December Dreamers 2010 mummies-keep in touch

"Laura baby Niamh is crying, come down stairs"

"Im just having a wee, il be down in a second"

"Tough, stop having a wee. Baby Niamh is crying, you need to come feed her from your boobies now"

I just got told off by my baby brother :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl:

I'm 10 pages behind (which I will probably read) but this is the first time i've been on since the beginning of one of the worse ordeals in my life.

I thought I'd keep you all informed since the support on bnb is always a blessing.

On the 18th, Silas had just woken up for his roundabout midnight feed. He fed for only 5 mins, (which he does sometimes, then another 5 mins in an hour or so) then wouldn't settle. He had little intermitant cries but they didn't last for long and I dosed beside him till about 3.30am, when I decided he should probably take some more feed.

I noticed him arching himself to breathe, and he cried a little, it sounded weak. The scariest thing I've ever been through was to pick his little body out of his crib whilst his chest worked so hard to breathe, eyes half open, white as a sheet. The bit that got me was how floppy he was and I started crying, rang up my maternity ward to check with them - they said to ring an ambulance.

I rang my parents in a state of tears, who rang me the ambulance (I guess I refused to believe whatever was wrong with him could be so serious) and I held him (for the last time so far since) whilst the ambulance arrived.

He was given Oxygen and rushed to the childrens hospital. It seemed like ages before I got to see him, I was a wreck and in my PJs, slippers and a coat. :cry:

He had Xrays and I was told he most likely had Bronchitis. He had an IV in his head and was being given a high percentage of oxygen via a mask, I was told he was too sick to stay on a normal ward and he went off to intensive card.

It took the guts of two hours to get him set up on a million lines and a ventilator, also sedation. At a later stage he also got a catherter. The problem had been with his little nose - they couldn't get the tube up it for his air so it had to be strapped in his mouth. His little face is all covered in tape to hold it in place :(, they had managed to get a feeding tube in however and it wasn't long before I expressed and they started giving him my milk (I was leaking everywhere by that stage and expressed 8oz of milk o_O).

So he has physio twice a day to help get the gunk out of his lungs, one on one care and lots of machines all hooked up to him. There was another little 4 week old baby who had the same thing, he had actually stopped breathing when he was bought in...I'm so glad we were in when we were, Silas was tiring quickly. The other baby had been there a week, but was going down to a normal ward that day - which is encouraging.

He had two ultrasounds donw of his brain yesterday (through the soft spot) because he had some worrying movements apparently, so now the neuro people are involved. The scans looked normal though, which is good - but he's still on precautionary meds for meningitis. I'm hoping they won't have to do a lumbard puncture or a CT scan but it could happen. You spend all the time wishing it was you and not your baby.

I've been down as much as I can, I can't stand being away from him. I feel like a cold zombie and stupidly tired despite having more sleep than i'm used too. I'm going down again now - I'm sure you can imagine what i'm going through. I'm a wreck. A bloody wreck. The only comfort I have is that he's getting my milk so I keep on expressing, I just want to hold him but I am grateful I can touch him and kiss his head. They are taking him off one sedative this morning so the neuro team can observe his movements - I'm just hoping it'll be good news today.


I'm 10 pages behind (which I will probably read) but this is the first time i've been on since the beginning of one of the worse ordeals in my life.

I thought I'd keep you all informed since the support on bnb is always a blessing.

On the 18th, Silas had just woken up for his roundabout midnight feed. He fed for only 5 mins, (which he does sometimes, then another 5 mins in an hour or so) then wouldn't settle. He had little intermitant cries but they didn't last for long and I dosed beside him till about 3.30am, when I decided he should probably take some more feed.

I noticed him arching himself to breathe, and he cried a little, it sounded weak. The scariest thing I've ever been through was to pick his little body out of his crib whilst his chest worked so hard to breathe, eyes half open, white as a sheet. The bit that got me was how floppy he was and I started crying, rang up my maternity ward to check with them - they said to ring an ambulance.

I rang my parents in a state of tears, who rang me the ambulance (I guess I refused to believe whatever was wrong with him could be so serious) and I held him (for the last time so far since) whilst the ambulance arrived.

He was given Oxygen and rushed to the childrens hospital. It seemed like ages before I got to see him, I was a wreck and in my PJs, slippers and a coat. :cry:

He had Xrays and I was told he most likely had Bronchitis. He had an IV in his head and was being given a high percentage of oxygen via a mask, I was told he was too sick to stay on a normal ward and he went off to intensive card.

It took the guts of two hours to get him set up on a million lines and a ventilator, also sedation. At a later stage he also got a catherter. The problem had been with his little nose - they couldn't get the tube up it for his air so it had to be strapped in his mouth. His little face is all covered in tape to hold it in place :(, they had managed to get a feeding tube in however and it wasn't long before I expressed and they started giving him my milk (I was leaking everywhere by that stage and expressed 8oz of milk o_O).

So he has physio twice a day to help get the gunk out of his lungs, one on one care and lots of machines all hooked up to him. There was another little 4 week old baby who had the same thing, he had actually stopped breathing when he was bought in...I'm so glad we were in when we were, Silas was tiring quickly. The other baby had been there a week, but was going down to a normal ward that day - which is encouraging.

He had two ultrasounds donw of his brain yesterday (through the soft spot) because he had some worrying movements apparently, so now the neuro people are involved. The scans looked normal though, which is good - but he's still on precautionary meds for meningitis. I'm hoping they won't have to do a lumbard puncture or a CT scan but it could happen. You spend all the time wishing it was you and not your baby.

I've been down as much as I can, I can't stand being away from him. I feel like a cold zombie and stupidly tired despite having more sleep than i'm used too. I'm going down again now - I'm sure you can imagine what i'm going through. I'm a wreck. A bloody wreck. The only comfort I have is that he's getting my milk so I keep on expressing, I just want to hold him but I am grateful I can touch him and kiss his head. They are taking him off one sedative this morning so the neuro team can observe his movements - I'm just hoping it'll be good news today.


Omg hun, how horrible!!!! Massive hugs to you and Silas :hugs::hugs::hugs: stay strong hun, we're all here for you :hugs:
Mizze I've got mastitus from breastfeeding I've had to gradually stop it was too painful. Try to get rid of it without the anrtibiotics from the doctors though as I've managed to get thush from using them and Cobi's also got it in her mouth. Xx

Oh lord, how nasty for you both :hugs:

Well so far the frequent feeding is staveing off full blown mastitis - I have LOTS of lovely rash (bleugh!) but my boobs arent really sore, rash isnt itchy either and feeding isnt painful, - just on the one boob where the nipple is so sore - we have nailed the other side nicely though and im expressing every so often on the bad boob to give it some relief without my gummy monster attaching to it. Just fed her from both boobs and drained them both. Sore boob wasnt too bad, but the position I am in when the latching is okay is hell on my back. Good boob was fine though.

However TMI, TMI, TMI alert - I have developed a rash at the top of my thighs into my pubic hair line - originally I think it was a heat/sweat/pad rash but its infected in parts I have noticed and I SMELL. Thankfully midwife is due soon - do not envy her that part of her job! But I might need antibiotics to clear up both infections - hope not - am hoping savlon and frequent feeds will sort them out.

C-section scar seems okay but belly above it is a bit tight and sore - managed to really hurt myself last night - since I was lying on the sofa at the time I have no idea how I did it but, feck me it hurt.

I feel like from boobs to foof im a smelly, sore, rashy mess :(

However, Caitlyn fed like a demon at 10pm last night and woke only at 1.20 am and 6.30am for feeding so I managed some real sleep :happydance::happydance:

No visitors today!! Not even my Mum so nice peaceful day on sofa determindely not doing chores. Baby fed and asleep in her cot and im going to take it easy.

Ness :hugs: for the infection - ow ow ow - I am keeping to the hospital mw advice and using a seperate dry flannel to dry the scar with - she said so many infections they see are from inadvertent transfer when drying yourself from other parts of the body to the scar. Dunno whether that helps but am doing it anyway. Then chucking the flannel in the wash straight away.

Hope everyone is well. Caitlyn is now 1 week old - am desperate to see what her weight is today.

Feeling a tad upset by MIL - Who is a lovely woman but not always tactful.

She, DH and his sisters have a hearing problem - DH's didnt kick in until he was an adult - its basically gradual loss of hearing over time. So id always assumed it was something that might hit her in adulthood but with years of advances in between then and now I didnt worry too much - its too far in the future. I have crappy eye sight and if she gets that well, glasses, contact and laser treatment are all available.

Turns out DH's sisters and his mother's hearing all started to deteriorate in their childhoods (DH is the youngest child) with 1 sister being diagnosed at 5 - I got a long moan about how awful it is not to hear, how mean the other children were to DH's sister, how she refused then to wear the hearing aid because of it, how its blighted Mil's social life to the point she refuses nearly all invites because even with the hearing aid she cant hear. How DH's other sister has it all in front of her and thank god none of HER children have the condition. Now MIL is a nice woman but rather relentlessly negative at times but my god by the end of it I was desperate for DH to take her home so I could have a good cry about my daughters potentially blighted life. DH didnt hear her but did sensibly point out that neither he nor his sister's would recognise their lives as being blighted and that his Mum does use the deafness as a reason not to socialise rather than the other way round but still - im a bit shell shocked and will be a nervous wreck at every hearing test from now on. :nope::nope:

Sorry this turned into a mammoth post!

Mizze xx
Hey girls i really need some advice/help...

Imogen has started.. well i think having nightmares or something...
she suddenly screams in her sleep, and when i say scream, its high pitched really really loud (louder then her usual cry for food) last a few seconds then suddenly shes fine again...

i dont know why the hell its started happening... shes done it about 4 time now (not alot i know but its enough to upset me and make me wonder) but nothing ever bad has happened to her to make her scared of anything... so why the raqndome screams in her sleep....

I'm 10 pages behind (which I will probably read) but this is the first time i've been on since the beginning of one of the worse ordeals in my life.

I thought I'd keep you all informed since the support on bnb is always a blessing.

On the 18th, Silas had just woken up for his roundabout midnight feed. He fed for only 5 mins, (which he does sometimes, then another 5 mins in an hour or so) then wouldn't settle. He had little intermitant cries but they didn't last for long and I dosed beside him till about 3.30am, when I decided he should probably take some more feed.

I noticed him arching himself to breathe, and he cried a little, it sounded weak. The scariest thing I've ever been through was to pick his little body out of his crib whilst his chest worked so hard to breathe, eyes half open, white as a sheet. The bit that got me was how floppy he was and I started crying, rang up my maternity ward to check with them - they said to ring an ambulance.

I rang my parents in a state of tears, who rang me the ambulance (I guess I refused to believe whatever was wrong with him could be so serious) and I held him (for the last time so far since) whilst the ambulance arrived.

He was given Oxygen and rushed to the childrens hospital. It seemed like ages before I got to see him, I was a wreck and in my PJs, slippers and a coat. :cry:

He had Xrays and I was told he most likely had Bronchitis. He had an IV in his head and was being given a high percentage of oxygen via a mask, I was told he was too sick to stay on a normal ward and he went off to intensive card.

It took the guts of two hours to get him set up on a million lines and a ventilator, also sedation. At a later stage he also got a catherter. The problem had been with his little nose - they couldn't get the tube up it for his air so it had to be strapped in his mouth. His little face is all covered in tape to hold it in place :(, they had managed to get a feeding tube in however and it wasn't long before I expressed and they started giving him my milk (I was leaking everywhere by that stage and expressed 8oz of milk o_O).

So he has physio twice a day to help get the gunk out of his lungs, one on one care and lots of machines all hooked up to him. There was another little 4 week old baby who had the same thing, he had actually stopped breathing when he was bought in...I'm so glad we were in when we were, Silas was tiring quickly. The other baby had been there a week, but was going down to a normal ward that day - which is encouraging.

He had two ultrasounds donw of his brain yesterday (through the soft spot) because he had some worrying movements apparently, so now the neuro people are involved. The scans looked normal though, which is good - but he's still on precautionary meds for meningitis. I'm hoping they won't have to do a lumbard puncture or a CT scan but it could happen. You spend all the time wishing it was you and not your baby.

I've been down as much as I can, I can't stand being away from him. I feel like a cold zombie and stupidly tired despite having more sleep than i'm used too. I'm going down again now - I'm sure you can imagine what i'm going through. I'm a wreck. A bloody wreck. The only comfort I have is that he's getting my milk so I keep on expressing, I just want to hold him but I am grateful I can touch him and kiss his head. They are taking him off one sedative this morning so the neuro team can observe his movements - I'm just hoping it'll be good news today.


Oh my darling girl. You poor poor thing and Silas you poor little sweetheart. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: to you both. Keep going hon, you have got him into the best possible place and really quickly too. Its every parent's nightmare and you did so well to get him to hospital. It must be terribly scary but all the best care will be taken of him until he gets better again.

Mizze xx

I'm 10 pages behind (which I will probably read) but this is the first time i've been on since the beginning of one of the worse ordeals in my life.

I thought I'd keep you all informed since the support on bnb is always a blessing.

On the 18th, Silas had just woken up for his roundabout midnight feed. He fed for only 5 mins, (which he does sometimes, then another 5 mins in an hour or so) then wouldn't settle. He had little intermitant cries but they didn't last for long and I dosed beside him till about 3.30am, when I decided he should probably take some more feed.

I noticed him arching himself to breathe, and he cried a little, it sounded weak. The scariest thing I've ever been through was to pick his little body out of his crib whilst his chest worked so hard to breathe, eyes half open, white as a sheet. The bit that got me was how floppy he was and I started crying, rang up my maternity ward to check with them - they said to ring an ambulance.

I rang my parents in a state of tears, who rang me the ambulance (I guess I refused to believe whatever was wrong with him could be so serious) and I held him (for the last time so far since) whilst the ambulance arrived.

He was given Oxygen and rushed to the childrens hospital. It seemed like ages before I got to see him, I was a wreck and in my PJs, slippers and a coat. :cry:

He had Xrays and I was told he most likely had Bronchitis. He had an IV in his head and was being given a high percentage of oxygen via a mask, I was told he was too sick to stay on a normal ward and he went off to intensive card.

It took the guts of two hours to get him set up on a million lines and a ventilator, also sedation. At a later stage he also got a catherter. The problem had been with his little nose - they couldn't get the tube up it for his air so it had to be strapped in his mouth. His little face is all covered in tape to hold it in place :(, they had managed to get a feeding tube in however and it wasn't long before I expressed and they started giving him my milk (I was leaking everywhere by that stage and expressed 8oz of milk o_O).

So he has physio twice a day to help get the gunk out of his lungs, one on one care and lots of machines all hooked up to him. There was another little 4 week old baby who had the same thing, he had actually stopped breathing when he was bought in...I'm so glad we were in when we were, Silas was tiring quickly. The other baby had been there a week, but was going down to a normal ward that day - which is encouraging.

He had two ultrasounds donw of his brain yesterday (through the soft spot) because he had some worrying movements apparently, so now the neuro people are involved. The scans looked normal though, which is good - but he's still on precautionary meds for meningitis. I'm hoping they won't have to do a lumbard puncture or a CT scan but it could happen. You spend all the time wishing it was you and not your baby.

I've been down as much as I can, I can't stand being away from him. I feel like a cold zombie and stupidly tired despite having more sleep than i'm used too. I'm going down again now - I'm sure you can imagine what i'm going through. I'm a wreck. A bloody wreck. The only comfort I have is that he's getting my milk so I keep on expressing, I just want to hold him but I am grateful I can touch him and kiss his head. They are taking him off one sedative this morning so the neuro team can observe his movements - I'm just hoping it'll be good news today.


omg hunny! :hugs: poor wee man. stay strong ur in the best place for him.
Oh gosh thats awful!!
I hope he is better soon!
Lots of :hugs: for you both!
Mizze the rash on your legs, just sounds like a fungal infection from sweat, iv had it once or twice. You can get cream for it but it goes away just as quick if you keep it clean and dry,I shower twice a day whe iv got it but that might be hard after your section.
Freddie screams/crys in his sleep too....then stops and is still asleep.
I think its just something they do :shrug:
thinking of you and silas emydra hope he is better real soon, can not imagine what you are going through hun xx
Googli - Cant help particularly but im assuming its a brand new noise - I imagine its frightening for you but that Immy isnt aware of it at all. :hug:

Mizze xx
It's 6'weeks to register the birth here I've had section and infection so can't leave the house yet but going to register when Ava is 5 weeks

James went and registered Ailsa when she was a week and a half - I was going to go as well but it too slippy, snowy and cold¬!!
I have no idea what happens if you don't get them registered in time but i do know that if you don't claim child benefit and tax credits before a certain amount of time then you lose out as they will only back date it a certain amount of time.

Me and OH arent married so he cant go we have to go together. You have 3 months from LO's date of birth to claim so I've got til Marh - plenty of time!

You have 6 weeks to register the birth :thumbup:

Thanks, I'll take a look :flower:

Charlie seems to whinge and then fart and then stop having a cry. Do you guys think that his gas could be causing him pain? He randomly cries, especially after having a bottle. Is that colic if it's farts, or is colic burps? Does comfort milk aid the gas? His farts don't smell at all though, and he's pooping every 2-3 days - I got a lovely big wet green one at 4am this morning :sick:

Charlie sounds so much like Ava hun - the comfort doesnt stop the wind pains really just the inconsolable crying from colic but Ava makes lots of fuss and cries when she has wind, I'll be using gripe water as of next week when she's one month old. That helps with the griping pains caused by wind.

Ava fusses and cries while shes having a feed sometimes and wants her bottle but cries while she's feeding and gets herself all worked up, then she poos and farts and is fine again.

Freddie screams/crys in his sleep too....then stops and is still asleep.
I think its just something they do :shrug:

Yeah Ava does this too
EmyDra my god sending so many :hugs: to you and silas I cant imagine how upset and worried you must be xxx
Emydra so sorry to hear silas is so ill, hope he's better and home soon
Nice to see you on bnb sammi, hows madden?

Thanks chloe! Madden is good, he's a right chunky monkey now at 11lb 9! He's almost over his cold too which is good! How's Freddie?
thinking of you and silas emydra, yr in the best place and i'm sure he'll b better and back home with u real soon :hug:

Hey girls i really need some advice/help...

Imogen has started.. well i think having nightmares or something...
she suddenly screams in her sleep, and when i say scream, its high pitched really really loud (louder then her usual cry for food) last a few seconds then suddenly shes fine again...

i dont know why the hell its started happening... shes done it about 4 time now (not alot i know but its enough to upset me and make me wonder) but nothing ever bad has happened to her to make her scared of anything... so why the raqndome screams in her sleep....

Ailsa does it occassionally to - think its wind/griping pains cause i pick her up when she does it put her over my shouldre and then she burps!
Thanks, I'll take a look :flower:

Charlie seems to whinge and then fart and then stop having a cry. Do you guys think that his gas could be causing him pain? He randomly cries, especially after having a bottle. Is that colic if it's farts, or is colic burps? Does comfort milk aid the gas? His farts don't smell at all though, and he's pooping every 2-3 days - I got a lovely big wet green one at 4am this morning :sick:

How much do you feed him in oz? could be he needs burped every oz or more?

"Laura baby Niamh is crying, come down stairs"

"Im just having a wee, il be down in a second"

"Tough, stop having a wee. Baby Niamh is crying, you need to come feed her from your boobies now"

I just got told off by my baby brother :rofl:

love it!


I'm 10 pages behind (which I will probably read) but this is the first time i've been on since the beginning of one of the worse ordeals in my life.

I thought I'd keep you all informed since the support on bnb is always a blessing.

On the 18th, Silas had just woken up for his roundabout midnight feed. He fed for only 5 mins, (which he does sometimes, then another 5 mins in an hour or so) then wouldn't settle. He had little intermitant cries but they didn't last for long and I dosed beside him till about 3.30am, when I decided he should probably take some more feed.

I noticed him arching himself to breathe, and he cried a little, it sounded weak. The scariest thing I've ever been through was to pick his little body out of his crib whilst his chest worked so hard to breathe, eyes half open, white as a sheet. The bit that got me was how floppy he was and I started crying, rang up my maternity ward to check with them - they said to ring an ambulance.

I rang my parents in a state of tears, who rang me the ambulance (I guess I refused to believe whatever was wrong with him could be so serious) and I held him (for the last time so far since) whilst the ambulance arrived.

He was given Oxygen and rushed to the childrens hospital. It seemed like ages before I got to see him, I was a wreck and in my PJs, slippers and a coat. :cry:

He had Xrays and I was told he most likely had Bronchitis. He had an IV in his head and was being given a high percentage of oxygen via a mask, I was told he was too sick to stay on a normal ward and he went off to intensive card.

It took the guts of two hours to get him set up on a million lines and a ventilator, also sedation. At a later stage he also got a catherter. The problem had been with his little nose - they couldn't get the tube up it for his air so it had to be strapped in his mouth. His little face is all covered in tape to hold it in place :(, they had managed to get a feeding tube in however and it wasn't long before I expressed and they started giving him my milk (I was leaking everywhere by that stage and expressed 8oz of milk o_O).

So he has physio twice a day to help get the gunk out of his lungs, one on one care and lots of machines all hooked up to him. There was another little 4 week old baby who had the same thing, he had actually stopped breathing when he was bought in...I'm so glad we were in when we were, Silas was tiring quickly. The other baby had been there a week, but was going down to a normal ward that day - which is encouraging.

He had two ultrasounds donw of his brain yesterday (through the soft spot) because he had some worrying movements apparently, so now the neuro people are involved. The scans looked normal though, which is good - but he's still on precautionary meds for meningitis. I'm hoping they won't have to do a lumbard puncture or a CT scan but it could happen. You spend all the time wishing it was you and not your baby.

I've been down as much as I can, I can't stand being away from him. I feel like a cold zombie and stupidly tired despite having more sleep than i'm used too. I'm going down again now - I'm sure you can imagine what i'm going through. I'm a wreck. A bloody wreck. The only comfort I have is that he's getting my milk so I keep on expressing, I just want to hold him but I am grateful I can touch him and kiss his head. They are taking him off one sedative this morning so the neuro team can observe his movements - I'm just hoping it'll be good news today.


Oh gosh, all i can say is your a very brave women, And and im sure your family are supporting you through it. Silas is lucky to have a mummy like you! :hugs::hugs:

Hey girls i really need some advice/help...

Imogen has started.. well i think having nightmares or something...
she suddenly screams in her sleep, and when i say scream, its high pitched really really loud (louder then her usual cry for food) last a few seconds then suddenly shes fine again...

i dont know why the hell its started happening... shes done it about 4 time now (not alot i know but its enough to upset me and make me wonder) but nothing ever bad has happened to her to make her scared of anything... so why the raqndome screams in her sleep....

Could be just pains in her wee belly, ino sometimes when i pick Eva up when she has a wee groan she burps even tho iv thought iv gotten all her wind up :thumbup:

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