- Butterfly -
Cautiously Pregnant
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- Feb 11, 2009
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Fantastic Lozzy on going to be a peer support worker xx
I got some cartons but it's not comfort milk, just regular aptimil stage 1. It wouldn't hurt to give it o him if we're out n he wanted some...I mean it'll probably be a really rare thing. I haven't put the cartons in the fridge. So when I go out I just pour the carton into a bottle? Charlies usually ok with taking it cool, or room temp, or warm..so hopefully it'll be ok
OH came round to visit and see Charlie. Still a lot of tension in the air, we had a nice hug, but I'm still unsure about everything. We are officially redundant today, so we applied for the JSA thing and said we wanted to see if we could get housing benefit until OH gets a new job. We've applied for it all together though which I'm not really sure we should have doneI think the company is gonna hold out on redundancy pay as well, so I'll have to get statutory redundancy pay which when I checked last I was only entitled to £40
Sooooo didn't need this
hi everyone how are you all?
my wifi hasnt been working so not been able to get on before now but hope babies and mommies are doing well?
I'm exhausted, Ava is still only taking about 2oz every two hours I feel so drained and never get time to eat properly and she cries if I put her down when she's awake. Tried the moby but I'm so petite and its friggin huge so its really uncomfortable![]()
Still stuck in the house when Mark's not here as my stomach is very sore and tender still so cant lift anything yet, and I'm so weak that walking round kills my back and I feel like my scar is really tight and it pulls![]()
Wish I'd been so lucky after all that hard work to have had a normal delivery and be able to get around within a week i'm so fed up and frustrated!
Ava is changing everyday and is a gorgeous little thing but she's a very cry-y baby and colic is crappy and hard work. She can't have comfort milk now as it makes her sick a lot she just throws it all back up, so been using gripe water occasionaly and dentinox in her bottles....
Any tips greatly appreciated lol
Have attached some piccies for those not on facebook xxx
hi everyone how are you all?
my wifi hasnt been working so not been able to get on before now but hope babies and mommies are doing well?
I'm exhausted, Ava is still only taking about 2oz every two hours I feel so drained and never get time to eat properly and she cries if I put her down when she's awake. Tried the moby but I'm so petite and its friggin huge so its really uncomfortable![]()
Still stuck in the house when Mark's not here as my stomach is very sore and tender still so cant lift anything yet, and I'm so weak that walking round kills my back and I feel like my scar is really tight and it pulls![]()
Wish I'd been so lucky after all that hard work to have had a normal delivery and be able to get around within a week i'm so fed up and frustrated!
Ava is changing everyday and is a gorgeous little thing but she's a very cry-y baby and colic is crappy and hard work. She can't have comfort milk now as it makes her sick a lot she just throws it all back up, so been using gripe water occasionaly and dentinox in her bottles....
Any tips greatly appreciated lol
Have attached some piccies for those not on facebook xxx
Ness - a Nurse friend of my sister who had a c-section recommended Arnica tablets, Zinc and Vit e tablets - she took them from day 1 of her section and was pushing her pram around in two weeks! I have been taking them for about a week now and have seriously noticed a difference in pain and tightness levels - not cheap cost me about £20 for all of it from Holland and Barrat but worth it - I have so much more movement and so much less pain.
How is the moby uncomfortable? if you tie it right it shouldent hurt or pull.
What is everyone's favourite or easiest position - got mine two days ago and am a bit flummoxed by it TBH. I really want to use it but am a bit unsure of it even with the instruction leaflet.
aw great news hun xxHello
Again...no time to read back ladies
I have booked our flights to Australia, to 'validate' our visas...We leave in 3 weeks!
Making the permanant move once we have Meadows visa...Which could be up to 7-8months
Hope you are all well....Hopefully I can catch up with you all again soon, properly!![]()
Hi - Kelly, good news - hope you enjoy the "validation" -
Butterfly - Hello :wave: How are you doing?
Caitlyn still unwell - my antibiotics are upsetting her tummy - had 4 very dirty nappies in 40 mins last night and a very unhappy baby - full of wind bless her. Happily she settled down and her overnight nappies were light and she slept better than I thought - its definately a duvet day for us today htough - I have no intention of getting out of my pj's!
Anyone else struggling with clothes -the only thing that fits over my still swollen belly (im so hoping thats partly the c-section healing) is 1 maternity skirt and jogging bottoms. None of my pre preg trousers or skirts fit yet.![]()
Mizze xx
Kelly thats great news, i hope it all goes smoothly, how long will you be travlin for? an do you no people over there?
ThankyouWe are away for 3 weeks! & no, we dont know anyone over there! Just going it alone!
Thanks to everyone else that has wished me well
Mizzie....Meadow is now 2 months old & im still in my big knickers, baggy trousers or leggings, I look so attractive...NOT!
Mummyclo, you have done so well with the breastfeeding & I know how hard it is when you feel self concious, I am the same, even with cover ups...No matter how much you tell yourself, its natural, people wont stare...You just dont wanna do it in public![]()
I stopped at 1 month, because of my terribly painfull mastitus, re-curring blocked ducts , overproduction/engorged boobs, which was really making me un-happySince ive been bottle feeding, I have felt so much happier & no longer in pain....Although my boobies now resemble a deflated balloon
Im getting myself in a right old 2&8!
As you may have read, I have booked our flights to Australia & we are leaving in 3 weeks, for 3 weeks!
I would love to look forward to it, but at the mo' im just getting in a right old stress, what to take, what clothes to buy, how to transport her 'special milk' , how many nappies to take, how to keep bottles sterile on plane etc etc
To top it all off, I still need to find accomadation!![]()
We are hoping to stay in a campervan, but they are so expensive (£3500 for 22 days!!!!) that DH wants me to compare the cost of staying in a holiday rental & hiring a car.....
Arrgghhh....STRESS.....I just wanna concentrate on being a Mummy
I'm out of hossssspital!
Ended up having to stay in for 5 days to feed him after they ran out of expressed milk. It's been a tiring week to say the least, I only really got one night in something which resembled a proper bed (camp bed) and the rest were a mess of wherever they could find a spot. Bah.
I'm getting some little smiles nowand less pooey nappies! I like my little 1 month old! Can't believe he has literally spent half his little life in hospital though
Here's some pics of our little journey. After he had the ventilator out, first cuddle after a WEEK, then the incubator before finalyl getting better and into a crib.
I'm out of hossssspital!
Ended up having to stay in for 5 days to feed him after they ran out of expressed milk. It's been a tiring week to say the least, I only really got one night in something which resembled a proper bed (camp bed) and the rest were a mess of wherever they could find a spot. Bah.
I'm getting some little smiles nowand less pooey nappies! I like my little 1 month old! Can't believe he has literally spent half his little life in hospital though
Here's some pics of our little journey. After he had the ventilator out, first cuddle after a WEEK, then the incubator before finalyl getting better and into a crib.
Mine was at 8 weeks, they just asked if i was ok and then listend to los heart, checked her hips and asked about contraceptin
Courtney I think Ava is the spit of my OH others say shes my mirror image funny what people see hey?
my 6 week check was mainly for A - the dr asked how i was and about contraception and took my blood pressure and asked me some questions from As red book about how i'm feeling and coping etc and then checked A over, listened to her heart and lungs checked her spine and hips etc
Courtney I think Ava is the spit of my OH others say shes my mirror image funny what people see hey?
I had my 6 week check on Friday, all she did was ask how I was feeling, if I was still bleeding, prescribed contraception and had a feel of my tummy. She did want to do an internal as well but I said no because I know everything is ok down there and I have no pain when we DTD and my cervix feels normal again.
OH drives me bonkers! We've just had our Internet reconnected after a month of it being off (switch from virgin to sky) so he's dying to get on call of duty... I sat Lyra in her bouncer and asked him to watch her while I made tea, he said ok, I went off to the kitchen. After 10 mins she starts whining, if he had started bouncing her with his foot then she would have just gone to sleep but he ignored her instead becuase the game was on. So then she starts screaming becuase she's being ignored and he says 'aw what's the matter? You have to wait becuase daddy can't pause this game.'so I shout from the kitchen 'is your game more important than Lyra?' and he goes mental at me! Well you was the one fucking ignoring the baby, t***!