F always farts on me too! Makes me laugh!
OHs walked out lol.
I see you say 'lol'....So im assuming its not for good!
I'd usually be upset or angry but I'm so sick of his shit, all I can do is laugh about it - I really don't seem to care. He said he's cancelling his direct debit for the rent, coming to get his telly & his computer & other belongings and said that Charlie will grow up to hate me Can you tell already how immature he is
Usually I'd feel like shit, feel lonely, feel upset if we argued or whatever....really not. Almost kind of relieved. He shouted at me yesterday because he knocked over a can on the floor & started banging around and I said if he woke the baby he could look after him (he hadn't settled all evening). He called me a dick and to f-off and I was annoying him.......right.
Zana, you already know how difficult he is lol, proves that Charlie hasn't made him grow up like we originally kind of thought would happen lol.
Sigh. God knows what's gonna happen now
I put Zane on hungry baby since Monday - he was having almost 8oz of the stage 1 each feed and feeding almost every 2 - 2 and a half hours! HV told me to put him on comfort milk but I couldn't see why when he's not overly colicky or suffered with constipation (I think he did a couple of times).I've put madden on hungry baby despite the hv saying not to, but it was that or up his food to 6oz at 5 weeks old
Hopefully, how old was Juliette when you started trying her on the ebm - DH is desperate to feed her and after dreadful night Monday night I would be willing to try earlier than I originally thought but Caitlyn isnt 2 weeks old until tomorrow.
Mizze xx
Zana it's nice to know I'm not the only one! Finding him quite clingy today hoping it doesn't last!
Zana my HV told me not to put Ava on comfort - funny what some tell you to do and others disagree, think she would rather me have a screaming baby lol
I've managed to put madden down with him screaming for no reason but can't get rox off my feet
I hate it when Freddie gets screamy in the evening...think its a touch of colic, i hate not being able to do anything about it
I've managed to put madden down with him screaming for no reason but can't get rox off my feet
Could he have a bit of wind that's bothering him?
Courtney madden is 5 weeks old today and I put him on hungry baby yesterday as he was after more food after about 2 and half hours, so far he's going a minimum of 3 hours between feeds.