December Dreamers 2010 mummies-keep in touch

Why do babies fight sleeping when they know how tired they are?!?! Took an hr to get oliver to sleep tonight.
yeah emily does but most at nght but i think its coz she is in pain from the colic and reflux, she will start to fall asleep then she pain will wake her up and she will scream non stop for about 10min then fall back asleep and she tends to do this from 7pm-11pm non stop :(
Urgh ill be so glad to have my house back to myself! MIL is so controling! She even came in my room an lifted Eva to give her to me this morning and i was still in bed?????
She keeps sayin i need to feed Eva shorter than every 4-5 hours and she is always hungry? Just because her daughter has a very hungry baby dosnt mean my little girl is the same. She takes her feed prefect for us, she even said she must feed her for every feed? And takes over pushing the pram when we are out, ino she is only here for 4 days and wonts to do lots with her but she is really getting on my nerves, i started getting Eva into a routine during the day and night, thats all went out the window now, back to square one she is really unsettled, BUt she says its because i leave her with wind?
And even had to wriggle her way into coming to HV with me even tho me an OH had planed to both go, no she sent him to the shop, and i thought she was going to wait in the waiting room for us to finish but she just walked on in!
sorry just needed a rant im ready to blow up!
Ducky Eva has done been fighting her sleep tonight, she only had her bottle at 8:45 and didnt go to sleep until 10:55, i wouldnt mind if she just wonted to stay awake its just the crying until she finally nods of.
Why do babies fight sleeping when they know how tired they are?!?! Took an hr to get oliver to sleep tonight.

Charlie does this ALL day recently. He rarely sleeps from 8am-5pm, he gets really clingy during this time as well. Majority of the time he'll sleep for half an hour n then wake up & start crying. He'll sleep for ages in the evening because he's been up all day, I get a massive chunk of time to read (yep started to have me time now! Feels SO good! I did my full makeup & hair yesterday & walked a the 15/20 minute walk to my mums and then back :happydance:

It's amazing how babies vary from day to day :dohh: charlie used to sleep all day & be up all night, then he was sleeping both, now he's awake during the day n asleep at night, he was never clingy before and now he is. :dohh: it's very unpredictable! I think my mums coming round and staying next weekend, so im planning a 12 hour recharge sleep :haha:

When he naps in my arms there's no way my arms can move, and the sofas so narrow it's impossible to turn or anything lol. I'm propped up as well.

OH is buying comfort milk today! Hopefully it helps Charlie and we see a difference.
emy, i hope your LO gets better soon :hug:
hope all you ladies and babies are doing well xx i don't get to come on much now xx
I have a cold :cry:
Also someone decided they didn't want to sleep last night, i feel like shit!
Ness Ailsa gets like that sometimes - usually at her evening feeds, i think its cause shes really hungry but has wind as well so wants her milk but can't take it iyswim! I just have to perserve with winding her until she settles a bit and then she takes her bottle a bit calmer!

We've got a crib thing upstairs in our room for Ailsa which is slightly bigger than a moses basket so that should last her to near enough 6 months, but once she outgrows that she'll be in a cotbed which'll seem massive to her!!!
Also can anyone recommend a good baby carrier that me and dh could use? the bus is hard work with our big pushchair and there is no way i could manage it on my own in case i had to take her out and fold the pushchair up!?

Did u find a baby carrier? I was looking for one and the baby bjorn synergy looked good and had good reviews - just not sure.

OH GOD MIL is driving me crazy!!!!!
I have the opposite problem to you. My MIL is so selfish. My fanily live about 3hrs away so its difficult to get any help and time to catch up. My mom has been up for a week to help and she's had to take time off work. My MIL only lives about 20 mins away and she only pops in when she has nothing better to do and if Zane is sleeping she'll pick him up, wake him up, get him all grumpy and pass him back to me when he won't settle and keeps crying and then she's off! I hate that!

I have a cold :cry:
Also someone decided they didn't want to sleep last night, i feel like shit!
I was wondering how you were. Zane was up every hour and a half last night so I know how you feel. I want to try and catch up on sleep during the day but I find it so difficult to sleep during the day. Apart from taking a sleeping tablet while someone has Zane during the day I'm short on ideas as to how I can catch up on sleep!

Why do babies fight sleeping when they know how tired they are?!?! Took an hr to get oliver to sleep tonight.

Charlie does this ALL day recently. He rarely sleeps from 8am-5pm, he gets really clingy during this time as well. Majority of the time he'll sleep for half an hour n then wake up & start crying. He'll sleep for ages in the evening because he's been up all day, I get a massive chunk of time to read (yep started to have me time now! Feels SO good! I did my full makeup & hair yesterday & walked a the 15/20 minute walk to my mums and then back :happydance:

It's amazing how babies vary from day to day :dohh: charlie used to sleep all day & be up all night, then he was sleeping both, now he's awake during the day n asleep at night, he was never clingy before and now he is. :dohh: it's very unpredictable! I think my mums coming round and staying next weekend, so im planning a 12 hour recharge sleep :haha:

When he naps in my arms there's no way my arms can move, and the sofas so narrow it's impossible to turn or anything lol. I'm propped up as well.

OH is buying comfort milk today! Hopefully it helps Charlie and we see a difference.

I want a routine that lasts for more than 2 days! Tips please! Why are you going onto the comfort milk? Zane is a proper guzzler and the SMA first milk and breast milk I give is just not satisfying him. Not sure what to try. I tried him on the SMA hungrier babies and that didn't seem to do much - he still fed the same times and same amount! He has been suffering with a bit of trapped wind - would the comfort milk help with that?
I can't sleep in the day because noone else will do the washing cleaning and washing up :(
At least lil man isn't ill, im hoping he won't get it as im BFing him :shrug:
I can't sleep in the day because noone else will do the washing cleaning and washing up :(
At least lil man isn't ill, im hoping he won't get it as im BFing him :shrug:

Sympathise with you totally. I have all the cleaning to do mysekf as well and if I don't do it its constantly on my mind along with all the other things that need doing. So if I left all the cleaning I still would struggle to sleep cos I'd still be thinking about the fact it needed doing!

All those antibodies he's had from your colostrum/breastmilk should keep him from getting your cold. I bet he'll be fine.

Hope u have a good day 2day and you start to feel a little better.

Oh I've been taking a tonic that my mom and nan swear by. It s called bio strath elixir from holland and barrett and I'm sure its helping me to keep going despite the tiredness. Tastes nasty and its a bit pricey but I think its done me the world of good.
I used to take that when i was in the "going out getting drunk every night stage!"
It used to help me feel a bit better and go to work in the morning!
It gets easier tho, your LO is only 3 weeks! (even tho F was better as a newborn! :dohh:)
FX our LO's start sleeping more :)
have kinda given up on the baby carrier thing for the minute all the ones I like are sooo expensive and it doesn't seem worth foring out around 80 quid for something that'll only last another 4 months! So gonna wait and get a backpack one forwhen shes 6 months and just cope with the pram for the time being!

The routine will come with time - hes still very young - Ailsa has really only settled into a proper stable routine in the last couple of weeks or so. I do think it makes a difference her being my 2nd mind cause she has had to adjust and fit in with our eisting routine to a point as obviously William needs to be at school and picked up at a certain time so Ailsa has had to fit in withi this.
Zana - Charlie seems to cry & be fussy after eating, and he strains. I can hear bubbles/gas in his tummy as well & he seems to be in pain when he strains to get the gas out. He literally farts like crazy when he can get it out lol. I'm just putting him on comfort milk to see if it helps his gas. It doesn't smell or anything but it must be causing him discomfort. Infacol has helped a bit, but he's still fussy. Comfort milk is parially digested which makes it easier on their digestive system etc and is designed to help colic and constipation.

Charlie is hungry too! At 6am he's had 4oz, 8am 2oz, and 11 - just a moment ago - guzzled 4oz. Think I'm gonna have to make up 5oz bottles now. The comfort milk is a bit thicker than normal milk so it might keep him a bit more satisfied.

I think you're supposed to allow 2 weeks to notice proper difference when you switch milks. HV advised against hungry milk because it's starchy, but HVs have told me loads of stuff that's made me question them. Try comfort milk maybe? Or keep him on hungry milk for 2+ weeks and see if it's better? How much is he drinking?
have kinda given up on the baby carrier thing for the minute all the ones I like are sooo expensive and it doesn't seem worth foring out around 80 quid for something that'll only last another 4 months! So gonna wait and get a backpack one forwhen shes 6 months and just cope with the pram for the time being!

The routine will come with time - hes still very young - Ailsa has really only settled into a proper stable routine in the last couple of weeks or so. I do think it makes a difference her being my 2nd mind cause she has had to adjust and fit in with our eisting routine to a point as obviously William needs to be at school and picked up at a certain time so Ailsa has had to fit in withi this.
Not sure howmuch is too much for you but this is the one I was thinking of:

Zana - Charlie seems to cry & be fussy after eating, and he strains. I can hear bubbles/gas in his tummy as well & he seems to be in pain when he strains to get the gas out. He literally farts like crazy when he can get it out lol. I'm just putting him on comfort milk to see if it helps his gas. It doesn't smell or anything but it must be causing him discomfort. Infacol has helped a bit, but he's still fussy. Comfort milk is parially digested which makes it easier on their digestive system etc and is designed to help colic and constipation.

Charlie is hungry too! At 6am he's had 4oz, 8am 2oz, and 11 - just a moment ago - guzzled 4oz. Think I'm gonna have to make up 5oz bottles now. The comfort milk is a bit thicker than normal milk so it might keep him a bit more satisfied.

I think you're supposed to allow 2 weeks to notice proper difference when you switch milks. HV advised against hungry milk because it's starchy, but HVs have told me loads of stuff that's made me question them. Try comfort milk maybe? Or keep him on hungry milk for 2+ weeks and see if it's better? How much is he drinking?

I breastfed Zane for a week and he was a little trumpet bum! Then started combi feeding as breast feeding just wasn't satisfying him and he'd raher sleep latched on than feed and it was driving me insane as I could be sitting there for 4 hours encouraging him to feed. Started to give him the odd bottle of SMA first milk and his wind started to play up more. I've kept him on SMA first milk for 2 weeks and he seems to be burping easier but he will still wake up with a bit of wind during his sleep. He will have breastmilk (about an hour of sleep/feed) and then as soon as he wakes up again and my boobs are empty he's screaming for more. When he gets it (bottle of formula) he's quiet and happy and could quite easily take 5oz on top of the breast milk he has had! He has taken 6/7oz before now too! He also feeds every 2 to 3 hours.

HV recommended comfort milk but I'm worried he will feed even more as its partillay digested - I could be very wrong thinking this though.

I tried him on SMA hungry baby the last two nights. The first night he fed and slept almost 5 hrs and last night he was up loads. :shrug:
Not sure if it was because the hungry milk didn't work or if his blocked nose (he hasn't got a cold - just a few bogies that are struggling to get out i think:sick:) was disturbing his sleep. I've used the nasal drops this morning but he's still being really fussy while sleeping. I do think the formula needs changing though - just not sure whether to change to cow and gate 1 (first milk) or 2 (for hungrier babies) or give the comfort a go (he's not constipated). He's definitely a BIG feeder!
Just realised I should post this in the FF part of the site!!

*EDIT* Oh I do give him infacol or dentinox to help with wind.
Anouska that's exactly what Ava is like with her feeds at various times too it's so hard to settle her she's clearly hungry but gets worked up and cries

Ava seems to have the same sleep pattern as Charlie, Sam, she sleeps about half an hour then wakes up too crying etc she fed every two hours last night and only took 2oz each feed before falling asleep tried changing her to wake her and everything!!
that baby carrier looks good and i think if i'd thought about before she was born or when she was first born then i would have gone for it but shes 2 months old now so would only get 4 months use out of it so doesn't really seem worth it, the pushchair is fine for the moment - its a bit awkward getting it on the bus but manageable as long as its a buggy friendly bus!!! not that we really go into town that often really tbf! It'll be more for the summer when the weather improves a bit and we start going out walking on the fells again that we'll really need a carrier and by that time she'll be old enough for a back pack one!
I don't have any close friends with babies either. Like myself all my friends are 40 this year and they've all got children at school or older.

I would really like to go to mother and baby class or something but still feeling so unconfident about bf in public. It's jus the whole having to hold Rosie with one arm and then holding the boob with the other hand:shrug:

Do you have a breastfeeding group near? That might help ease you in since every one else is feeding too. Thats the only place that iv fed outside mine/mums/mil house.
I'm not sure on the breastfeeding group. We have our 6 week check up on Tuesday with the Doctor so I will ask her then I think :thumbup:

Cody James born 12/3/10 7lbs 4ozs 19.5 inches long. :D
Congrats :baby:

I don't really have any friends either, just OH really. I used to live abroad so all my friends that i grew up with are scattered across the globe now. My OH's friends girlfriend is due any day now, and I've spoken to her throughout my pregnancy, so hopefully we stay in contact & go out with our LOs. It is difficult though, I sometimes feel very very lonely too. Mother and baby groups would be nice to go to but I'm petrified of going to one lol...just the thought of walking in by myself makes me super anxious...most of the mums go there like every week right? So they must have formed cliques already and I'd just be intruding :haha: :dohh:
that's exactly what I think :hugs:

LO has decided the past couple of days not to settle during the day :dohh: so now he just doesn't settle at all :dohh: Sigh I'm so tired today, had a massive wobbly last night and spent half the night crying & my eyes are sore & I have a splitting headache :(
I really struggle with the lack of sleep. I do lots of crying too. Hope you're ok x

Well i need to get packing, wev got our first weekend away and are leaving in a hour, were going to stay with the inlaws in blackpool.
Have a fab time xx

Why do babies fight sleeping when they know how tired they are?!?! Took an hr to get oliver to sleep tonight.
Oh I know it's sooo frustrating :dohh:

I have a cold :cry:
Also someone decided they didn't want to sleep last night, i feel like shit!
Get better soon hun x
I have a question for you ladies those who are FF.

How many ounces is your LO taking and how long are they going in between feeds?

Chibi has been doing 4ozs every 2 hours. He gets SO fussy from like 5pm on, and there are times where he is just inconsolable! He burps and farts all the time, so I don't think its trapped gas, and we use gas drops and gripe water to try and combat that anyways.

So we're going to try upping a few of his bottle to 5 or so ozs, and see if that makes a difference. But I wanted to see if anyone has any other advice...

Ailsa has 6 ozs every 3-4 hours during the day, has her last feed about 7pm and then goes through to 6ish in the morning.

If hes finishing every feed and still seems hungry after i would def up his feeds and the inconsolable crying in the evenings sounds like colic:

hope this helps hun :hug:

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