sit down, anywhere! A cafe is best though becuase it means you can get a drink and snack at the same time. I just unhook my nursing bra, pull it down, tuck a blanket under my top so no one gets an eyeful, then position her ready to feed, whip the top up, the blanket down and latch her. Practice doing it at home infront of a mirror so you can see that you can't see anything : thumbup: xx
in my moby, i lay her sideways.. my boobs are too big to do it any other way.

what do you guys call receiving blankets? thin flannel blankets a couple feet squared. if im not nursing in my moby, i pin one to my shoulder.

i have several nursing shirts that open in the front. if i am wearing one that needs to be pulled up, i wear a cardigan or sweatshirt to cover the back and sides.

i have nursed in restaurants, malls, doctor's offices, my car..anyplace shes hungry. in the moby, i can wander and keep shopping.. otherwise i find a seat and get to it. i have nursed carrying her around, i don't recommend's akward.
Niamh stars smakaing her lips and sucking her hand about 10 mins before she starts crying

Caitlyn is the same - dont get as much as 10 minutes though

I do have mastitis -well the beginnings of it. Boobs are covered in rash :nope::cry:
but trying to stave it off with frequent feeds and some expressing on the sore boob. They arent as painful tonight as last night so im hopeful it will be okay. Hoping to attend a bf group Tuesday for some tips and encouragement.

Caitlyn is definately putting on weight already MW is back to weigh her tomorrow but you can already see it!:happydance:

Have been having pain from C-section -not the scar but from the internal wound - think i over did things. I find it so hard to remember to take it easy and remember i have had major surgery under a week ago. Hating my bulging belly but am assuming its partly bruising and swelling from the op.

Just running in an out - day 6 and we are still getting used to each other! :thumbup:

Mizze xx
Take it easy Mizze I'm three weeks in from a section and I still feel weak and sore now the numbness is wearing off. I had an infection too whichbis common so keep an eye on your scar xx

That's the reason I haven't left the house as I'm too sore and don't feel strong enough to walk far just yet I struggle lifting and holding Ava sometimes! We're going to register her birth a week next Monday just before she turns 5 weeks old
Mizze I've got mastitus from breastfeeding I've had to gradually stop it was too painful. Try to get rid of it without the anrtibiotics from the doctors though as I've managed to get thush from using them and Cobi's also got it in her mouth. Xx
Where do you do it? I have no idea how i would do it :shrug:
I have to plan my days around his 3hr feeding schedule! So i can pop out for an hour but i feel really rushed all the time :(
I have a moby wrap so mayb i will try in that :)

I find it easier to feed in tops that are easy to pull down at the front - I am more of a 'boob out' sort of person rather than putting her up my top!

I have started wearing scarves and using them to cover us up a little bit - but honestly I have bf quite a bit now out and about and it didnt cause an issue, no one even noticed as far as I could tell!

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