December Dreamers 2010 mummies-keep in touch

Hi nat! I agree with chloe you look amazing I look like a corpse right now!

Chloe oh I get ya :haha: must be the sleep deprivation affecting your typing he he!

OH doesnt do any night feeds during the week he does about 2 on a weekend and thats it I'm wiped! Shes asleep now I should really be sleeping too but OH doesnt understand that bottles need sterilising and making up, and before you know it its feed and change time again or I'll be trying to eat in between!

Zana we try to keep Ava awake on an evening but we cant force newborns to stay awake lol if they fall asleep not much we can do and I'd never wake Ava if she was asleep cos she'd scream for hours ha ha
nat you did amazing to breastfeed two babies for 6 weeks dont feel selfish at all you need to be a mommy too not just daisy the cow ;)

After beating myself for weeks about not having any milk for Ava I've realised that as long as she's gaining weight and happy (most of the time lol) thats all that matters and at least your hubby can help with the feeds too xx
Me either Sam - Ava has had me up at 12.30, 3am. 4.30 and 5.30 - now I'm up and awake she's fast asleep! My head is pounding from exhaustion and dehydration as most days only get time for one glass of water :( she cries constantly at the moment! Hope that gripe water helps once she can have it!

She's straining like mad now and won't take her bottle cos she gets distressed while straining. Is it an ounce of water extra I need to add to her bottle to help constipation?

the mw advised us when A was tiny and constipated to add an etra ounce of water to her feeds for 24hrs as newborns won't usually take just cooled boiled water.

and girls it will get easier - i remember the distress and despair and the feeliing of wanting to run away from it all from when i had William, he was very difficult and very hard work, i didn't get a second to myself all day, nevermind eating i couldn't even go to the toilet! it was hellish but it did get better and we did settle into a routine at around 4 months where he would take a short nap around 9/10am and a longer one after his lunch but when he was awake he still needed my constant attention, which is where the baby groups became a godsend!

Ailsa is the complete opposite - shes awake most of the day now but is quite happy laying on her mat amusing herself while i get done what i need to do - i was making beans on toastr for lunch yesterday and marvelling to myself at how amazing that was as there is no way i would have been able to do that when Wil was 9 weeks old! I got so distracted by it that i forgot about the chocolate brownies! D'oh!!!

And i put Ailsa up into her crib awake last night - the first time we've put her upstairs in a dark quiet room on her own awake! she looked at me so sorrowfully when i left her as if to say "mummy why r u leaving me on my own" but she didn't cry at all, chatted to herself for a bit and then went off to sleep! I really am amazed by how good she is and how completely different everything is this time!
Im great...apart from the lack of sleep but im sure it will get better :)
I think your sanity and wellbeing is more important than carrying on BFing and at least you did it for 6 weeks! Thats given them a very good start :thumbup:
Also let me know if your selling your pump! :blush:
Ahh thanks :blush:

I did try for as long as i could, but youre right, as long as the babies are doing well and we arent going mad then thats what matters. I was formula fed from day dot anyway, doesnt seem to have done me any damage! :wacko:
I think tiredness is just something mothers learn to live with!

I am selling my pump actually! Was going to list it on ebay this week. Hoping i can get an ok amount for it as its hardly been used. How much were you looking to buy one for?
Baby won't stop eating! He's woken up every hour n 15 since 5am! He's being so fussy n so grouchy and I'm so tired and thirsty and hungry. He won't sleep for longer than half hour and grunts for another half then wakes up and wants food! If this comfort milk is doing this, then I dislike it!!! He's still crying after a bottle for a few seconds, his farts now smell, and he's not bringing up burps as well after eating. Not a good day. I need like super super super hungry baby milk to keep him asleep for two hours at a time :dohh:
Baby won't stop eating! He's woken up every hour n 15 since 5am! He's being so fussy n so grouchy and I'm so tired and thirsty and hungry. He won't sleep for longer than half hour and grunts for another half then wakes up and wants food! If this comfort milk is doing this, then I dislike it!!! He's still crying after a bottle for a few seconds, his farts now smell, and he's not bringing up burps as well after eating. Not a good day. I need like super super super hungry baby milk to keep him asleep for two hours at a time :dohh:

It will pass, both mine were like this between 2 and 5 weeks. I found that things settle a bit when they hit 6 weeks. Don't worry, just focus on the fact that it won't last! xx
Pm me how much you want :) I need a good one as im planning on carrying on after i go back to work :)
Baby won't stop eating! He's woken up every hour n 15 since 5am! He's being so fussy n so grouchy and I'm so tired and thirsty and hungry. He won't sleep for longer than half hour and grunts for another half then wakes up and wants food! If this comfort milk is doing this, then I dislike it!!! He's still crying after a bottle for a few seconds, his farts now smell, and he's not bringing up burps as well after eating. Not a good day. I need like super super super hungry baby milk to keep him asleep for two hours at a time :dohh:
Its probably just the change of formula. When I introduced formula to Zane his farts had a very eggy smell and his poo was changed colour from yellow to green. It all settled. Now I've put him on stage 2 hungrier milk stuff. I'm noticing a bit of constipation this morning. I let him work thru it and he had an almighty poo in the end! (4orry TMI). I felt ill! I'm putting it down to the milk change and he shud settle.

Baby won't stop eating! He's woken up every hour n 15 since 5am! He's being so fussy n so grouchy and I'm so tired and thirsty and hungry. He won't sleep for longer than half hour and grunts for another half then wakes up and wants food! If this comfort milk is doing this, then I dislike it!!! He's still crying after a bottle for a few seconds, his farts now smell, and he's not bringing up burps as well after eating. Not a good day. I need like super super super hungry baby milk to keep him asleep for two hours at a time :dohh:

It will pass, both mine were like this between 2 and 5 weeks. I found that things settle a bit when they hit 6 weeks. Don't worry, just focus on the fact that it won't last! xx
Just wondering, how did things settle Nat?
Pass on any makeup tips! I've being putting makeup on when I can but I still feel like I look like a troll!
I think I will add an extra ounce of water then Anouska cos shes straining to poo at every feed nd getting worked up and not taking her bottle I'm losing the will to live at the moment, I was sat here crying with her in my arms earlier I just didnt know what to do :cry: she's fallen back to sleep in her bouncer so I'm gonna log off and close my eyes as no doubt she'll be awake in less than an hour and crying and straining again!

She wont take cooled boiled water she has a look of utter disgust on her face when I try to give it to her lol wish I could just get ready and pack up the car and get out with her for the day - stupid effing c-section!! Still housebound 4 weeks after her birth and not left the house since November I'm so depressed!
Me and OH are going out shopping and for lunch without Freddie in a bit!! :wacko:
Don't know how i will feel about it...mum is looking after him for a couple of hours as i expressed some extra! :)
I have just done my hair for the first time in nearly a year!! :haha:
Well they start to feed at better intervals, every 3 hrs like clockwork, which is far more manageable than every hour. They also understand more that night times are for sleeping, daytimes are for play time!

Makeup tips, hmm... For a quick fix, tinted moisturiser is good, or just mix your foundation with your moisturiser, it just evens out your skin tone and adds a bit of warmth to your colour! A dust of blush or bronzer on your cheekbones and some mascara, and that's all you need really. Takes only 5 mins (I put on some black kohl on the inside rims of my eyes too) and I feel so much more human! An eye brightener is really good, ysl touche eclat or the clinique ones are good, just add a few dots to under your eyes and on the inner and outer parts of the eyes and blend in. It works miracles! Makes you look healthy and bright eyed, even if you feel like shit! They are quite expensive but last ages, you don't need a lot at all. I couldn't live without my ysl touche eclat xx
my mums got a week off this week and if she gets all the jobs she needs to do done then she might pop up for a night so dh has said if she does then we should take advantage and pop down the road for a drink! not sure how i feel either - yes it would b nice to have some quality time with dh but i don't know if i'm ready to leave her!
Also dhs parents r coming up in march around dhs b'day and our wedding anniversary and they've offered to babysit so we can go out for a meal! i fell even less happy and relaxed about leaving the kids with them, dhs dad is bordering being an alcoholic and his mum likes a drink as well, i'm sure she wouldn't drink while babysitting but they both smoke like troopers and obviously smell like an ashtray and i'm really not keen or happy about either of them holding her!
Oh ness :hugs: keep trying the water, try laying back and putting her front ways on your chest, it really settles them. Can you take her for a stroll in the buggy? try not to stress too much, I know its difficult but just keep saying to yourself (like during pregnancy) this time will pass! Xx
Yeah. If he's fast asleep between feeds I give it to him straight after his next feed.

I wonder if keeping them up during the day more would help them sleep longer at night - or does it not work like that for babies?? LOL

i do this with Eva try to keep her up as long as i can after each feed, and she started sleeping between 4-6 hours between feeds. Thats all went out the window this past week as MIL had it in her head to nurse her to sleep everytime she seen her eyes open :nope: back to the drawing board. just hope now that she has gone i can get eva back into the routine again FXed.

I'M SORRY IVE DISAPPEARED!! I just cant keep up with whats going on in this thread anymore :( I miss talking to everyone...

I hope you're all ok xxxxxxxxxx :hugs:

Nice to hear from you, have you been out shopping etc with them both yet? how did you find it.
hello ladies hope all is well, its been a while since ive logged on as we have had such a busy week :)

So my little Immybear is 1month :D its gone so so fast. She slept all the way through till 7 this morning :) so maybe me and daddy can start having a full nights sleep again :) (we hope lol)
Been having really bad hip and back pain these past few days, its so bad that yesterday i rang my mum to come help me cos standing up for too long left me in agony.
Me & OH finally have DTD now the bleedings stopped after a month lol.. infact a few times lol!! was really nervous at first but that was soon forgotten hahah. Scared myself silly though, even though i am back on the pill i am so scared that ive fallen preggers again.. i was on the pill the last time i fell pregnant so i am a little cautious of it.. so i am quite scared incase i am :s
Dreading my first period, i used to get really painfull periods, and i am worried they are going to remind me of the pain of labour lol. All this worrying... i should really relax LOL.
Baby weight is coming off nicely too specially as i am still exspressing even though Imogen doesnt have it, she just does not like it. Too used to the formula the HV said.

We left imogen friday with her auntie for the afternoon while we went shopping, suprisingly i was okay with it, i didnt find myself wanting to ring to she how she was or anything :) then sat night my parents had her while we went to a 21st do, and i must admit when it got to about 2am i wanted to ring but i was too drunk to type in the number lol. but she was fine :)

Now going to think about what to cook for tea tonight :/ clueless as to what to do.. Ive finally started eating meat again after 9months of eating veggie stuff :)
Here is a pic of Eva, we went to my mums for sunday dinner, so got her all dressed up, i love it! :cloud9:


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About the water... they do not let us do that here till the 8 weeks mark at least... it's a dab of Lactulose that's the only thing they allow.

Constipation is such a horrid thing, that's what made us end up in the hospital with her at 4 weeks.... it was hard pebbles and tears and helping her with oil and a thermometer every time. Terrible to watch! Eventually they had to give her a baby enema :nope: With us it was the lactose intolerance, she just couldn't deal with the milk, she is pooing -if greenish and with straining- now since she is on soy so keep allergies in mind too.

Here is a pic of Eva, we went to my mums for sunday dinner, so got her all dressed up, i love it! :cloud9:

She's very cute!!!

So this was our fourth night in a row of sleeping through!:happydance: AND she seems to feed more since the HV told us to give her Minifom (an antacid, like Maalox for babies) and she burps so much better:thumbup:
Youngnimum - How adorable!! Such a sweet pic! We've been out a couple of times shopping, went really well! I couldnt believe how many times we got stopped, people asking about the babies, my buggy, the birth :)wacko:). I was told it would happen at the twin seminar i went to but i didnt believe it!!

Googilybear - Glad all is going well with you and immy :)

Missama - im jealous, im excited that they are eating every 4 hrs at the mo! God knows how happy ill be when they eventually sleep through the night!!

Got them weighed today, Ayden is 8.7lbs, Inaya is 8lbs :D


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