December Dreamers 2010 mummies-keep in touch

Yay Pixxie!

I used Asda own brand with Wil but their active fit ones when he was older and found them great - when he was tiny I always used Tescos own if I didn't have any vouchers for pampers!!
DH swears by Boots own - he reackons they are Pampers!!!!

Well iused boots own when Eva was first born as MIL bought us about 6 packs an then i bought another 6 as i found them really good! And they fitted her well aswell. On my last pack of size 1 huggies, so going to try the asda ones next.

Ducky your post made me giggle, can just imagine you dancing round the house in your gladrags! Lol!

Talking of gladrags, I went shopping and bought some gorgeous shoes yesterday (not that I have anywhere to wear them right now!). Ill post a pic here later, have noone else to show right now, hubby has seen them and babies couldn't care less, lol.

I have an aspirator in my tommee tippee healthcare kit, I've found it really really useful. My 2 get blocked noses, especially ayden, and its helped a lot to get the gunk out. You just have to be careful not to squeeze air up their little nostrils.

Or you could try sucking the bogeys out with your mouth... Yummy!

I have one my mum bought me a baby first aid kit it isnt tomme tippee will have to look at the name, but its the same you squeeze it in at the top, place it in there nose but direct it to the side and then let go so it sucks any gunk out, iv found it works pretty well, but only if there is boggies :thumbup:

lol nikki me tooo!!!

i never get on here now things are crazy just now im soooooo busy now! jack is properly walking now with now help at all so im always running round after him and emily is always wanting cuddles coz she is in pain with the colic and reflux but on a good note her oral thrush is finaly gone!!!!! took 5weeks to clear!!!!!! and is now taking 5oz instead of 3! she was loosing waight instead of putting it on and so hopefully is putting it back on!
me and OH are looking at getting married next year :D things are great im so happy with my little family

hope ur all ok, i miss our long chats about food, spd, mucus plus, cervix checking and sex hahaha seems like aaaaages ago now!!!


Ah bet your having fun now jack is walking, aw i cant wait till eva starts walking, i say that now wait till she has everything pulled out haha glad to hear emily is takin alot more milk now aswell :thumbup:
Me n OH has has been busy in the bedroom 3nights in a row now, but i keep thinkin im going to get pregnant again, even tho we are bein safe!

My mum has put oil in my ear today as i cant hear a thing out of it becuase of this bloddy cold, its awful!
What would you girls do?

OH never drinks, and the one time he does it goes shitty. We've had some heated arguments before, n he'd never never do what he did sober. So do I just brush it aside? Its not in his nature, & everyone knows it's not & was so shocked to hear he did what he did. If he wants to drink again (which probably won't happen for another year - that was the first time hed drank in a whole year since his friends birthday) he's not to come home & stay out. So do you just get on with it and work through it as a couple or call it a day? He's been hiding away since it happened & said he couldn't face the world & felt like shit, & he said he couldn't remember it, n doesn't have an explanation for anything :shrug:
What would you girls do?

OH never drinks, and the one time he does it goes shitty. We've had some heated arguments before, n he'd never never do what he did sober. So do I just brush it aside? Its not in his nature, & everyone knows it's not & was so shocked to hear he did what he did. If he wants to drink again (which probably won't happen for another year - that was the first time hed drank in a whole year since his friends birthday) he's not to come home & stay out. So do you just get on with it and work through it as a couple or call it a day? He's been hiding away since it happened & said he couldn't face the world & felt like shit, & he said he couldn't remember it, n doesn't have an explanation for anything :shrug:

i don't really the know the ins and outs hun but sounds like u'd been having a hard time with him before that little incident.
iys easy for everyone to say to u that there is no excuse for what hes done drunk or not and to get rid of him but its u that knows him and u that loves him but u have a LO now so u have to think about what would b best for him. ultimately its better for him to have 2 parents who are apart but happy than 2 that are together miserable and arguing.
just take soome time out hun and think long and hard about what u want and wants best for u and LO :hug:
I think anouska said it very well.
To others that don't have invested emotions it's easy to say walk away and ultimately is probably the right thing but you need to make that decision.
Violence is never acceptable and you have responsibility for showing a baby how a man should behave too so take time and really think about it.
From your post it almost sounds like you would like to give it another go. At the moment you are still in the thick of all the emotion so just take some more time before you decide either way xxxxxxx
I think anouska said it very well.
To others that don't have invested emotions it's easy to say walk away and ultimately is probably the right thing but you need to make that decision.
Violence is never acceptable and you have responsibility for showing a baby how a man should behave too so take time and really think about it.
From your post it almost sounds like you would like to give it another go. At the moment you are still in the thick of all the emotion so just take some more time before you decide either way xxxxxxx
morning girls - havent read back just this page.

Sam - im guessing about what happened from others responses- serious apologies if I have the wrong end of the stick.

Minus the baby i have been where you are. An ex-oh hit me 1 time during an argument when drunk and I had to make the decision you have now to make. My ex never did it again and we split up 2 years later for unrelated reasons - this is over 10 yrs ago now - At the time I suddenly realised for the first time why women do stay, we had a house, several years together, mutual friends etc etc - was it worth destroying all that for 1 slap.....

I was right in one sense in that it was a 1 time thing I never got hit again or even came remotely close to it. BUT I never really trusted him again - ever - and I was always a little nervous of him if he was drinking after that. He never again got so much as vaguely threatening but in my experience whatever the reason it is almost impossible to truly put this sort of incident behind you. As others have said you were having a very hard time of it with OH before this - this might be an escalation or it might not - I would recommend thinking long and hard about OH and you - preferably while he is somewhere else. Can you get him to stay with his parents for a week or so until you decide what you are going to do. The other piece of advice I would give is - tell people - dont be ashamed and hide it - let him be ashamed. In my case my ex hit me in front of his friends - who were horrified - that actually helped - because they had seen and if it ever happened again I knew I would be believed. I felt safer because other people knew.

There is a very old Latin saying - 'In vino veritas'- which translates as 'In wine there is Truth' - people lose inhibitions when drunk, they dont do things that arent in them already.

HTH Mizze xxx
On another note - why are absorbent breast pads NOT absorbent.

I look like I spilt a drink all down my top!

Caitlyn has a cold and a blocked nose so she is struggling to feed bless her. I have got saline drops from the Dr which seem to be working

I also have - constipation, hemerroids and a water infection but have now got rid of the mastitis and the rash at the top of my legs but will have to have another swab on Friday to see if I have an internal infection

- honestly I feel like a walking infection from boobs to bum! Thank god for antibiotics, lactulose and ibuprofen. I had fewer problems when actually pregnant!

Sorry havent been on much with Caitlyn's cold all routine went out of the window a bit.

Thanks to those who replied re EBM - Caitlyn had her first bottle yesterday - :happydance: took to it really well apparently. DH is delighted -we will stick to him giving her the occasional bottle on the weeked at the moment. But my goodness its a real faff sterilizing etc. But DH was able to take baby out for 4 hours yesterday which gave me time for a really nice long nap and he loved being able to take her out and about with him. Awwwww - a doting Daddy indeed

Hope you all and LO's are well

Mizze xx
Mizze are you using resuable or disposable breast pads? I found the disposable ones crap, reusable are much better but they need to be washed a few times for them to be at there best.
i knowwhat yr saying about sterelising mizze but now were in a routine and shes having 5 bottles in 24 hrs we only have to sterelise once a day now, usually get the bottles washed and in the stereliser ready to turn on when she has her bedtime bottle.

Ailsa seems to have picked up Wils cold germs - she a bit gunky and has a cough but shes still sleeping and feeding and quite happy in herself so fingers crossed! at least shes old enough to have calpol now if she gets any worse.
I'm going to register Charlie on Friday, I should take a bottle just incase, but do I take it cold or warm?
Mizze are you using resuable or disposable breast pads? I found the disposable ones crap, reusable are much better but they need to be washed a few times for them to be at there best.

Lozzy these are washable ones! :dohh:I agree about the disposables - rubbish. My milk flow has evened out now thankfully.

i knowwhat yr saying about sterelising mizze but now were in a routine and shes having 5 bottles in 24 hrs we only have to sterelise once a day now, usually get the bottles washed and in the stereliser ready to turn on when she has her bedtime bottle.

Ailsa seems to have picked up Wils cold germs - she a bit gunky and has a cough but shes still sleeping and feeding and quite happy in herself so fingers crossed! at least shes old enough to have calpol now if she gets any worse.

Wilsmum - I imagine once a routine is established its much easier - its all new to us yet.

I think Caitlyn is through the worst of this cold (hope so) as she is feeding so much better now. Though I am sure the saline drops helped its so frustrating not being able to give her anything else.

Mizze x
I'm going to register Charlie on Friday, I should take a bottle just incase, but do I take it cold or warm?

When we're out all day with Ailsa we take bottles of cooled boiled water with the powder in the little dispensers u can get then when shes ready for a feed we warm the bottle up in the cafe or whereever we are - most places have baby bottle warming facilities and if they don't they'll bring u a jug of hot water if you ask.

i was gonna get dh to get the calpol nasal spray for ailsa but it seems to be more of a cough and throat thing with her atm, she seems fine breathing through her nose while she feeds.
What would you girls do?

OH never drinks, and the one time he does it goes shitty. We've had some heated arguments before, n he'd never never do what he did sober. So do I just brush it aside? Its not in his nature, & everyone knows it's not & was so shocked to hear he did what he did. If he wants to drink again (which probably won't happen for another year - that was the first time hed drank in a whole year since his friends birthday) he's not to come home & stay out. So do you just get on with it and work through it as a couple or call it a day? He's been hiding away since it happened & said he couldn't face the world & felt like shit, & he said he couldn't remember it, n doesn't have an explanation for anything :shrug:

Be best if you both sat down an spoke about it first IMO, but its up to you at the end of them day, but make it clear that you would ov still been happy with just you and charlie if you did decide you couldnt take him back, must be hard for you :hugs::hugs: but do what you think is best for charlie and yourself.

I'm going to register Charlie on Friday, I should take a bottle just incase, but do I take it cold or warm?

I just bought a few cartoon of C&G when i was out, now eva wasnt fussed on it at first but she did take her bottle, i find the cartoons have an odd brown tinge to the milk, but eva has been fine takin them when we have been out n about :thumbup:
Hmm so could I make up a bottle n put it my insulator thing hot and then if he'd need it, it'd be cooled? I don't think registering takes long right? He doesn't sleep during the day so I have a funny feeling he'll be difficult.

So with the cartons, you just serve at room temp? An they keep ok?
Hmm so could I make up a bottle n put it my insulator thing hot and then if he'd need it, it'd be cooled? I don't think registering takes long right? He doesn't sleep during the day so I have a funny feeling he'll be difficult.

So with the cartons, you just serve at room temp? An they keep ok?

yes u could do that hun but made up bottles only last 2 hrs then u have to chuck them hence why we just take water in bottles with the powder measured in a seperate pot.

And the registering doesn't take long, we had to make an appointment to get Ailsa registered but i think it only took around 15 mins, possibly less, i'm nopt sure cause dh went and did it!

you might find that the motion of the pushchair sends him to sleep - ailsa sleeps the whole time shes in her pushchair.

the cartons are quite expensive but handy occassionally, if baby will take it at air temp then great but most want it warmed to body temperature.
Hello :flower: time to read back ladies :nope:

I have booked our flights to Australia, to 'validate' our visas...:happydance: We leave in 3 weeks! :wacko:

Making the permanant move once we have Meadows visa...Which could be up to 7-8months

Hope you are all well....Hopefully I can catch up with you all again soon, properly! :winkwink:
Hmm so could I make up a bottle n put it my insulator thing hot and then if he'd need it, it'd be cooled? I don't think registering takes long right? He doesn't sleep during the day so I have a funny feeling he'll be difficult.

So with the cartons, you just serve at room temp? An they keep ok?

Reg Eva only took us abou 15-20min at the max. An the cartoons are only near 60p from asda, all i do it when she wonts fed pour it into her bottle and give her what she wonts,she will take it cold, but some babies will only ake warmish milk, so im lucky that way, it says not to feed after it bein the in bottle for more than 2 hours.
Kelly thats great news, i hope it all goes smoothly, how long will you be travlin for? an do you no people over there?
I got some cartons but it's not comfort milk, just regular aptimil stage 1. It wouldn't hurt to give it o him if we're out n he wanted some...I mean it'll probably be a really rare thing. I haven't put the cartons in the fridge. So when I go out I just pour the carton into a bottle? Charlies usually ok with taking it cool, or room temp, or hopefully it'll be ok :thumbup:

OH came round to visit and see Charlie. Still a lot of tension in the air, we had a nice hug, but I'm still unsure about everything. We are officially redundant today, so we applied for the JSA thing and said we wanted to see if we could get housing benefit until OH gets a new job. We've applied for it all together though which I'm not really sure we should have done :shrug: I think the company is gonna hold out on redundancy pay as well, so I'll have to get statutory redundancy pay which when I checked last I was only entitled to £40 :wacko: Sooooo didn't need this :dohh:

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