Lozzy your so harsh about yourself! Im sure it wasn't bad at all!
I am a stripey saggy milky mess
I am a stripey saggy milky mess

However TMI, TMI, TMI alert - I have developed a rash at the top of my thighs into my pubic hair line - originally I think it was a heat/sweat/pad rash but its infected in parts I have noticed and I SMELL. Thankfully midwife is due soon - do not envy her that part of her job! But I might need antibiotics to clear up both infections - hope not - am hoping savlon and frequent feeds will sort them out.
Turns out DH's sisters and his mother's hearing all started to deteriorate in their childhoods (DH is the youngest child) with 1 sister being diagnosed at 5 - I got a long moan about how awful it is not to hear, how mean the other children were to DH's sister, how she refused then to wear the hearing aid because of it, how its blighted Mil's social life to the point she refuses nearly all invites because even with the hearing aid she cant hear. How DH's other sister has it all in front of her and thank god none of HER children have the condition. Now MIL is a nice woman but rather relentlessly negative at times but my god by the end of it I was desperate for DH to take her home so I could have a good cry about my daughters potentially blighted life. DH didnt hear her but did sensibly point out that neither he nor his sister's would recognise their lives as being blighted and that his Mum does use the deafness as a reason not to socialise rather than the other way round but still - im a bit shell shocked and will be a nervous wreck at every hearing test from now on.
Sorry this turned into a mammoth post!
Mizze xx
On the 'TMI' front it sounds identical to what I had. The smell was crazy and I rang up about it but no one was bothered. The 'rash' is more like a discoloured messed up bit of skin which my mum has says she still has - I assumed it was from the delivery...but maybe not?
I was really itchy too and started treating myself for thrush - that seemed to work well. So I had thrush and a UTI
On the other front, times have changed - even if (God forbid) Caitlyn did have a gradual hearing loss, everywhere is a lot more diverse and accepting. I reckon she'd be fine. So long as everyone remained positive etc and your MIL cheered up a bit.
On the other note, if it is genetic, even if it was a dominant gene it would give her the maximum chance of getting it 50/50, it it's not a dominant gene chances are she would be completely unaffected forever.
But it doesn't help with it being discussed all the time and isn't the sort of thing a new mummy needs to hearx
Here is a pic of the red blotch on Eva's back, im so glad we have HV tomoz so i can show her it.
MIL n FIL arrive here in the morning from manchester to stay with us for 4 days, Kinda dreading it but could be better than im thinking![]()
Did she have it from birth or has it just appeared? Sure the HV will put your mind at ease anyway
Anyone's baby making serious grunting noises all the time? She sounds like a trucker straining to poo! Or what I imagine a 40 year old 200 lbs trucker having a poo sounds like. And she does this to various degrees almost all day and sometimes even while she sleeps!
Yes - though i'm sure you don't want to hear that from me! He's done it right from birth though so I assume it's not related to his current aliments. They do suspect that possibly his left nostil doesn't actually go all the way back which they have given as an explanation for the grunting/snuffling, apparently it's relatively common, when babies have both nostiles like that they notice straight away, but just one can take years before anyone notices! You could ask just in case - it's probably a-ok but it'll confirm you don't have that to worry about. Some babies are just grunty I think!
Hey girls i really need some advice/help...
Imogen has started.. well i think having nightmares or something...
she suddenly screams in her sleep, and when i say scream, its high pitched really really loud (louder then her usual cry for food) last a few seconds then suddenly shes fine again...
i dont know why the hell its started happening... shes done it about 4 time now (not alot i know but its enough to upset me and make me wonder) but nothing ever bad has happened to her to make her scared of anything... so why the raqndome screams in her sleep....
Also have got wierd one-off noises in the night like screams, but he tends to go straight back to sleep like he doesn't notice. No idea, anyone elses LO do this?
Can PND start at any time?
Ive just started feeling really down on myself and sad all the time (probably doesn't help not being able to go out much!)...not sure if its just normal tho![]()
Not harsh just truthfull lol the joys of being a size 22.
LO hasn't pood in ages :/ it's coming up to two days now. I gave him 1oz of water the night before last and last night but it doesn't seem to be soon anything. He's really farting loads toowhat can I do?
Congrats everyone who's babies are putting on weight![]()
I feel much the same hun xxCan PND start at any time?
Ive just started feeling really down on myself and sad all the time (probably doesn't help not being able to go out much!)...not sure if its just normal tho![]()
Does anyone else feel embarrassed about their body in front of their OH??
I used to not care, but ive not let him even see my tummy since i gave birth! I look disgusting![]()
I'm 10 pages behind (which I will probably read) but this is the first time i've been on since the beginning of one of the worse ordeals in my life.
I thought I'd keep you all informed since the support on bnb is always a blessing.
On the 18th, Silas had just woken up for his roundabout midnight feed. He fed for only 5 mins, (which he does sometimes, then another 5 mins in an hour or so) then wouldn't settle. He had little intermitant cries but they didn't last for long and I dosed beside him till about 3.30am, when I decided he should probably take some more feed.
I noticed him arching himself to breathe, and he cried a little, it sounded weak. The scariest thing I've ever been through was to pick his little body out of his crib whilst his chest worked so hard to breathe, eyes half open, white as a sheet. The bit that got me was how floppy he was and I started crying, rang up my maternity ward to check with them - they said to ring an ambulance.
I rang my parents in a state of tears, who rang me the ambulance (I guess I refused to believe whatever was wrong with him could be so serious) and I held him (for the last time so far since) whilst the ambulance arrived.
He was given Oxygen and rushed to the childrens hospital. It seemed like ages before I got to see him, I was a wreck and in my PJs, slippers and a coat.
He had Xrays and I was told he most likely had Bronchitis. He had an IV in his head and was being given a high percentage of oxygen via a mask, I was told he was too sick to stay on a normal ward and he went off to intensive card.
It took the guts of two hours to get him set up on a million lines and a ventilator, also sedation. At a later stage he also got a catherter. The problem had been with his little nose - they couldn't get the tube up it for his air so it had to be strapped in his mouth. His little face is all covered in tape to hold it in place, they had managed to get a feeding tube in however and it wasn't long before I expressed and they started giving him my milk (I was leaking everywhere by that stage and expressed 8oz of milk
So he has physio twice a day to help get the gunk out of his lungs, one on one care and lots of machines all hooked up to him. There was another little 4 week old baby who had the same thing, he had actually stopped breathing when he was bought in...I'm so glad we were in when we were, Silas was tiring quickly. The other baby had been there a week, but was going down to a normal ward that day - which is encouraging.
He had two ultrasounds donw of his brain yesterday (through the soft spot) because he had some worrying movements apparently, so now the neuro people are involved. The scans looked normal though, which is good - but he's still on precautionary meds for meningitis. I'm hoping they won't have to do a lumbard puncture or a CT scan but it could happen. You spend all the time wishing it was you and not your baby.
I've been down as much as I can, I can't stand being away from him. I feel like a cold zombie and stupidly tired despite having more sleep than i'm used too. I'm going down again now - I'm sure you can imagine what i'm going through. I'm a wreck. A bloody wreck. The only comfort I have is that he's getting my milk so I keep on expressing, I just want to hold him but I am grateful I can touch him and kiss his head. They are taking him off one sedative this morning so the neuro team can observe his movements - I'm just hoping it'll be good news today.