Thanks guys

It was horrible
He's officially thrown out of our house now. His parents came to get him & they were such a massive help & comfort. His dad said he will tell OH not to contact me unless it's to see how Charlie is and he also said he'll tell him to cool off for a few days because I said I didn't want to see him. As long as I'm in the flat, he can't get in, so that's comforting. I'm going to live without him for a week or two - go on a break.
I'm not sticking up for him, but that was totally out of nature for him. He NEVER drinks, he hasn't for over a year - we both hate drink. But I suppose drunk or not, it's no excuse for doing all of that to me when holding my boy. I can take whatever...but what if when he pushed/hit me I fell over and Charlie got hurt? It makes me sick to think about it, it really does.
I don't know what I'm suppose to do. It's a horrible situation. You either stick up for your self n put your foot down, or you take someone back because it's not a usual occurrence. His dad said that when they were driving him to their house he said he didn't remember when his mum asked why he hit me :/
What an asshole though, I was about to call the police. I'm really surprised my dad didn't go for OH.
My mums staying over tonight, which is great. We're gonna get a Chinese n she's gonna look after Charlie so I can get a good sleep & my dad bought me loads of shopping so we have a nice fry up waiting for us in the morning.
Sigh :/