Hi girls just popping in

hon. You sound really strong and sorted and if FOB isnt, well thats his problem. It sounds as though all you are getting is stress from him. Hope it gets better and you get sorted soon.
havent checked back so apologies if i have missed anything big.
Caitlyn is generally very good - night times arent too bad - had a very bad night the one before last but generally she seems to like a good long feed late evening till around 10 - 10.30 ish and then sleeps till around 3.30 the main trouble is getting her back off to sleep - she is a real gulper which means she needs to wind before going back down or she will sick up - takes at least an 40 mins after feeding to get her back off - the other night it was taking 2 hours to get her to settle. But last night was a really good night -asleep at 11 awake at 3.45 and back in the cot bevore 5!! Hurrah.
Mastitus seems to have gone - rash all gone just left with some dry skin - other rash also gone. Just waiting on swab result only but havent felt ill so feeling okay about that.
Feel good today - amazing what 1 good night will do - this time yesterday I was a weeping mess.
Hope you are all okay.
Mizze xx