I had a feeling there was more too it chick xx
its not what you need right now and hes being very selfish, my OH is the same with his playstation and wants all the cuddles but none of the hard work yet wen I try to tell him the right way to do something I'm criticising him - if they only did thigs right hey?! But I know how you feel me and OH have been arguing a lot lately, a baby is a big strain on a relationship cos its hard work (usually done by mommy!) we're in our 4th week and we're doing much better now though still snipe at each other so it will get easier but he needs to help more with Charlie as he's not just your baby regardless of whether he's working you can always vent here or PM any of us if you need to get stuff of your chest but dont want to say much here - it helps to get it out xx
Thanks hun, it means a lot. Its annoying because I'm with him all day and have started having little routines with LO and really know him best...then OH comes along and just messes it up and does it his way.

why can't things be simple for us mummies, it's so difficult.
It's hard at the moment as well because we both worked for the same company before I went on maternity and the boss has just resigned and we're being made redundant at the end of the month. We were struggling with money as it was, but at the end of Feb we're not going to be able to pay rent, get food, LOs things etc. We're going to have to go and visit the council and see if we can get housing benefit for awhile until OH finds a new job...which Is gonna be hard because the types of jobs he's qualified for/experienced at have shitloads of people applying for them

it's just stuff to sort out that I really could do with out sorting, especially since I'm already struggling with LO
We were doing ok - both on shit wages but still renting privately in the most expensive area ever & had a reasonable food allowance etc. We have a nice car, but the insurance runs out in Feb n guess what we can't afford it

it's little things as well - we need the car to go down to the council etc

it's pretty much in the middle of no where as well, and is ages from a bus stop or train station etc. It just all seems to be piling up and becoming shit
All during pregnancy I hated OH and once LO was born I sorta fell for him all over and to know it's not really returned & 'two years of shit' is just a massive kick in the balls, especially since I think of him as my best friend too