You can't win with babies lol.
Charlie has been sleeping well these past few nights - he's been going 3-4 hours so I've been getting 2-3 hours sleep (by the time I feed him & settle him) BUT hes awake from 12pm to 5/6pm & I can't get anything done lol.
Nat, I really feel for you hun. Two babies....I can't even imagine how crazy your schedule is. You're doing so well, hang in there
Ness, Charlie does that grunting thing. He'll go half an hour silent and then grunt, strain, squeak...he's really noisy. I think he wakes himself up as well, though he's managed to settle himself these past few nights he's been going 3-4hrs. He's getting much better with his wind though, but it still bothers him. I might try gripe water, can you use that with comfort milk? HV said not to use infacol with comfort as it might be too much.......but what do HVs know, lol!
Charlies taking anything from 3-5oz of comfort milk and he's nearly 4 weeks. He's gonna be a big baby though, his legs are like huge sticks, his feet are massive and his hands are like spades lol. He's gonna be really tall so I'm totally not surprised anymore about how much he eats lol.
I'm always on my iPhone so i can't put a pic of him up

he's so lovely n I've got some great pics of him!
Uh oh, poopy nappy! Must go!